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Research in urban history: new research trends in doctoral dissertations in Russia since 2000

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  18 May 2015

History Department, Central European University, Nador. u. 9, Budapest, Hungary


Urban studies and urban history have, in recent decades, become a booming field in Russia. The most likely explanation for this is the post-Soviet development and transformation of Russian cities. It is not only the demographic growth – although for some cities it has been quite substantial in the last 25 years – but rather the striking changes made to urban space, economy, governance, social organization and residential patterns that have provoked interest in urban research among scholars and the general public. Reflecting this wave of interest, several new centres of urban studies emerged in Russia during the 2000s (for example, the Strelka Institute, the Graduate School of Urban Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the programme in urban studies at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences).

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Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2015 

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1 I discuss the current trends in Russian urban history in more detail in Mazanik, A.V., ‘Kul’turny povorot i rossiyskaya istoricheskaya urbanistika’ (The cultural turn and Russian urban history), in Miller, A. (ed.), Proshly vek (The Past Century) (Moscow, 2013), 223–40Google Scholar.

2 The results of these joint projects can be seen in the Russian-language volumes that bring together the works of both Russian and foreign scholars and Russian editions of books on Russian urban history written by western scholars. For example: Gorod i gorozhane v Rossii XX veka (The City and Urbanites in Twentieth-Century Russia) (St Petersburg, 2001); Brumfield, W. and Ruble, B. (eds.), Zhilishche v Rossii: Vek XX. Arkhitektura i sotsial’naya istoriya (Russian Housing in the Modern Age: Design and Social History) (Moscow, 2002)Google Scholar; Brumfield, W., Anan’ich, B.V. and Petrov, Yu.A. (eds.), Predprinimatel'stvo i gorodskaya kul’tura v Rossii, 1861–1914 (Commerce in Russian Urban Culture, 1861–1914) (Moscow, 2002)Google Scholar; Ilyin, P. and Ruble, B. (eds.), Moskva rubezha XIX–XX stoletiy: vzglyad v proshloye izdaleka (Moscow at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: A Glance into the Past from Afar) (Moscow, 2004)Google Scholar; West, J. and Petrov, Yu.A. (eds.), Kupecheskaya Moskva: Obrazy ushedshey rossiyskoy burzhuazii (Merchant Moscow: Images of Russia's Vanished Bourgeoisie) (Moscow: 2007)Google Scholar; Kolonitsky, B.I. and Steinberg, M. (eds.), Kul’tury gorodov Rossiyskoy imperii na rubezhe XIX–XX vekov (Urban Cultures of the Russian Empire at the Turn of the Twentieth Century) (St Petersburg, 2009)Google Scholar.

3 This means the Russian equivalent of the Ph.D. dissertations in history (dissertatsiya na soiskaniye stepeni kandidata istoricheskikh nauk). Although only selected dissertations are discussed in the review, the conclusions are drawn on the basis of the much bigger corpus of dissertations examined.

4 Sereda, N.V., ‘Sovremennaya istoriograficheskaya situatsiya i problemy izucheniya russkogo goroda’ (The current historiographic situation and research on the Russian city), in Seregina, I.G. and Sereda, N.V. (eds.), Ekonomika, upravleniye, demografiya gorodov Yevropeyskoy Rossii XV–XVIII vv. (Economy, Government and Demography of the Towns of European Russia in the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries) (Tver, 1999), 24Google Scholar.

5 Lotman, Yu. M., Vnutri myslyashchikh mirov. Chelovek – tekstsemiosfera – istoriya (Inside the Thinking Worlds. Man – Text – Semiosphere – History) (Moscow, 1999)Google Scholar. The relationship of Russian culturology to the city and urbanization is presented and discussed in several edited collections of the Russian Academy of Sciences, all of which are very popular amongst students of urban history: Sayko, E.V. (ed.), Gorod kak sotsiokul’turnoye yavleniye istoricheskogo protsessa (City as a Sociocultural Phenomenon of the Historical Process) (Moscow: 1995)Google Scholar; eadem (ed.), Gorod i iskusstvo: Sub’yekty sotsiokul’turnogo dialoga (City and Art: Subjects of Sociocultural Dialogue) (Moscow, 1996); eadem (ed.), Urbanizatsiya v formirovanii sotsiokul’turnogo prostranstva (Urbanization in the Creation of the Socio-Cultural Space) (Moscow: 1999).

