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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 March 2016
Shortly after his election on 8 January 1198, one of the earliest duties of the youthful and energetic new pope, Innocent III (1198-1216), was to inform the ecclesiastical and lay rulers of Christendom of his succession following the death of his predecessor, the nonagenarian Celestine III (1191-98). His immediate task, therefore, was to undertake a ‘mail-shot’ of a series of personal letters announcing that he had been so chosen. One recipient of such a missive was Aimery the Monk, Patriarch of Jerusalem (1194/97-1202), who was suffering, together with others, the dire consequences of recent events in the Holy Land. Given these circumstances, Innocent’s letter to Aimery was couched in somewhat mild and unexpectedly innocuous language. All he did was to assure the Patriarch of his papal solicitude and to promise that one of his many future duties as pope would be to attempt a resolution of the Holy Land problem. It would be through God’s help and with fasting, tears, and prayers, that the people of the Holy Land might expect to be freed. Eighteen years later they were still waiting.
The new edition of the Register of Innocent III, published by the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften/Historisches Institut beim österreichischen Kulturinstitut in Rom is cited by the following abbreviations:
Register 1: Die Register Innocenz’ III. 1. Band. 1. Pontifikatsjahr, 1198/99: Texte, ed. Othmar Hageneder and Anton Haidacher (Graz and Cologne, 1964).
Register 2: Die Register Innocenz’ III. 2. Band. 2. Pontifikatsjahr, 1199/1200: Texte, ed. Othmar Hageneder, Werner Maleczek, and Alfred A. Strnad (Rome and Vienna, 1979).
Register 5: Die Register Innocenz’ III. 5. Band. 5. Pontifikatsjahr, 1202/1203: Texte, ed. Othmar Hageneder with Christoph Egger, Karl Rudolf, and Andrea Sommerlechner (Vienna, 1993).
Register 6: Die Register Innocenz’ III. 6. Band. 6. Pontifikatsjahr, 1203/1204: Texte, ed. Othmar Hageneder, John C. Moore, and Andrea Sommerlechner, with Christoph Egger and Herwig Weigl (Vienna, 1995).
Register 7: Die Register Innocenz’ III. 7. Band. 7. Pontifikatsjahr, 1204/1205: Texte, ed. Othmar Hageneder, Andrea Sommerlechner, and Herwig Weigl, with Christoph Egger and Rainer Murauer (Vienna, 1997).
2 Ineffabilis sapientia conditoris of 9 Jan. 1198 to the archbishops and bishops of France, in Register 1, pp. 3-5.
3 Previously monk of Corbizzi, near Florence, and Archbishop of Caesarea (1180-97). See Hamilton, Bernard, The Latin Church in the Crusader States: the Secular Church (London, 1980), pp. 122 n.6, 244-7.Google Scholar
4 Register 1, no. 11, pp. 18-20.
5 Ibid., p. 19, ll. 29-30: ‘ecclesiastice sollicitudinis onus licet insufficientes assumpsimus’.
6 Ibid., p. 20, ll. 19-20: ‘in ieiunio igitur et fletu et planctu, in operibus pietatis, in cantate non fictu, in corde contrito et humiliato spiritu revertamur ad Dominum Deum nostrum.’
7 For relations between Innocent III and the Christian Orient, an invaluable starting-point remains Achille Luchaire, Innocent III, 6 vols (Paris, 1904-8), 4 [Innocent III: la question d’Orient), pp. 1-75. See also Giulio Cipollone, Cristianità - Islam: cattività e liberazione in nome di Dio. Il tempo di Innocenzo III dopo ‘il 1187’, Miscellanea Historiae Pontifìciae, 60 (Rome, 1992); Werner Maleczek, Petrus Capuanus, Kardinal-legat am vierten Kreuzzug, Theologe ($1214) (Vienna, 1988); idem, Pietro Capuano, Patrizio amalfitano, Cardinale, Legato alla Quarta Crociata, Teologo $1214), rev. ed., tr. Fulvio Delle Donne, Biblioteca Amalfitana, 2 (Amalfi, 1997); Moore, John C., ed., Pope Innocent III and his World (Aldershot, 1999), esp. pp. 317–76.Google Scholar
