Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 August 2015
I would like to start with a quick overview of the O stars - their significance and role in the galaxy and in astrophysics - just to remind ourselves of why we are here and what we hope to talk about. In Table 1 I show a rough outline of the contribution of O stars to what happens in the galaxy as a whole. Because of their extreme luminosity, they contribute a large fraction of the radiation of the galaxy, while forming a very tiny group of objects and mass. Because of their short lifetime they are a population that has gone through 104 generations in the life of the galaxy. Their high mass loss rates may account for a large fraction of the new matter injected into the interstellar medium, and they probably power some significant fraction of the hard X-ray sources in the galaxy, by virtue of the fact that a companion can become a neutron star a) without disrupting the binary and b) while the companion is still a mass losing O star.