Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 March 2016
Calvin’s reformed Geneva had as its motto post tenebras lux; the city set on a hill found an identity not only in maintaining the precarious miracle of political independence but in the God-given task of preserving truth and shedding light. In the sixteenth century the republic bore witness to its salvation through a corporate life of ordered righteousness, by printed propaganda and through a stream of missionaries and martyrs. Sympathisers also poured into Geneva but while many sixteenth-century exiles from France and French-speaking territories had quickly assumed important office in the Genevan church and the economic and political life of the republic, those who arrived after 1685 found themselves for the most part trapped in second-class employment enjoying second-class civil rights. Briefly, the central change was that Calvin’s city had depended for its survival on the commitment and capital of newcomers—like Calvin himself—while eighteenth-century Geneva had bred and trained its own clergy and men of affairs. In 1769 Jacob Vernet wrote of the hereditary right of the Genevan citizen to his rôle in the city’s life.
1 [Jacob], Vernet, Reflexions [sur les moeurs, sur la religion et sur le culte] (Geneva 1769) p 11 Google Scholar.
2 Several letters from the Pastors of the Church of Geneva to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London and the University of Oxford with their Answers to them (London 1707) pp 5, 11.
3 Jean-Alphonse, Turrettini, ‘Sermon on the Jubilee of the Reformation in Zurich preached I January 1719 at Geneva’ in Samuel, Werenfels, Sermons sur des Vérités Importantes de la Religion (Basel 1720) pp 529-30Google Scholar.
4 Jean-Alphonse Turrettini, ‘Speech previous to the Abolition of all subscriptions’ (trans S. Chandler); on Samuel, Chandler, The Case of Subscription to explanatory articles of faith as a Qualification for Admission into the Christian Ministry Calmly and Impartially Reviewed (London 1848) pp 160-74Google Scholar; [Geneva] B[ibliothèque] P[ublique et] U[niversitaire] MS fr 469.
5 Samuel, Turretin (sic), Preservatif contre le Fanatisme ou Refutation des pretendus inspirez des derniers siècles (Geneva 1723) pp 228-9Google Scholar; Vernet, Reflexions p 54; Ezechiel, Gallatin, Sermons sur divers textes de l’Ecriture Sainte (Geneva 1720) p 67 Google Scholar. (In these notes eighteenth-century French accents and spelling have been left unmodernised.)
6 Jean-Alphonse, Turretin (sic), A Discourse concerning Fundamental Articles in Religion in which a Method is laid down for the more effectual uniting of Protestants and promoting a more general Toleration among them (London 1720) pp 17 Google Scholar, 48, 74.
7 La Liturgie [ou La Manière de célébrer le Service Divin dans l’Eglise de Genève] (Geneva 1743) p 12; [Jacob], Vemet, Instruction Chretienne [divisée en 3 volumes. Seconde edition retouchée par l’auteur] (The Hague 1756) 2 p 89 Google Scholar; Stephen, Freeman, ‘Advertisement’ to Charles, Chais, A Sermon on the Judgments of Mankind (London 1790)Google Scholar; Roustan, A. J., A Catechism upon a new and Improved Plan (Warrington 1793) pp 19–20 Google Scholar.
8 François, Bruys, Mémoires historiques, critiques et littéraires (Paris 1751)Google Scholar, Voyageurs européens [à la découvert de Genève 1685-1792, ed Candaux, J-D] (Geneva 1966) p 42 Google Scholar.
9 Cleopatra, Montandon, ‘The Development of Science in Geneva in XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries: the Case of a Scientific Community’, unpubl Columbia university PhD thesis (1973) p 112 Google Scholar.
10 BPU, Correspondance de du Pan-Cramer, 6 letter 29; Vernet, Instruction Chrétienne 1 p 1.
11 d’Alembert, J. ‘Geneva’ in Encyclopedia Selections ed Hoyt, N.S. and Cassirer, J. (New York 1965) pp 138-9Google Scholar.
