Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 June 2017
Studies were conducted to determine the effects of tillage level on weed control and yield of asparagus grown on a sandy loam soil under sprinkler irrigation. Without herbicides, horseweed and kochia populations increased in no-till asparagus production over a 3-yr period, compared to asparagus that was rototilled either once in the spring or once in the spring and again at layby. Without herbicides, hairy nightshade populations increased most when asparagus was rototilled both in the spring and at layby. Volunteer asparagus was controlled best when herbicides and tillage were combined in the spring and again at layby. Common groundsel was controlled without herbicides by rototilling both in the spring and at layby. Diuron at 1.4 kg ai/ha plus prodiamine at 1.4 kg/ha or metribuzin at 0.9 kg/ha plus norflurazon at 2 kg/ha controlled all weeds under all three tillage levels when split-applied in the spring and at layby. Tillage level had no effect on total asparagus spear number or weight if tillage was performed in mid March before asparagus emergence.