Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 July 2016
During the last decade the works of Professor Guido Kisch have made an outstanding contribution to our knowledge of the legal thought of the sixteenth century, particularly to the school represented by the University of Basel. His articles and monographs have dealt with the biographical and literary history of significant scholars as well as with the rival schools of interpretation represented by ‘mos italicus' and ‘mos gallicus.' Building on these earlier studies, Professor Kisch has now produced a major work of more comprehensive scope, which goes beyond biographical and methodological questions to the analysis of significant change in substantive legal doctrines. Convinced that the age of humanism and the reception of Roman law saw the formation of some of the most important modern legal concepts, he centers his research on the evolution of the theory of equity with due attention, on the one hand, to the relationship between sixteenth-century innovation and the historic western tradition and, on the other, to the interaction between the academic profession and the practicing lawyers.
1 Kisch, Guido, Johannes Sichardus als Basler Rechtshistoriker (Basler Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft 34; Basel, 1952); Humanismus und Jurisprudenz: Der Kampf zwischen mos italicus und mos gallicus an der Universität Basel (Basler Studien … 42; 1955); ‘Summum ius summa iniuria: Basler Humanisten und Juristen über Aequitas und ’Επιείκεια, Aequitas und Bona Fides,’ Festgabe für August Simonius (Basel 1955) 195–211; ‘Forschungen zur Geschichte des Humanismus in Basel: Eine bibliographische Einführung und Übersicht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsgeschichte,’ Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 40 (1958) 194–221; Bartolus und Basel (Basler Studien … 54; 1960); ‘Bonifacius Amerbach als Rechtsgutachter,’ Festgabe für Max Gerwig (Basler Studien … 55; 1960) 85–120.Google Scholar
2 Kisch, Guido, Erasmus und die Jurisprudenz seiner Zeit: Studien zum humanistischen Rechtsdenken (Basler Studien … 56; 1960).Google Scholar
3 Stroux, Johannes, ‘Summum ius summa iniuria,’ Festschrift Paul Speiser-Sarasin zum 80. Geburtstag (Basel 1926) 115ff.; and Römische Rechtswissenschaft und Rhetorik (Potsdam 1949) 7–66. Cited by Kisch, Erasmus 4.Google Scholar
4 Büchner, Karl, ‘Summum ius summa iniuri?,’ Historisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft 63 (1954) 11–35. Cited by Kisch, Erasmus 8.Google Scholar
5 Coing, Helmut, ‘Zum Einfluss der Phlosophie des Aristoteles auf die Entwicklung des römischen Rechts,’ Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 69 (1952) 24–59. Cited by Kisch, Erasmus, 26.Google Scholar
6 Lefebvre, Charles, ‘Le rôle de l'équité en droit canonique,’ Ephemerides iuris canonici 8 (1952) 305–321. Also the earlier work of the same author, Les pouvoirs du juge en droit canonique (Paris 1938), cited by Kisch, Erasmus 39.Google Scholar
7 Kisch announces, p. 108n, that he is preparing a monograph on the life and work of Cantiuncula.Google Scholar
8 This Epilogue has been published in an English version in Studies in the Renaissance 8 (1961) 71–87.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
9 p. 392.Google Scholar
10 The principal works discussed are: Walter Ullmann, The Medieval Idea of Law as Represented by Lucas de Penna: A Study in Fourteenth-Century Legal Scholarship (London 1946); Vincenzo Piano Montari, Ricerche sulla Teoria dell'interpretazione del diritto nel secolo XVI, I (Milan 1956); Ugo Nicolini, Il principio di legalità nelle democrazie italiane (Padua 1955).Google Scholar
11 Among the more recent works which present contrasting views Kisch mentions: Lindeboom, J., ‘Erasmus’ Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des geistigen Lebens in den Niederlanden,’ Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 43 (1952) 1–12; Bornkamm, Heinrich, ‘Erasmus und Luther,’ Luther Jahrbuch 25 (1958) 3–22; Weisinger, Herbert, ‘The Attack on Renaissance in Theology Today,’ Studies in the Renaissance 2 (1955) 176–189; Siro Attilio Nulli, Erasmo e il Rinascimento (Turin 1955); Louis Bouyer, Autour d'Erasme: Études sur le Christianisme des humanistes catholiques (Paris 1955).Google Scholar
12 Calasso, F., Introduzione al diritto comune (Milan 1951) 181–205 and Medio Evo del Diritto (Milan 1954).Google Scholar
13 Maffei, D., Alessandro d'Alessandro , giureconsulto umanista (1461–1532) (Milan 1956). The survey is Gli inizi dell'umanesimo giuridico (Milan 1956). Some points of criticism have been raised about these works by Arnaldo Momigliano in Rivista storica italiana 69 (1957) 288–291.Google Scholar
14 Astuti, G., Mos italicus e mos gallicus nei dialoghi ‘De iuris interpretibus’ di Alberico Gentili (Bologna 1937). See also Astuti's lecture, La giurisprudenza culta e l'interpretazione del ‘Corpus iuris’ (Catania 1940) and ‘L'humanisme chrétien dans la renaissance du droit,’ Pensée humaniste et tradition chrétienne au XV e et XVI e siècles (Paris 1950) 121–138.Google Scholar
15 Palazzini Finetti, L., Storia della ricerca delle interpolazioni nel Corpus Iuris Giustineaneo (Milan 1953).Google Scholar
16 Piano Mortari, Vincenzo, ‘Dialettica e Giurisprudenza: Studio sui trattati di dialettica legale del secolo XVI,’ Annali di storia del diritto 1 (1957) 293–401.Google Scholar
17 Gian Luigi Barni, Le Lettere di Andrea Alciato giureconsulto (Florence 1953).Google Scholar
18 Abbondanza, R., ‘A proposito dell'epistolario dell'Alciato,’ Annali di storia del diritto 1 (1957) 467–500. See also his ‘La laurea di Andrea Alciato,’ Italia medioevale e umanistica 3 (1960) 325–228.Google Scholar
19 Thieme, Hans, ‘Zasius und Freiburg,’ Aus der Geschichte der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften zu Freiburg im Breisgau, ed. by Julius Wolff, Hans (Freiburg i. B. 1957) 9–22. See also the dissertations mentioned by Kisch in ‘Forschungen zur Geschichte des Humanismus in Basel,’ Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 40 (1940) 210, 211.Google Scholar
20 The following papers were presented: Erik Wolf, ‘Ulrich Zasius,’ Pierre Mesnard, ‘Zasius et la Réforme,’ Guido Kisch, ‘Zasius’ Lehre von Recht und Billigkeit,’ Roberto Abbondanza, ‘Zasius und Alciat,’ Michel Reulos, ‘Zasius und die französische Jurisprudenz,’ Hans Thieme, ‘Ulrich Zasius und das Freiburger Stadtrecht.’ (Program of the Zasius Tagung, 25–27 May 1961.)Google Scholar
21 Bohatec, Josef, Budé und Calvin: Studien zur Gedankenwelt des französischen Frühhumanismus (Graz 1950).Google Scholar
22 Pelham, Daniel F., Guillaume Budé (1468–1540), De Transitu Hellenismi ad Christianismum; a study of a little-known treatise of Guillaume Budé followed by a translation into English.Google Scholar
23 Die Amerbach Korrespondenz, ed. by Hartmann, Alfred, thus far 5 volumes (Basel 1942–1958).Google Scholar
24 The program was published in Renaissance News 13 No. 2 (1960).Google Scholar
25 Alciati, Andrea, Opera omnia (Frankfort 1617) IV 864.Google Scholar