6 Antsiferov, N.P., Puti izucheniya goroda kak sotsial’nogo organizma (Ways to Study the City as a Socio-Cultural Organism) (Leningrad, 1925)Google Scholar; idem, Gorod kak vyrazitel’ smenyayushchikhsya kul’tur (The City as the Articulator of Changing Cultures) (Leningrad, 1926); Grevs, I.M., ‘Razvitiye kul’tury v krayevedcheskom issledovanii’ (The development of culture in local history research), in Dobkin, A.I. and Kobak, A.V. (eds.), Antsiferovskiye chteniya (Leningrad, 1989), 2836Google Scholar.

7 Koshman, L.V., Gorod i gorodskaya zhizn’ v Rossii XIX stoletiya. Sotsial’nye i kul’turnye aspekty (The City and Urban Life in Nineteenth-Century Russia. Social and Cultural Aspects) (Moscow, 2008)Google Scholar.

8 Yu. A. Rogach, ‘Sotsiokul’turnoye prostsranstvo gorodov Samaro-Saratovskogo Povolzh’ya v kontse XIX – nachale XX vv.’ (The socio-cultural space of the Volga towns in the Samara and Saratov provinces in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries), Samara State University Ph.D. thesis, 2006, 3.

9 D.M. Pyuriyaynen, ‘Naseleniye uyezdnogo goroda Sarapula vo vtoroy polovine XIX – nachale XX v.: sotsiokul’turny aspekt’ (The population of the town of Sarapul in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century: socio-cultural aspects), Udmurt Institute for History, Language and Literature, Ural Department of Russian Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2009.

10 G.A. Andriyets, ‘Istoriya kul’turnoy zhizni gorodov Yuga Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii (vtoraya polovina XIX – nachalo XX veka)’ (The history of cultural life in the towns of the south of the Russian Far East (second half of the nineteenth to the early twentieth century), Institute for History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Far East, Russian Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2012.

11 A.B. Biryukova, ‘Sotsiokul’turnoye prostranstvo povolzhskikh gorodov pervoy poloviny XIX veka’ (The socio-cultural space of the Volga towns in the first half of the nineteenth century), Samara State University Ph.D. thesis, 2006.

12 G.A. Mikheyeva, ‘Problemy formirovaniya i funktsionirovaniya kul’turnogo landshafta russkogo provintsial’nogo goroda v XV–XIX vv: na primere goroda Malmyzha Kirovskoy oblasti’ (The problem of the formation and functioning of the cultural landscape of a Russian provincial town from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century: the example of Malmyzh in the Kirov Province), Chuvash State University Ph.D. thesis, 2006; E.V. Ivanova, ‘Formirovaniye i sotsial’noye obustroystvo prostranstva krupnogo goroda na Volge vo vtoroy polovine XIX – nachale XX v.: na materialakh Saratova’ (The formation and social organization of space in a Volga city in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: the example of Saratov), Saratov State University Ph.D. thesis, 2008.

13 R.Z. Bareyeva, ‘Kul’tura provintsial’nogo rossiyskogo goroda v seredine 20-kh – pervoy polovine 30-kh gg. XX veka: Na primere gorodov Povolzh’ya’ (The culture of a provincial Russian town from the mid-1920s to the early 1930s: the example of the Volga towns), Penza State Pedagogical University Ph.D. thesis, 2006.

14 T.V. Balashova, ‘Moskovskiye monastyri v sotsiokul’turnoy srede stolichnogo goroda vtoroy poloviny XIX – nachala XX veka’ (Moscow monasteries in the socio-cultural environment of the metropolis in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries), Moscow State University Ph.D. thesis, 2007.

15 O.Yu. Malinova, ‘Sotsiokul’turnye faktory formirovaniya dachnogo prostranstva vokrug Sankt-Peterburga: 1870–1914’ (Socio-cultural factors in the formation of the dacha space around St Petersburg: 1870–1914), St Petersburg Institute for History, Russian Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2006.

