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An Unedited Part of Roger Bacon's ‘Opus Maius’: ‘de Signis’
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 July 2017
The tradition of Roger Bacon's Opus maius has many confusing aspects. No single MS contains all parts of the work, and several parts are transmitted separately, out of their original context and in different versions. Several reasons can be given for this confusion. One reason is that Bacon himself incorporated the same material into different projects and on each occasion adjusted the material to its new environment. Similarly, as he informs us, the text of the Opus maius itself was the outcome of several drafts. Another reason is the sheer bulk of the Opus maius. When Bacon sent it off to the pope he had to divide it into four separate volumes.
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- Copyright © 1978 New York, Fordham University Press
1 The best-documented exposition of the genesis of the Opus maius is to be found in Crowley, Th., Roger Bacon: The Problem of the Soul in His Philosophical Commentaries (Louvain/Dublin 1950) 42–50.Google Scholar
2 Opus minus (ed. Brewer, 321–2): Similiter vero in singulis partibus multae divisiones et capitula, quae secundum se habent dignitatem magnam; sed non respectu eorum quae signavi:… et in tertia de signis, et modis eorum, in vocibus, et sacris et aliis.Google Scholar
3 Further references to this section are found in the treatise on astrology adapted to the Opus maius (ed. Bridges, I 399); cf. Little, (note 4) xvii.Google Scholar
4 Part of the Opus tertium. of Roger Bacon (ed. Little, A. G.; Aberdeen 1912) xiv.Google Scholar
5 Little, A. G., ‘Roger Bacon's Works,’ in Roger Bacon Essays (collected and edited by Little, A. G.; Oxford 1914) 408.Google Scholar
6 Little, A. G. (note 4) xvi; Crowley, (note 1) 45–46.Google Scholar
7 The reference in the Compendium studii theologiae to a forty-year-older work (ed. Rashdall, 57) must be to the Summule dialectices (p. 284–87) and not to the De signis, since the problem involved is only briefly touched upon in the De signis (§ 141). If this date is exact, it implies that the Summule were written in Oxford and not in Paris, since Bacon probably returned to Oxford in 1247 (cf. Crowley, 27–32).Google Scholar
8 §§50, 52, and 88. He also intended to include something on propositions, especially such which had empty subject-terms (§ 120). This might be a reference to §§ 151–53, but it might also imply something more. Cf. also Compendium studii theologiae (61–2).Google Scholar
9 From a short reference in the Compendium (51–52) we can conclude that Bacon intended to use this material again and that the concept of natural signs was pivotal in this scheme.Google Scholar
10 Rogeri Baconis Moralis philosophia (edd. Delorme, & Massa, xi).Google Scholar
11 Cf. ibid. xxx ff.Google Scholar
page 81 note 1 filia O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 2 offertus O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 3 repraesentare O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 4 habente O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 5 sciendis O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §2 Arist. De Int. 16a3–4.Google Scholar
page 81 note §4 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (321, 13–19).Google Scholar
page 81 note 6 sed O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 7 intellectu O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §7–8 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (234).Google Scholar
page 81 note 8 ita ante corr. O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 9 contemptus O et sic saepius; Google Scholar
page 81 note 10 nullus (?) O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 11 est O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 12 sine O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 13 affectiva O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 14 enim O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 15 affectuum O; Google Scholar
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page 81 note 17 ad intellectum O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 18 et O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 19 similiter O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 19a significantia O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 20 esit (?) O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §12 Cf. Bacon, , Opus mains (ed. Bridges, II 129). Arist. Phys. II 192b8–13. Cf. Arist. Phys. II 199a26–27. Google Scholar
page 81 note §13 Cf. Arist. Metaph. IX 1046b5–6; 1046b15ff.; 1048a8–11. Google Scholar
page 81 note §14 Boeth. Contra Eut. 1 (edd. Stewart, and Rand 76–80). Arist. Phys. II 192ba–11.Google Scholar
page 81 note 21 enim ut ante corr. O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 22 actus ante corr. O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 23 non O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 24 affectus O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 25 dicuntur O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 26 aliquo O; Google Scholar
page 81 note 27 a sua — natura iter. O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §17 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele XIV 134, 26–31). Arist. An. II 420b32. Boeth. Com. Mai. s. De Int. (ed. Meiser 4,28 f.).Google Scholar