8 PL 217, cols 673-80; Ryccardi de Sancto Germano. Cronica priora, ed. Augustus Gaudenzi (Naples, 1888), pp. 90-3.
9 Ibid., pp. 91-2.
10 ‘Nunc autem facta est cubile draconum et pascua struthionum’: Jacobus de Vitriaco, Sermones XLVII et XLVIII ad crucesignatos et crucesignandos, in Analecta novissima spicilegii Solesmensis: Altera continuatio, ed. Jean-Baptiste Pitra, 2 vols (Paris, 1885-8: reprinted Farnborough, 1967), 2, pp. 421-30, esp. 422. See also Cole, Penny J., The Preaching of the Crusades to the Holy Land, 1095-1270, Medieval Academy Books, 98 (Cambridge, MA, 1991), pp. 132–8 Google Scholar; Jeannine Horowicz, ‘Les exempla au service de la prédication de la croisade au 13e siècle’, RHE, 92 (1997), pp. 367-94.
11 Coens, Maurice, ‘Jacques de Vitry’, in Bibliographie nationale de Belgique, 31 (Brussels, 1962), cols 465-74Google Scholar. For more recent bibliography see Bolton, Brenda, ‘Faithful to whom? Jacques de Vitry and the French bishops’, Revue Mabillon, 70 (1998), pp. 53–72 Google Scholar, and Jessalyn Bird, ‘Reform or Crusade? Anti-usury and crusade preaching during the pontificate of Innocent III’, in Moore, Pope Innocent III and his World, pp. 165-85.
12 Horowicz, ‘Les exempla’, pp. 371-2.
13 Isa. 34.13; Cole, Preaching of the Crusades, p. 134.
14 Maier, Christoph T., ‘Crisis, liturgy and the Crusade in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries’, JEH, 48 (1997), pp. 628–57, esp. 631–3.Google Scholar
15 Ps. 102.7.
16 For this circle see Baldwin, John W., Masters, Princes and Merchants: the Social Views of Peter the Chanter and his Circle, 2 vols (Princeton, NJ, 1970), 1, pp. 36–9 Google Scholar; de Vitry, Jacques, The Historia Occidentalis: A Critical Edition, ed. John Frederick Hinnebusch, Spicilegium Friburgense, 17 (Fribourg, 1972), pp. 94–101 Google Scholar; Bolton, ‘Faithful to whom?’, pp. 56-7.
17 D.22 cc.6-7: CIC, 1, col. 76; Atlas of the Christian Church, ed. Henry Chadwick and G. R. Evans (Oxford, 1990), pp. 50-3; Hamilton, Latin Church, p. 1.
18 Maccarrone, Michele, ‘La Cathedra Sancti Petri nel Medio Evo: da simbolo a reliquia’, in his Romana Ecclesia, Cathedra Petri, 2 vols, Italia Sacra, 47-8 (Rome, 1991), 2, pp. 1249–1373, esp. 1349-51.Google Scholar
19 ‘Innocentius… in summum pontificem est institutus, et vero die qua beatus Petrus in Antiochia ipse Rome fuit cathedratus’: Catalogus pontificum Romanorum Viterbiensis, in MGH, Scriptores, XXII, ed. Georg Heinrich Pertz (Hanover, 1872), pp. 349-52 (quotation at 351, 1. 46).
20 The Pilgrimage of Joannes Phocas to the Holy Land (in the Year 1185 A.D.), tr. A. Stewart, Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society, 11 (London, 1889); Description of the Holy Land by John of Wurzburg (A.D. 1160-1170), tr. A. Stewart, Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society, 14 (London, 1890); Theoderich’s description of the Holy Places (circa 1172 A.D.), tr. A Stewart, Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society, 17 (London, 1891). Also Bernard Hamilton, ‘Rebuilding Zion: the Holy Places of Jerusalem in the twelfth century’, SCH, 14 (1977), pp. 105-16.
21 For a powerful contemporary account, see Walter Map, De nugis curialium: Courtiers’ Trifles, ed. and tr. M. R. James, revised by C. N. L. Brooke and R.A.B. Mynors, OMT (Oxford, 1983), pp. 41-7. Sylvia Schein, Jerusalem in Christian Spirituality in the Twelfth Century (Oxford, forthcoming). I am most grateful to Prof. Schein for allowing me to read her draft chapter, The terrible news: the reaction of Christendom to the fall of Jerusalem (1187)’. Further valuable insights may be found in Elizabeth Siberry, Criticism of Crusading 1095-1274 (Oxford, 1985), pp. 52-62.