16 S.A. Limanova, ‘Ofitsial’nye tseremonii v gorodskom prostranstve Peterburga i Moskvy v tsarstvovaniye Nikolaya II’ (Official ceremonies in the urban space of Moscow and St Petersburg in the reign of Nicholas II), Moscow State University Ph.D. thesis, 2013.

17 A.S. Breslavsky, ‘Kul’turnoye prostranstvo postsovetskogo Ulan-Ude: 1991–2010’ (Cultural space of the post-Soviet Ulan-Ude, 1991–2010), Institute for Mongol, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2011.

18 A.S. Stupina, ‘Kul’turnoye prostranstvo provintsial’nogo goroda: Saratov vtoroy poloviny XIX – nachala XX veka v vospominaniyakh sovremennikov’ (The cultural space of a provincial city: Saratov in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the memoirs of contemporaries), Saratov State University Ph.D. thesis, 2008; A.A. Aronov, ‘Dosugovaya kul’tura v gorodakh Kurskoy gubernii vtoroy poloviny XIX – nachala XX vv.’ (Leisure culture in the towns of the Kursk Province in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries), Kursk State University Ph.D. thesis, 2012.

19 A.Yu. Klimochkina, ‘Povsednevnaya zhizn’ rossiyskogo provintsial’nogo goroda 1930-kh gg.: na materialakh Srednego Povozh’ya’ (The everyday life of a provincial Russian town in the 1930s: on the materials of the middle Volga region), Samara State University Ph.D. thesis, 2007.

20 M.V. Kholina, ‘Realizatsiya kul’turnoy politiki v malykh gorodakh v nachale 1920-kh – kontse 1930-kh gg.: na primere Krasnoyarskogo kraya’ (The implementation of cultural policy in small towns in the 1920s–1930s: the example of the Krasnoyarsk region), Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University Ph.D. thesis, 2010.

21 R.Yu. Kolikov, ‘Politicheskaya kul’tura srednikh sloyev naseleniya goroda Petrograda v dni Fevral'skoy revolutsii 1917 goda’ (The political culture of the middle classes in St Petersburg during the days of the 1917 February Revolution), St Petersburg State University Ph.D. thesis, 2003; I.B. Khmelnitskaya, ‘Stolichny dosug v nachale XX veka: Peterburg i Moskva’ (Metropolitan leisure in the early twentieth century: St Petersburg and Moscow), Moscow State University Ph.D. thesis, 2004; E.O. Skryabina, ‘Problema materinstva i detstva v period blokady Leningrada (1941–1944 gg): istoriko-meditsinskiy aspekt’ (The problem of maternity and childhood during the Leningrad Blockade (1941–1944): a historico-medical approach), St Petersburg State University Ph.D. thesis, 2008; V.S. Delvig, ‘Vliyaniye inozemtsev iz stran Zapadnoy Yevropy na razvitiye rossiyskogo obshchestva v 1652–1740 gg.: na primere Novoy nemetskoy slobody i Lefortova v Moskve’ (The influence of foreigners from western Europe on the development of Russian society 1652–1740: the example of the new German quarter and Lefortovo in Moscow), Ivanovo State University Ph.D. thesis, 2011; V.A. Khripun, ‘Inostrantsy v Sovetskoy Rossii v 1950-e – 1960-e gg.: na materialakh Leningrada’ (Foreigners in Soviet Russia in the 1950s–1960s: the example of Leningrad), St Petersburg State University Ph.D. thesis, 2011; S.A. Zhukova, ‘Inostrantsy v Moskve na rubezhe XIX–XX vv.’ (Foreigners in Moscow at the turn of the twentieth century), Moscow City Pedagogical University Ph.D. thesis, 2012; O.A. Chagadayeva, ‘“Sukhoy zakon” v Rossiyskoy imperii v gody Pervoy mirovoy voyny: po materialam Petrograda i Moskvy’ (Alcohol prohibition in the Russian empire during World War I: on the materials of Petrograd and Moscow), Moscow State University Ph.D. thesis, 2013.