page 81 note 28 et O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 29 enim O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 30 a se O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §18 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele, XIV 134, 26–31). Boeth. Com. Mai. s. Be Int. (ed. Meiser, 31,22ff.). Arist. De Int. 16a4–5. Google Scholar
page 81 note §19 Arist. Metaph. IV 1006b10–11. Arist. An. 411a5–6. Averroes, , Metaph. IV c.16 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 83vK).Google Scholar
page 81 note 31 substantia O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 32 sui O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 33 est O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 34 fugit O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §20 Arist. Metaph. II 994b21–26. Arist. Phys. III 207a25–26. Arist. An. III 428a16–18. Arist. Metaph. IV 1010bl–3. Google Scholar
page 81 note §21 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele, X 275). Lib. De causis XXI (116,68–69).Google Scholar
page 81 note 35 vanis O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 36 intellectus O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §22 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele X 276; XV 5–7). Google Scholar
page 81 note §23 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele, X 236). Arist. Phys. I 184a16–17. Arist. Metaph. VII 1035b2. Averroes, , Metaph. VII c.34 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 185rD).Google Scholar
page 81 note 37 minus O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 38 est O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 39 circulationem O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 40 decepi O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 41 non O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 42 quae O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 43 vera O: Google Scholar
page 81 note 44 imaginatio in : imaginationi O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 45 praedicatam O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §25 Arist. Metaph. VII 1039b28–31.Google Scholar
page 81 note 46 intellective O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 47 destinantur O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 48 illud O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §27 Arist. SE 174a9.Google Scholar
page 81 note 49 visui O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 50 eius O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 51 sed O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §30 Boeth. Com. Mai. s. De Int. (ed. Meiser, 31, 23).Google Scholar
page 81 note 52 videmus quod trp. O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 53 per O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 54 aequivocationem O ante corr; Google Scholar
page 81 note 55 univoce O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 56 Arma, O ante corr. ;Google Scholar
page 81 note 57 sumitur O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 58 praedicamento O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 59 pro O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 60 aut O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 61 omnia O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §41 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele, XIV xv). Arist. Phys. II 197a36–bl; 197b32–33.Google Scholar
page 81 note 62 inductio O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 63 faulty reading cf. introduction p. 79;Google Scholar
page 81 note 64 diversitate O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 65 sumus O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 66 minus bis O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §42 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (208–9). Arist. Phys. VII 249a22–b26. Arist. Phys. IV 217a21–23. Arist. Cat. 1a7–9.Google Scholar
page 81 note 67 aut O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 68 sicut O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 69 dicit O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 70 sic O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 71 quia O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 72 quomodo O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 73 si O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §46 Boeth, . In Cat. (PL 64 163D–168D). Ps.-Aug., Cat. Paraphr. Themist. 10–25 (ed. Minio-Paluello, , AL I 1–5 pp. 135–139).Google Scholar
page 81 note 74 suppositis O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 75 ideo O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 76 et O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 77 sunt Italica O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 78 quandoque O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §48 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (269). Google Scholar
page 81 note §50 postea: cf. introduction p. 80.Google Scholar
page 81 note 79 quod O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 80 secundus O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 81 contra O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 81a unitate O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §52 postea: cf. introduction p. 80.Google Scholar