22 Hamilton, Latin Church, pp. 243-7.
23 For a list of participants see Winkelmann, Edvard, Philipp von Schwaben und Otto IV von Braunschweig, 2 vols (Leipzig, 1873), 1, p. 60 Google Scholar. Also, Naumann, Claudia, Der Kreuzzug Kaiser Heinrich VI (Frankfurt, 1994).Google Scholar
24 Conrad of Wittelsbach, Archbishop of Mainz (1161-77), Salzburg (1177-83), and Mainz (1183-1200), and Cardinal Bishop of Sabina (1166-1200). See Maleczek, Werner, Papst und Kardinalskolleg von 1191 bis 1216 (Vienna, 1984), p. 67.Google Scholar
25 Register 1, nos 12-13, pp. 20-2.
26 Judg. 7-2-3.
27 I Sam. 17.50-1; Register 1, no. 12, p. 21 ll. 9-11.
28 Ps. 115.12.
29 Register 1, no. 13, p. 22 l. 37.
30 Exod. 15.4.
31 Lettres de Jacques de Vitry (1160/70-1240), évêque de Saint-Jean d’Acre: Edition critique, ed. R. B. C. Huygens (Leiden, 1960), p. 46.
32 Register 1, no. 302, pp. 430-3, at 432 ll. 17-18: ‘Cum enim Teutonici in ultra marinis partibus commorantes - sicut accepimus - in proximo sint ad propria redituri.’
33 Ibid., no. 336, pp. 498-505.
34 Cole, Preaching of the Crusades, pp. 81-3.
35 Register 1, no. 336, pp. 500-1.
36 Soffredo (?-1208/10), canon of Pistoia, cardinal deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata (1182-93), cardinal priest of S. Prassede (1193-1208/10). See Maleczek, Papst und Kardinabkolleg, pp. 73-6.
37 Maleczek, Pietro Capuano.
38 Thesaurus noms anecdotorum, ed. E. Martène and U. Durand, 5 vols (Paris, 1717), 3, cols 268-87; Huygens, Lettres de Jacques de Vitry, p. 15.
39 Martène and Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum, 3, cols 268-9.
40 Ibid., cols 269-71.
41 ‘Jherusalem gloriosa Judaeae metropolis in medio mundi sita est’: ibid., cols 271-2.
42 Maleczek, Papst und Kardinalskolleg, pp. 73-6.
43 Gulli, L., ‘Alberto da Vercelli’, Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, 1 (Rome, 1960), pp. 750–1 Google Scholar; A. Starling, ‘Alberto di Gerusalemme’, Bibliotheca Sanctorum, 1 (Rome, 1961), cols 688-90; Laura Minghetti, ‘L’episcopato vercellese di Alberto durante i primi anni del xiii secolo’, in R. Ordano, ed., Vercelli nel secolo xiii (Vercelli, 1984), pp. 99-112; Vincenzo Mosca, Alberto, patriarca di Gerusalemme: tempo - vita - opera, Institutum Carmelitanum, Textus et Studia Historica Carmelitana, 20 (Rome, 1996).
44 Moore, John C., ‘Peter of Lucedio (Cistercian Patriarch of Antioch) and Pope Innocent III’, Römische historische Mitteilungen, 29 (1987), pp. 221–49 Google Scholar; Maria Pia Alberzoni, ‘Dopo la riforma: da Guido di Aosta a Pietro di Lucedio’, in Giorgio Cracco, ed., Storia della Chiesa in Ivrea dalle origini al xv secolo (Rome, 1998), pp. 193-255, esp. 231-55.
45 See n.11 above.
46 For the gradual rehabilitation of his career and works, see Southern, R. W., ‘Peter of Blois: a twelfth-century humanist?’, in his Medieval Humanism and Other Studies (Oxford, 1970), pp. 105–32 Google Scholar; idem, ‘Peter of Blois and the Third Crusade’, in Henry Mayr-Harting and R. I. Moore, eds, Studies in Medieval History presented to R. H C. Davis (London, 1985), pp. 207-18; Michael Markowski, ‘Peter of Blois and the conception of the Third Crusade’, in B. Z. Kedar, ed., The Horns of Hattin (Jerusalem and London, 1992), pp. 261-9; Elizabeth Reveil, ed., The Later Letters of Peter of Blois, Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, 13 (Oxford, 1993).
47 Sicardi episcopi Cremonensis cronica, in MGH Scriptores, XXXI, ed. O. Holder-Egger (Hanover, 1903), pp. 22-77; Ercole Brocchieri, ‘Sicardo di Cremona e la sua opera letteraria’, Annali della Biblioteca governativa e Libreria civica di Cremona, 11 (1958), pp. 1-115.