12 Candaux, J-D, ‘D’Alembert et les Genevois: quelques documents inédits’, Musées de Genève 77-8 (Geneva 1967) pp 3–6 Google Scholar shows d’Alembert had already made Genevan contacts of his own.
13 John Alphonso, Turretine (sic), Dissertations on Natural Theology, trans Crawford, W. (Belfast 1777) p 318 Google Scholar; Pierre, Mouchon, Sermons (Geneva 1798) p 6 Google Scholar; Jean-Jacques, Rousseau, Lettre à d’Alembert sur les Spectacles (Amsterdam 1758)Google Scholar.
14 Les Lettres critiques d’un Voyageur Anglois sur l’Article Genève du Dictionnaire Encyclopédique, et sur la lettre de Mr. D’Alembert à Mr. Rousseau touchant les Spectacles (Copenhagen 1766); Vernet, Reflexions p 25, 113, 112, 36, 95, 73; John Stephenson, Spink, Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Geneve (Paris 1934) p 140 Google Scholar.
15 Jean Edme, Romilly, Sermons, 3 vols (Geneva 1788) 1 p 218 Google Scholar; Claparède, D., Considerations upon the Miracles of the Gospel; in answer to the Difficulties raised by Mr. John-James Rousseau in his Letter from the Mountain (London 1758)Google Scholar.
16 [La Forme des] Prières [et Chants Ecclesiastiques] (Geneva 1542) not paginated, second page; La Liturgie pp 1-2.
17 A[rchives d’] E[tat de] G[enève] Registres du] Cons[istoire] for 1710, 1720, 1770 and 1780; [Charles] du, Bois-Melly, Les moeurs genevoises [de 1700 à 1760 d’après tous les documents officiels pour servir d’introduction à l’histoire de la Republique et Seigneurie à cette Epoque] (Geneva 1875) pp 126 Google Scholar, 283-5; Rousseau, , Confessions, trans Cohen, J. M. (Bungay 1971) p 66 Google Scholar p 49; Anne-Marie, Piuz, ‘Charité privée et mouvements des Affaires à Genève au XVIIIe siècle’, Colloque Franco-Suisse d’histoire Economique et Sociale 5-6 May 1967 (Geneva 1969) p 75 Google Scholar; BPU MSS Ami Lullin 35-36.
18 Pierre-Jean, Grosley, Nouveaux Mémoires, ou observations sur l’Italie et sur les Italiens, par deux gentilhommes suédois—Traduit du suédois (London 1764), Voyageurs Européens, pp 71-2Google Scholar.
19 Jacob, Björnstahl, Resa til Frankrike, Italien, Sweitz, Tyskland, Holland, Ängland, Turkiet och Grekland (Stockholm 1780-4), Voyageurs Européens p 103 Google Scholar p 106.
20 Nicolai Mikhailovitch, Karamzine, Pissma rousskago poutéchestvennika (Moscow 1797-1800), Voyageurs Européens, p 169 Google Scholar; [William], Beckford, [The Travel] Diaries [of William Beckford of Fonthill, ed Chapman, G.,] 2 vols (Cambridge 1928) 1 p 320 Google Scholar; for evidence of this in the 1760s see esp Charles Pictet to Rousseau 3 Feb 1764 in Conespondance [complète de Jean-Jacques] Rousseau, [ed Leigh, R. A.], 19 (Banbury 1973) pp 108-9Google Scholar and throughout this correspondence.
21 BPU Edicts catalogued in date order.
22 Fragments Biographiques et Historiques extraits des registres du Conseil d’Etat de la République de Genèva dès 1535 à 1792 (Geneva 1815) p 256; Beckford, Diaries 1 p 320.
23 Gustave, Moeckli, Conversions religieuses au XVIIIe siècle: La Chambre des Proselytes 1708-98 (Geneva 1950) pp 338-9Google Scholar, 352-3, 370.