22 V.A. Samarin, ‘Bor’ba s banditizmom v Leningrade vo vtoroy polovine 40-kh godov: Istorichesky aspekt’ (The fight against banditry in Leningrad in the second half of the 1940s: a historical approach), St Petersburg State University Ph.D. thesis, 2001; E.A. Klyuyev, ‘“Cherny rynok” v poslevoyennom Leningrade: 1945–1953’ (The ‘black market’ in post-war Leningrad: 1945–1953), St Petersburg State University Ph.D. thesis, 2011; P.A. Vasilyev, ‘Narkotism v Petrograde-Leningrade v 1917–1929 gg.: sotsial’naya problema i poiski eye resheniya’ (Drug addiction in Petrograd/Leningrad, 1917–1929: a social problem and the search for its solution), St Petersburg Institute for History, Russian Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2013.

23 I.V. Utekhin, ‘Byt bol'shikh kommunal’nykh kvartir g. Leningrada (Sankt-Peterburga) v 1970–1990-e gg: Stereotipy povsednevnogo povedeniya’ (Life in the big communal apartments in Leningrad (St Petersburg) in the 1970s–1990s: the stereotypes of everyday behaviour), European University at St Petersburg Ph.D. thesis, 2001.

24 A.S. Mayer, ‘Moskovskiye gorodskiye legendy kak istorichesky istochnik: istoricheskaya pamyat’ i obraz goroda’ (Moscow urban legends as a historical source: historical memory and the image of the city), State University of Humanities Ph.D. thesis, 2008.

25 M.V. Dobrenkaya, ‘Moskva vtoroy poloviny 1940-kh – pervoy poloviny 1950-kh gg.: formirovaniye obraza goroda v dokumental’noy fotografii’ (Moscow from the late 1940s to the early 1950s: creating the image of the city in documentary photography), Russian State University of Humanities Ph.D. thesis, 2010, 4.

26 Ibid., 197.

27 V.I. Gordeyev, ‘Maly gorod Povolzh’ya v pozdnem srednevekov’ye’ (A small Volga town in the late Middle Ages), Udmurt State University Ph.D. thesis, 2000; N.G. Nabiullin, ‘Gorod Dzhuketau X–XIV vv. Po arkheologicheskim issledovaniyam’ (The town of Djuketau in the tenth to fourteenth centuries on the basis of archaeological research), Institute for History, Tatarstan Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2000; S.G. Bocharov, ‘Istoricheskaya topografiya Kaffy, konets XIII v. – 1774 g.’ (The historical tpography of Caffa from the late thirteenth century to 1774), Moscow State University Ph.D. thesis, 2000; V.S. Baranov, ‘Blagoustroystvo gorodov Volzhskoy Bulgarii: po arkheologicheskim materialam Bolgarskogo gorodishcha X–XV vv.’ (The infrastructure of the towns of Volga Bulgaria: using archaeological sources from the Bulghar settlement), Moscow State University Ph.D. thesis, 2001; G.P. Polyakov, ‘Vladel’cheskiye goroda i sela Drevney Rusi, X–XIII v.’ (Seigniorial towns and villages in Ancient Rus’, from the tenth to thirteenth centuries), Bryansk State University Ph.D. thesis, 2002; R.I. Sultanov, ‘Istoricheskaya geografiya goroda Kazani i yego predmestiy v XVI–XVII vv.’ (The historical geography of Kazan and its suburbs in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries), Institute for History, Tatarstan Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2004; R.A. Guzeyrov, ‘Zolotoordynskiy gorod Khadzhi Tarkhan i yego okruga’ (The Golden Horde town Hadji Tarhan and its suburbs), Kazan State University Ph.D. thesis, 2004; A.Z. Nigamayev, ‘Bolgarskiye goroda Predkam’ya: Alabuga, Kirmen’, Chally: K voprosu o svoyeobrazii material’noy kul’tury naseleniya’ (Bulghar towns of the Kama Region: Alabuga, Kirmen, Chally: a material culture approach), Institute for History, Tatarstan Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2004.

