It is a commonplace regret of theatre historians that, for the Hôtel de Bourgogne (as, indeed, for the Théâtre du Marais) there exists no continuous record of performances analogous to that maintained by La Grange in respect of Molière's troupe. Thus one cannot always be certain which plays were performed, still less when. Such dates as are certain—or even, virtually certain—are so, only because they arise in the writings of contemporaries. In particular, the gazetiers (Loret, Robinet, and others) are an invaluable source of information. One can say, for example, that the first performance of Quinault's Stratonice took place on January 2, 1660 at the Hôtel de Bourgogne, that of Pierre Corneille's Sertorius on February 25, 1662 at the Théâtre du Marais, that of Racine's Andromaque on November 17, 1667 in the Louvre (given by the troupe of the Hôtel), and that of Quinault's Pausanias at the Hôtel on November 16, 1668—provided, of course, that the gazetiers are not mistaken (and, as a fact, they are not infallible). Clues may also be found in other miscellaneous writings (one such, to be mentioned again below, establishes the date of Racine's Bérénice).