Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 May 2016
Near-infrared, JHKL, observations of 595 Mira variables in two fields on either side of the centre of our Galaxy, confirm that the Bulge is not spherically symmetric about its axis of rotation, but is elongated so that the part to the east of the centre is closer to us. The shape of the Bulge about its axis of rotation is not uniquely defined by these data, but the shape that deviates least from circular symmetry has an axis ratio xo/yo = 1.7, with a major axis at an angle, θ = 58° ± 7, to the plane of the sky, for a galactic centre distance, R0 = 9.4 ± 0.5 kpc. This is based on an assumed scale length in galactic coordinates of bo = 375 pc and lo/bo = 2.0.