48 Chenu, Marie-Dominique, Nature, Man and Society in the Twelfth Century: Essays on the New Theological Perspectives in the Latin West, ed. and tr. Taylor, Jerome and Little, Lester K. (Chicago, 1968), pp. 202–69.Google Scholar
49 Richard of Dover (1174-84), Baldwin of Ford (1184-90), and briefly for Hubert Walter (1190-1205). He also worked for the dowager Queen Eleanor and Geoffrey Plantagenet, Archbishop of York
50 Richard, Jean, ‘1187, Point de départ pour une nouvelle forme de la croisade’, in Kedar, Horns of Hattin, pp. 250–60.Google Scholar
51 Markowski, ‘Peter of Blois’, pp. 66-9.
52 Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I, volume II: Epistolae Cantuarienses: The Letters of the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, from A.D. 1187 to A.D. 1199, ed. William Stubbs, RS, 38 (London, 1865), pp. 15, 282-3.
53 Gesta Innocenta PP. III, c. III (PL 214, col. xviii): ‘tunc sanctae memoriae Gregorius, octavus papa, in subdiaconum ordinavit’.
54 Stubbs, Epistolae Cantuarienses, p. 68: ‘noverit etiam negotium nostrum promovere efficaciter, qualis sicut accepimus, est dominus Lotbarius, socius domini Pilli, vel de quo placuerit alius’; John C. Moore, ‘Lotario dei Conti di Segni (Pope Innocent III) in the 1180’s’, Archivum Historiae Pontificiae, 29 (1991), pp. 255-8, esp. 257.
55 Henry de Marcy, Abbot of Hautecombe (1160-76) and of Clairvaux (1176-9), Cardinal Bishop of Albano (1179-89). See Markowski, ‘Peter of Blois’, pp. 266-7.
56 Brocchieri, ‘Sicardo’, p. 20.
57 PL 207, col. 533.
58 Riley-Smith, Jonathan, ‘Crusading as an act of love’, History, 65 (1980), pp. 177–92, esp. 179-80, 191CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Peters, Edward, ‘Lotario dei Conti di Segni becomes Pope Innocent III: the man and the pope’, in Moore, Pope Innocent III and his World, pp. 3–33.Google Scholar
59 PL 202, cols 1539-42; Ansbert, Historia de expeditione Friderici imperatoris, in Quellen zur Geschichte des Kreuzzuges Kaiser Friedrichs I, ed. A. Chroust, MGH Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, ns 5 (Berlin, 1928), pp. 6-10; trans, in Louise, and Riley-Smith, Jonathan, The Crusades: Idea and Reality (London, 1981), pp. 63–7.Google Scholar
60 Markowski, ‘Peter of Blois’, pp. 263-5.
61 Ibid., p. 263; Hamilton, Bernard, ‘The elephant of Christ: Reynald of Châtillon’, SCH, 15 (1978). pp. 97–108.Google Scholar
62 PL 207, cols 1067-8; Markowski, ‘Peter of Blois’, pp. 265-8.
63 Ibid., p. 266 n. 35.
64 Ibid.
65 PL 207, col. 1068: ‘Certe non est ignobilis apud Deum titulus paupertatis.’
66 For an original and sensitive treatment of this issue, see Joseph Canning, ‘Power and the pastor: a reassessment of Innocent III’s contribution to political ideas’, in Moore, Pope Innocent III and his World, pp. 245-53.
67 Chronicon ignoti monachis Cislerciensis sanctae Mariae de Ferraria, ed. Augustus Gaudenzi (Naples, 1888), pp. 32-3.
68 Maleczek, Pietro Capuano, p. 161.
69 Röhricht, R., Geschichte des Konigreiches Jerusalem (Innsbruck, 1898), p. 683 Google Scholar; Mayer, H. E., ‘Two unpublished letters on the Syrian Earthquake of 1202’ in Hanna, S. A., ed., Medieval and Middle Eastern Studies in Honor of Aziz Suryal Atiya (Leiden, 1972), pp. 295–310.Google Scholar
70 Maleczek, Pietro Capuano, p. 161.
71 Bulst-Thiele, L., Sacrae Domus Militiae Templi Hierosolymitani Magistri. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Templerordens 1118/19-1314 (Göttingen, 1974), p. 149.Google Scholar
