It will be appreciated that, in this short paper, only brief reference can be made to various aspects of importance to the design and performance of rotary wing aircraft. Nevertheless, it is suggested that these references will serve as a basis for discussion, as well as to emphasise the necessity for more investigational work.
Because of the rapid development in the “science” of rotary wing aircraft, the subject of materials of construction will become increasingly important and most probably difficult as the designers’ demands and desires increase. Today, therefore, any discussion on materials can only be based on current design knowledge and requirements, with indications to the materials which may be considered most suitable for future projects.
Bearing in mind such limitations in scope, together with the fact that a certain amount of choice of material is left to the designer, it is proposed to refer to various aspects of materials and their selection which, in the opinion of the author, warrant the attention of those concerned with the responsibility of design development and research.