Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 August 2015
It has long been thought that β Lyrae is a unique system, by virtue of its UV spectrum and its nature. I will argue that a whole class of interacting long-period binaries exists, similar to β Lyrae. According to IUE observations made in 1978-79 by myself and R. H. Koch, this group comprises: RX Cas, SX Cas, V 367 Cyg, W Cru, β Lyr, and W Ser. AR Pav is a transition case linking them with the symbiotics. I also suggest that HD 218393 (KX And), HD 72754, and HD 51480 are their non-eclipsing counterparts. I will call the whole group the W Serpentis stars.
These systems are mass-transfering binaries (case B) in which the mass transfer rate is relatively high, probably on the order 10−6 to 10−4 M⊙/year. They display an ultraviolet continuum with a color temperature definitely higher than the one observed in the optical region. Even more characteristical is the presence of strong emission lines of N V, C IV, Si IV, Fe III, Al III, and lower ions of C and Si. I will attempt to discuss these phenomena on the assumption that they are due to accretion onto non-degenerate stars.