page 81 note 82 prima O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 83 quando O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §57 Avicenna, , Metaph. III c.3 (Venice 1508; f. 79r). Averroes, , Metaph. IV c.3 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 67ra–va).Google Scholar
page 81 note 84 quia O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 85 praedicamenta O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §59 Arist. Cat. 6b12–14. Arist. Phys. VII 245b11–12. Boeth. In Cat. (PL 64 168Aff). Google Scholar
page 81 note §60 Arist. Metaph. VI 1025bl4. Google Scholar
page 81 note §61 Arist. Metaph. X 1054a16–17.Google Scholar
page 81 note 86 omnes O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 87 vel O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 88 ex O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 89 sit O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 92 extra ponatur consequens O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 94 ideo (= io) O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 95 sit O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §66 Arist. APo. I 83a5.Google Scholar
page 81 note §67 Averroes Metaph. IV c.3 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 67vG); X c.8 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 257rE). Google Scholar
page 81 note §68 Cf. Bacon, , Opus Maius (56). Bacon, Com. nat. (ed. Steele III 143-4). Averroes, Metaph. IV c.3 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 67rD). Averroes, Metaph. V c.19 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 126vH-L). Averroes, Phys. IV c. 9 (ed. Iunt.; IV 214vL). Averroes, Phys. IV c.97 (ed. Iunt.: IV 178rB). Averroes, Phys. VIII c.11-12 (ed. Iunt.; IV 246vff). Arist. Phys. VIII 251a10, 28. Arist. Phys. IV 219a23, cf. Metaph. V 1018b21-26. Arist. Metaph. I 982b3; II 994b17-20. Arist. GC II 337b21; II 332b30-31. Google Scholar
page 81 note 96 quod O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 106 hoc O ante corr. ;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 109 et O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 110 circulationes O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §73 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele, X 179–180). Arist. APo. I 73a35 ff. Arist. Metaph. V 1022a14 ff.Google Scholar
page 81 note 111 est O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §74–80 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (206–7).Google Scholar
page 81 note 112 significans O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 119a praedicabilibus O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §80 Arist. APo. I 72a29.Google Scholar
page 81 note 120 per tactum O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 121 pars O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 122 omne O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §84 Arist. Metaph. VII 1032b11–14.Google Scholar
page 81 note 123 per O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 124 quinque bis O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 126 vocabilis O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §88 Aug. Dial. (ed. Pinborg, , Synthese Hist. Libr. XVI 112; ed. Crecelius, 17, 18 ff.). post: cf. introduction p. 80 with note 8.Google Scholar
page 81 note 127 prime O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 128 ad non trp. O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 129 coniuncto O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 131 desinari O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 132 decendo O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §90 Arist. APo. I 83a5. Boethius, Comm. s. Porph. (PL 64 136B). Google Scholar
page 81 note 133 est O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note §95 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (282,8 f.).Google Scholar
page 81 note 140 infinitas O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §97 cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (281, 10–14).Google Scholar
page 81 note 141 cum significatis — praedicatorum iter. O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 142 alias O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 143 anologicae O et sic saepius ;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 151 considerantur O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 152 aequivocationem O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §99 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (281, 15–282). Boethius, De Trin.IV (ed. Stewart and Rand 16,5).Google Scholar
page 81 note 153 nec O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 155 sunt O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 156 et alia O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 157 illius O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §101 Porph. Isag. 6.7 (ed. Minio-Paluello 12, 2-3). Arist. Metaph. VII 1028a10-13. Averroes, Phys. I c.13 (ed. Iunt.; IV 12rH). Arist. Metaph. IV 1003a33-34.Google Scholar
page 81 note §102–110 Cf. Bacon, , Comp. Stud. Theol. (ed. Rashdall 46-47).Google Scholar
page 81 note §103 Avicenna, Logica (Venice 1508; f. 5va-b). Algazel, Logica c.1 (ed. Lohr, Traditio 21 [1965] 243,13).Google Scholar
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page 81 note 171 secundum O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §108 Arist. Metaph. VII 1029b19; Metaph. X 1058b21-22. Arist. GC II 335b29-31, 35.Google Scholar