72 Register 2, no. 180 (189), pp. 345-6.
73 Der Nersessian, S., ‘The Kingdom of Cilician Armenia’, in Setton, Kenneth M., ed., A History of the Crusades, 2 (Madison, WI, 1969), pp. 630–60 Google Scholar; Hamilton, Latin Church, pp. 334-9; Riley-Smith, Jonathan, ‘The Templars and the Teutonic Knights in Cilician Armenia’, in Boase, T. S. R., ed., The Cilician Kingdom of Armenia (Edinburgh and London, 1978), pp. 92–117, esp. 97-107.Google Scholar
74 Register 2, no. 209 (211), pp. 406-11.
75 Hamilton, Latin Church, p. 338.
76 Maleczek, Pietro Capuano, pp. 165-7, on which this paragraph is based.
77 Gesta Innocentii, c. LXXXVIII (PL 214, col. cxl): ‘praemisit itaque dominus papa Soffredum, tituli Sanctae Praxedis presbyterium cardinalem in Hierosolymitanam provinciam ut ibi legationis officium exerceret et fecit ei mille ducentas libras conferri, ut eas turn in necessitates familiae suae, turn in utilitatem terre sanctae provide distribuerit, sicut cognoscere expedire.’
78 Maleczek, Pietro Capuano, pp. 168-9.
79 Hiestand, R. and Mayer, H. E., ‘Die Nachfolge des patriarchen Monachus von Jerusalem’, Baseler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde, 74 (1974), pp. 109–30 Google Scholar, esp. 128; Maleczek, Pietro Capuano, pp. 182-3.
80 Ut lapsum humani generis, 17 Feb. 1205, PL 215, cols 540-1: ‘quod praedictus cardinalis Sanctae Praxedis factam de se postulationem a canonicis Sepulchri Dominici non admisit.’
81 Register 6, nos 129-34, pp. 214-24.
82 Ibid., no. 130, pp. 219-21. This and other letters are in Andrea, Alfred J. in Contemporary Sources for the Fourth Crusade, Medieval Mediterranean, 29 (Leiden, 2000)Google Scholar. I am most grateful to Prof Andrea for allowing me to see his draft translations.
83 Ut lapsum humani generis, ibid., no. 129, pp. 214-18.
84 Ibid., p. 216 11. 17-21.
85 Ibid., p. 217: ‘cum valde necessarius nobis existas tamquam vir nobilis et honestus, facundus et litteratus, et tam in temporalibus providus quam spiritualibus circumspectus, maxime propter illum specialis devotionis affectum, … propter urgentem tamen necessitatem.’
86 Ibid., p. 218; Maleczek, Pietro Capuano, p. 185.
87 Register 7, no. 23, pp. 395-6.
88 PL 215, cols 699-702; Maleczek, Pietro Capuano, pp. 189-230.
89 PL 215, col. 700: ‘ut simul relinqueretis terram illam quam Dominus sua praesentia consecravit’.
90 Ibid.: ‘venerabili fratte nostro, archiepiscopo Tyrensi, vos pariter subsecuto’.
91 Ibid., cols 699-702.
92 Hamilton, Latin Church, pp. 248-9.
93 Alberic des Trois Fontaines, Chronica, ed. Paul Scheffer Boichorst, in MGH Scriptores, XXIII (Hanover, 1874), pp. 631-950, at p. 884.
94 Hamilton, Latin Church, p. 249.
95 Ibid.
96 Ibid., p. 250. For Daimbaud, see Murray, Alan V., ‘Daimbert of Pisa, the Domus Codefridi and the accession of Baldwin I of Jerusalem’, in Alan V. Murray, ed., From Clermont to Jerusalem: The Crusades and Crusader Societies 1095-1500, International Medieval Research, 3 (Turnhout, 1998), pp. 81–102.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
97 Register 7, no. 222, pp. 393-5.
98 Ibid., p. 394 ll. 2-3: ‘tam viva voce quam per litteras’.
99 Gesta Innocentii, c. LXXXIX (PL 214, cols cxl-cxli).
100 D.74 C.2: CIC, 1, col. 262.
101 Register 7, no. 222, p. 395 l. 4: ‘cum ecclesia illa hodie plus habeat oneris quam honoris.’
102 Mosca, Alberto, pp. 171-206.
103 Ibid., pp. 207-69.
104 Van Cleeve, Thomas C., Markward of Anweiler and the Sicilian Regency (Princeton, NJ, 1937), p. 64.Google Scholar
105 Colombo, G., ‘I necrologi eusebiani’, Bollettino Storico Bibliografico Subalpino, 6 (1901), pp. 6–8.Google Scholar
106 Minghetti, ‘L’episcopato vercellese di Alberto’, pp. 104-7.
107 Ambrosioni, >Annamaria, ‘Controversie tra il monastero e la canonica di S. Ambrogio alla fine del secolo XII’, Rendiconti dell’ Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, 105 (1971), pp. 643–80.Google Scholar
108 Frances Andrews, ‘Innocent III and evangelical enthusiasts: the route to approval’, in Moore, Pope Innocent III and his World, pp. 229-41, esp. 235.