24 Ruchon, F., Histoire de la Franc-Maçonnerie à Genève de 1736 à 1900 (Geneva 1935) pp 7 Google Scholar, 13, 24-5, 36, 44; see also Théodore Tronchin to Rousseau 13 Nov 1758, Correspondance Rousseau 5 (Geneva 1967) pp 219-21.
25 Monter, E. W., Witchcrafi in France and Switzerland (London 1976) p 61 Google Scholar; Deonna, W., ‘Superstitions à Genève aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles’ Archives Suisses des traditions populaires 43 (Basel 1946) pp 344 Google Scholar, 347-9, 367-8.
26 Bieler, A., L’homme et la femme dans la morale Calviniste (Geneva 1963) p 89 Google Scholar; Prières, not paginated, four pages just preceding last page; La Liturgie, p 87.
27 Yves, Brütsch, ‘Population Genevoise du XVIIIe siècle’, unpubl Master’s thesis (Geneva 1973) p 91 Google Scholar.
28 Bernard, Sonnaillon, ‘Etude des divorces à Genève dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe , unpubl Master’s thesis (Geneva 1975) pp 9 Google Scholar, 11, 31, 60-4; AEG Reg Cons, Remonstrances adressés . . . au magnifique Conseil 15 Aug 1769.
29 Laurent, Haeberli ‘Le Suicide à Genève à 18e siècle’ Pour une histoire qualitative: études offertes à Sven Stelling-Michaud (Geneva 1975) pp 118-20Google Scholar, 126-8.
30 Peter, Burch, ‘Les Comportements devant la Mort au XVIIIe siècle à Genève’, unpubl Master’s thesis (Geneva 1974) pp 81-2Google Scholar. Ten per cent of wills made were studied.
31 Girod, R., ‘Le recul de l’analphabétisme dans la region de Genève’, Mélanges d’histoire economique et sociale en hommage au professeur A. Babel (Geneva 1963) p 183 Google Scholar. Up to 90% signed marriage registers.
32 John R., Kleinschmidt, Les Imprimeurs et libraires de la Republique de Genève 1700-1798 (Geneva 1948) pp 28-9Google Scholar, 46; BPU, Registre des Assemblées des Messrs. les Directeurs de la Bibliothèque 1702-33 pp 93-95.
33 Grounauer, F., ‘Livre et Société à Genève au XVIIIe siècle’, unpubl Master’s thesis (Geneva 1969) pp 7 Google Scholar, 24, 27. Inventories from 1700 to 1715 and 1775 to 1790 were studied, and by the author those found for the Council of 200 1781-2: AEG, Jurisdictions civiles: Inventaires après décès 1781 onwards.
34 [Patrick], O’Mara, [‘Geneva in the Eighteenth Century: A Socio-Economie Study of the Bourgeois City-State during its] Golden Age’, unpubl PhD thesis (California 1954) p 141 Google Scholar; Karl, Küttner, Briefe eines Sachsen aus Schweiz an seinen Freund in Leipzig (Leipzig 1785-6), Voyageurs Européens pp 123-4Google Scholar, 127-8; John Moore noted this trend in 1772. See his A View of society and manners in France, Switzerland and Germany 2 vols (London 1779) 1 pp 158-9.
35 O’Mara, ‘Golden Age’ p 154; Patrick, O’Mara, ‘L’Affaire des Lettres Anonymes et l’Agitation Politique à St. Gervais en 1718’, Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire et d’Archaeologie de Geneva, 10, 3 (Geneva 1954) pp 255-60Google Scholar.
36 Jacob, Vemet, ‘Eloge Historique de Mr. Jean Turrettin, Pasteur et Professeur en Théologie et un Histoire Ecclésiastique à Genève’, Bibliothèque Raisonée des ouvrages des Savons de l’Europe, 22, 1 (Amsterdam 1738) p 463 Google Scholar; Vernet, Reflexions pp 9-10, p 104.
The author wishes to thank Anthony Fletcher for reading and commenting upon a draft of this paper.