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Instant History: Understanding the Wars of Yugoslav Succession
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 January 2017

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- Review Essay
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- Copyright © Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. 1996
1. Mark Thompson's A Paper House: The Ending of Yugoslavia (New York: Pantheon, 1992), is particularly good on the western parts of the former Yugoslavia. His account of Istria is unique. Glenny's, Misha The Fall of Yugoslavia: The Third Balkan War (London: Penguin, 1992 Google Scholar, is episodic and sometimes hastily written, but provides a dramatic yet detached account. Glenny published an updated second edition in 1995.
2. Magas˘, Branka, The Destruction of Yugoslavia: Tracking the Breakup 1980–1992 (London: Verso, 1993.Google Scholar
3. In this article, the term “Bosnia” should be understood to mean “Bosnia and Herzegovina,” the official name of that country.
4. Crnobrnja, Mihailo, The Yugoslav Drama (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994).Google Scholar
5. Gow, James, Legitimacy and the Military: The Yugoslav Crisis (London: Pinter, 1992), 61.Google Scholar
6. Sekelj, Laslo, Yugoslavia: The Process of Disintegration (Boulder: Social Science Monographs and Atlantic Research and Publications, 1993).Google Scholar
7. Allcock, John B., “The Fall of Yugoslavia: Symptoms and Diagnoses,” Slavonic and East European Review 72, no. 4 (1994): 686–91.Google Scholar
8. Woodward, Susan L., Socialist Unemployment: The Political Economy of Yugoslavia (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.Google Scholar
9. Woodward, Susan, Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War (Washington: Brookings Institution, 1995), 45.Google Scholar
10. Lydall, Harold, Yugoslav Socialism: Theory and Practice (London: Oxford University Press, 1984 Google Scholar; idem., Yugoslavia in Crisis (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989); Dyker, David A., Yugoslavia: Socialism, Development and Debt (London: Routledge, 1990.Google Scholar
11. Gutman, Roy, A Witness to Genocide (New York: Macmillan, 1993.Google Scholar
12. The New York Times eventually produced excellent coverage on the war. Roger Cohen's work in particular was well informed and balanced, as well as incisively analytical.
13. Vulliamy, Ed, Seasons in Hell: Understanding Bosnia's War (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994).Google Scholar
14. This is Kaplan's blurb on the book jacket.
15. Kaplan, Robert, Balkan Ghosts: A Journey Through History (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993)Google Scholar. Kaplan's book has sold well but the academic community has roundly criticized it. See Cooper, Henry, Slavic Review 52 (1993): 592–93; Van Coufoudakis, The Mediterranean Quarterly (Fall 1993): 105–8CrossRefGoogle Scholar; and Noel Malcolm, The National Interest (Summer 1993): 83–88, along with the exchange in the same journal (Fall, 1993): 109–1 1.
16. Levinsohn, Florence Hamlish, Belgrade: Among the Serbs (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1994).Google Scholar
17. Rieff, David, Slaughterhouse: Bosnia and the Failure of the West (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995)Google Scholar.
18. Cohen, Lenard J., Broken Bonds: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia, 2nd ed. (Boulder, Westview Press, 1995).Google Scholar
19. See Cohen's sometimes neglected volume, The Socialist Pyramid: Elites and Power in Yugoslavia (Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1989).
20. One might, however, object to the citation of the special pleadings of Chetnik apologists David Martin and Michael Lees without differentiating them from the substantial, influential and respected work of Walter R. Roberts and Mark C. Wheeler.
21. Bennett, Christopher, Yugoslavia's Bloody Collapse: Causes, Course and Consequences (New York: New York University Press, 1995)Google Scholar. For an thorough study of the role of the media in the Yugoslav wars, see Thompson, Mark, Forging War: The Media in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Hercegovina (London: International Centre against Censorship, 1994 Google Scholar.
22. This is Magas˘ view as well (321).
23. Full citation in fn. 9.
24. Silber, Laura and Little, Allan, The Death of Yugoslavia (New York: TV Books/Penguin USA, 1996)Google Scholar. The television series appeared in the US in late December 1995 on the Discovery channel.
25. Sabrina Petra Ramet and Ljubis˘a Adamovich, S., eds., Beyond Yugoslavia: Politics, Economics, and Culture in a Shattered Community (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995 Google Scholar
26. Donia, Robert J. and Fine, John V.A., Bosnia and Hercegovina: A Tradition Betrayed (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994 Google Scholar; Pinson, Mark, ed., The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina: Their Historic Development from the Middle Ages to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994 Google Scholar; Malcolm, Noel, Bosnia: A Short History (New York: New York University Press, 1994)Google Scholar; and Ali, Rabia and Lifschultz, Lawrence, eds., Why Bosnia? (Stony Creek: Pamphleteer's Press, 1993).Google Scholar
27. Benderly, Jill and Kraft, Evan, eds., Independent Slovenia: Origins, Movements, Prospects (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994)Google Scholar.
28. For an excellent discussion of one aspect of the women's movement in Belgrade, see Zajović, Stas˘a, ed., Women for Peace, vol. 1 (Belgrade: Women in Black, 1993), vol. 2 (1995)Google Scholar.
29. Poulton, Hugh, Who Are the Macedonians? (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995), 208.Google Scholar
30. Janjić, Dus˘an and Maliqi, Shkelzen, eds. Conflict or Dialogue: Serbian Albanian Relations and Integration of the Balkans (Subotica: Open University, European Civic Centre for Conflict Resolution, 1994).Google Scholar
31. Bringa, Tone, Being Muslim the Bosnian Way (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995 Google Scholar.
32. Danforth, Loring M., The Macedonian Conflict—Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995 Google Scholar.
33. Sugar, Peter, ed., Eastern Europe Nationalism in the Twentieth Century (Washington: American University Press, 1995.Google Scholar
34. Hall, Brian, The Impossible Country: A Journey through the Last Days of Yugoslavia (London: Seeker & Warburg, 1994).Google Scholar
35. Idem., Stealing from a Deep Place (London: Heinemann, 1988).
36. Banac, Ivo, “Misreading the Balkans,” Foreign Policy, no. 93 (Winter 1993–1994): 173–82CrossRefGoogle Scholar, referring to Glenny, The Fall of Yugoslavia. Despite Banac's comments, Glenny, who has lived in eastern Europe for years and speaks Serbian and Greek, has consistently been among the best informed and most acute analysts of the Yugoslav situation.
37. Drakulić, Slavenka, How we Survived Communism and Even Laughed (New York: W.W. Norton, 1992)Google Scholar; idem., The Balkan Express: Fragments from the Other Side of War (New York: W.W. Norton, 1993).
38. Banac, “Misreading the Balkans,” 36.
39. Drakulić, How We Survived, 124 and 31.
40. Quotations from, in order, Balkan Express, 50; How We Survived, 143; and Balkan Express, 58, 50–51, 145.
41. Havel, Václav, Disturbing the Peace: A Conversation with Karel Hvvulala (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990), 179.Google Scholar
42. Misha Glenny, New York Times Book Review (21 January 1996): 12.
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