page 81 note §109 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele X 195; 147). Arist. Metaph. VII 1028a32-3 Arist. Cat. 14a27. Boethius, De Trin. II (ed. Stewart and Rand 10-12). Arist. GC I 324b4-6.Google Scholar
page 81 note 172 voce O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note §110 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele X 244).Google Scholar
page 81 note §111 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele XI 142-3).Google Scholar
page 81 note §112 Arist. Metaph. I 991a16. Averroes, Metaph. I c.31 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 20vH). Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele X 85).Google Scholar
page 81 note 178 separabatur O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 179 ratio O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §113 Locus non inventus. Google Scholar
page 81 note §114 Arist. Metaph. V 1022a17–23.Google Scholar
page 81 note §115 Cf. Bacon, , Compo. Stud. Theol. (ed. Rashdall 55); Com. Nat. (ed. Steele 99, 20-26). Arist. Metaph. VII 1035b27-30. Arist. Metaph. XII 1071a19-21.Google Scholar
page 81 note 180 vel O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 184 fatere O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 184a alii O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §117 Cf. Bacon, , Compo Stud. Theal. (ed. Rashdall 55; 56).Google Scholar
page 81 note §118 Prisc. XVII ii 14 (GL III 116, 26); XVII xii 82 (GL III 154, 7-9).Google Scholar
page 81 note §119 Cr. Bacon, , Com. Nat. (ed. Steele 96-97); Opera (ed. Steele XI 156-58). Arist. APo. I 87b29-33.Google Scholar
page 81 note §120 suo loco: cf. introduction p. 80 with note 8.Google Scholar
page 81 note 185 aliquando O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 190 hoc O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §121–126 Cf. Bacon, , Comp. Stud. Theol. (ed. Rashdall 46-47).Google Scholar
page 81 note §121 Avicenna, Logica (Veniee 1508; 5va-b).Google Scholar
page 81 note §122 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele X 179-180).Google Scholar
page 81 note 191 principia O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 192 ens O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 194 nec O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 195 cognoscatur O;Google Scholar
page 81 note §126–128 Cf. Bacon, , Comp. Stud. Theol. (ed. Rashdall 48-51); Opera (ed. Steele X 277-80).Google Scholar
page 81 note §126 Arist. Metaph. VII 1031b22 ff. Arist. Metaph. VII 1031b1-2. Arist. Cat. 1a1-3.Google Scholar
page 81 note §127 Averroes, Metaph. V c.14 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 117rA-F); Metaph. VIII c.7 (ed. Iunt.; VIII 215vG-K).Google Scholar
page 81 note 196 eius O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 197 adhuc O ante corr. ;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 205 necessaria O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 206 Here several lines are added, which consist of an inaccurate repetition of throe disconnected passages from below: § 130 'quia haec significatio Google Scholar
page 81 note §129–133 Cf. Bacon, , Comp. Stud. Theol. (ed. Rashdall 46-47).Google Scholar
page 81 note 207 significati O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note §140 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (279, 21–28).Google Scholar
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page 81 note §141 Cf. Bacon, , Sum. Dial. (234-35; 284-87).Google Scholar
page 81 note 225a dictionis O; Google Scholar
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page 81 note §145 Boethius, De Div. (PL 64 889D).Google Scholar
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page 81 note 231a quod ibi inv. O; Google Scholar
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page 81 note §153 Arist. Cat. 12bl0 ff.Google Scholar
page 81 note 234 vera ratio o;Google Scholar
page 81 note 235 nomen infantibus : homo instantiam O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 239 Si vero: sed O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note §156 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele X 96-97).Google Scholar
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page 81 note 245 quantum O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 246 existentis O; § 162 Arist. Metaph. VII 1032b12–14.Google Scholar
page 81 note §162 Arist. Metaph. VII 1032b12–14.Google Scholar
page 81 note 247 certamen O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 248 significatio O;Google Scholar
page 81 note 249,251 et Boethius — naturalis iter. O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §165 Boethius, Com. Mai. s. De Int. (ed. Meiser, 20, 17 ff.). Arist. De Int. 16a3-4. Prisc. XI ii 7 (GL II 552, 2).Google Scholar
page 81 note 250 configuratus O;Google Scholar
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page 81 note 255 sustentivi O; Google Scholar
page 81 note §166 Arist. De Int. 16a3–4, Boethius, Com. Mai. s. De Int. (ed. Meiser 20, 17 ff.). Arist. De Int. 16a19 ff. Boethius, Com. Mai. s. De Int. (ed. Meiser 39, 9; 21, 18; 26 ff.).Google Scholar
page 81 note §167 Prisc. XIii 7 (GL II 552,2).Google Scholar
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page 81 note 261 extraponi O.Google Scholar
page 81 note §171 Cf. Bacon, , Opera (ed. Steele. X 204-5). Arist. De Int. 21a17, 30.Google Scholar
page 81 note §172 Averroes, Metaph. VII c.18 (cd. lunt.: VIII 167vH).Google Scholar
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