109 X. 2.13.12; CIC, 2, col. 286: ‘praedictus abbas de Locedio nobis exposuit viva voce.’
110 Andrews, ‘Evangelical enthusiasts’, pp. 234-5; eadem, The Early Humiliati (Cambridge, 1999). pp. 83-92.
111 Maccarrone, Michele, Studi su Innocenzo III, Italia Sacra, 17 (Padua, 1972), pp. 328–34.Google Scholar
112 Mittarelli, G. B. and Costadoni, A, Annales Camaldulenses ordinis sancti Benedicti, 9 vols (Venice, 1755-73), 4, col. 255.Google Scholar
113 Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, ed. N. P. Tanner, 2 vols (London and Washington, DC, 1990), 1, p. 240.
114 Mosca, Alberto, pp. 355-89; Hamilton, Latin Church, pp. 250-2.
115 Lydda, Beirut, Sebastia, and Tiberias; in addition the bishop of Bethlehem seems to have resided in the West during Albert’s reign: ibid., p. 250.
116 Ibid., pp. 251-2.
117 PL 216, cols 18-19.
118 Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, pp. 224-5, 240-4.
119 Ibid., pp. 242-3.
120 Register 6, no. 209 (210), pp. 355-8.
121 Register 7, no. 152, pp. 253-62; Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, p. 234.
122 PL 215, cols 555-9.
123 Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, p. 245.
124 Alberzoni, ‘Pietro di Lucedio’, pp. 231-2.
125 PL 215, cols 1004-8; Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, pp. 230-2.
126 ‘Quis dabit mihi pennas sicut columbae, et volabo et requiescam?’ Compare PL 217, col. 686.
127 PL 215, col. 1005.
128 ‘Quin, post electionem et confirmationem canonicam, inter personas eligentium, et electi, spirituale conjugium sit contractum’: PL 215, col. 1006.
129 ‘Cum sis vir potens in opere ac sermone, retorquens os tururis ad ascellas’: ibid., col. 1007; Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, p. 231 n.34.
130 Alberzoni, ‘Pietro di Lucedio’, pp. 234-9.
131 PL 215, cols 1486-9, 1506-7; PL 216, col. 47.
132 PL 215, cols 1500-3.
133 Ibid., col. 1425; Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, p. 233.
134 PL 215, col. 1425: ‘Dispositis itaque quae ad hoc cognoveris necessaria, nostro te conspectui repraesentes, recepturus a nobis consilium et auxilium opportunum.’
135 PL 216, cols 18-19; Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, pp. 233-5.
136 PL 215, cols 1428-9.
137 Manrique, A., Cisterciensium seu verius ecclesiasticorum annalium, 4 vols (Lyons, 1659), 4, pp. 37–8.Google Scholar
138 PL 216, col. 18: ‘ipse sit simplex, rectus ac timens Deum, et in ejus lege probatus.’
139 Hamilton, Latin Church, pp. 212-24.
140 Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, p. 244.
141 PL 216, cols 46-8.
142 Ibid., col. 47.
143 Ibid., cols 430-2.
144 Ibid., cols 434-5.
145 Ibid., col. 697; Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedio’, pp. 237-8.
146 Ibid., p. 247.
147 Ibid., p. 223.
148 Hamilton, Latin Church, p. 224.
149 PL 215, col. 1083.
150 Ibid., col. 1427.
151 Hamilton, Latin Church, p. 251.
152 PL 216, cols 830-1.
153 Mosca, Alberto, p. 385: ‘diabolicus quidam vir de loco Calixeni, diocesis Iporiensis quem idem pater de suis excessibus corrigebat.’
154 Hamilton, Latin Church, p. 253.
155 Gaudenzi, Ryccardi de Sancto Germano, p. 93: ‘Quo finito, patriarcha lerosolimitanus cum licentia est locutus faciens in suo sermone de succursu terre sancte principaliter mentionem, licet quedam in laudem pretulit domini pape.’
156 16 July 1216: Huygens, Lettres de Jacques de Vitry, p. 73.