28 P.N. Travkin, ‘Sakral’nye predstavleniya naseleniya malogo goroda Volgo-Klyazminskogo mezhdurech’ya XII – n. XIII vekov: na primere goroda Plyosa’ (The sacral imagery of the population in a small town of the Volga-Klyazma region in the twelfth to early thirteenth centuries: the example of Plyos), Ivanovo State University Ph.D. thesis, 2003, 176.

29 Ibid., 175–8.

30 G.P. Vizgalov, ‘Mangazeya – pervy russkiy gorod v Sibirskom Zapolyar’ye: po materialam novykh arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy’ (Mangazeya as the first Russian town in Siberia beyond the Polar Circle: on the basis of new archaeological research), Ural State University Ph.D. thesis, 2006.

31 O.V. Aurov, ‘Gorod i rytsarstvo v kastil'skoy Estremadure v XIII – seredine XIV vv.’ (The city and knighthood in the Castilian Extremadura in the thirteenth to mid-fourteenth centuries), Russian State University of Humanities Ph.D. thesis, 2000; A.G. Prazdnikov, ‘Mantalitet gorozhan krupnogo angliyskogo goroda XIV–XV vv.’ (The mentality of urban dwellers in the English city of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries), Perm State University Ph.D. thesis, 2003; M.A. Guseva, ‘Stanovleniye munitsipal’nogo samoupravleniya v angliyskikh gorodakh v XIV–XV vekakh: struktura i funktsii’ (The emergence of municipal self-government in English towns in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: structure and functions), Ivanovo State University Ph.D. thesis, 2005; A.M. Lotmentsev, ‘Goroda Slavonii na rubezhe istoricheskikh epokh: Pozdneye Srednevekov’ye – Ranneye Novoye vremya’ (The towns of Slavonia from the late Middle Ages to the early modern period), Moscow State Open Pedagogical University Ph.D. thesis, 2006; A.A. Anisimova, ‘Gorod i monastyr’ v srednevekovoy Anglii: na materiale yugo-vostochnykh grafstv’ (Town and monastery in medieval England: on materials from the south-eastern counties), Institute for World History, Russian Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2012; A.A. Lebedeva, ‘Goroda Moravii v ranniy period srednevekovogo razvitiya, IX–XIII vv. (The towns of Moravia in the Middle Ages), Saratov State University Ph.D. thesis, 2013.

32 A.V. Lazarev, ‘Gorodskoye prostranstvo Parizha XV – pervoy poloviny XVII vv. glazami sovremennikov’ (The urban space of Paris from the fifteenth to the early seventeenth centuries in the eyes of contemporaries), Institute for World History, Russian Academy of Science Ph.D. thesis, 2011.

33 L. E. Zuyeva, ‘Goroda Vladimiro-Suzdal'skoy Rusi XII – pervoy treti XIII veka: sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoye razvitiye, vlast’ i upravleniye: v kontekste istorii srednevekovykh gorodov Germanii’ (The towns of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus in the twelfth to early thirteenth century, power and governance: in the context of the history of German medieval towns), Ivanovo State University Ph.D. thesis, 2009, 171–3.

34 S.K. Mikhaylina, ‘Gendernye aspekty zhizni provintsial’nogo goroda kontsa XIX – nachala XX vv.: po materialam Oblasti voyska Donskogo’ (Gender aspects of the life of a provincial town at the turn of the twentieth century: the example of the Don Cossack Host), Rostov State University Ph.D. thesis, 2003; T.B. Kotlova, ‘Rossiyskaya zhenshchina v provintsial’nom gorode na rubezhe XIX-XX vv., 1890–1914: Na materialakh Vladimirskoy, Kostromskoy, Yaroslavskoy gubernii’ (Russian women in a provincial town, 1890–1914: based on examples from the provinces of Vladimir, Kostroma and Yaroslavl), Ivanovo State University Ph.D. thesis, 2003; E.G. Podgayko, ‘Povsednevnaya zhizn’ zhenshchin v gorodakh Yuzhnogo Urala v kontse XIX – nachale XX v.’ (Everyday life for women in the south Ural towns at the turn of the twentieth century), South Ural State University Ph.D. thesis, 2013.