Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
1 The essential dates of Alpago's biography which can be either established or inferred from this study are: Birth—not after May 12, 1459 (v. pp. 3, 8); Doctor of Arts, University of Padua, Aug. 3, 1481 (Doc. III, 82-83); at Damascus—about 1487-1517 (16, 26-27, 48); at Cyprus—1517-20, apparently (48); return to Venice Dec. 20, 1520, presumably (48); University of Padua: Jan. 21, 1521—College of Philosophers and Physicians agrees to examine his translations (Doc. XI, 88-90); Jan. 24, 1521—College praises and recommends his translations (Doc. XII, 90); March 4, 1521—students request he be appointed Professor (50—Sanuto); Sept. 27, 1521—appointed by Venetian Senate as Extraordinary Professor of Medicine ‘in primo loco’ (Doc. XIII, 91); Jan. 8, 1522—the College grants until the end of February a delay to provide time for Alpago to produce his Doctor of Medicine diploma; otherwise, he must take the examinations as specified in the statutes (Doc. XIV, 91-92); Jan. 8-22, 1522—death (54, n. 4); note dated Jan. 22, 1522 (Sanuto): ‘In questo mese morite a Padoa mastro Andrea da Cividal [i.e., ‘di Belluno’ or ‘Alpago,’ v. 3 ] dotor, lezeva in medicina, stato longamente in Soria, quale havia traduto Avicena … ‘ ; Feb. n , 1522—property divided by ‘arbitrary decree,’ since he had prepared no last will and testament (Doc. xv, 92); Jan. 19, 1524 and May 31, 1547—Venetian Senate authorized for a ten-year period Andrea's nephew Paolo to publish Andrea's translations and annotations (Docs, XVI-XVII, 93-94).
2 In a sentence on p. 28 the date, June 19, 1512, which according to the relevant document (v, 84) refers to the date of composition by the Venetian Senate of a letter to the Venetian Consul at Damascus, seems to be misplaced, because in its present position, it suggests that letters were written by the Venetian Consul in Damascus to the Venetian Senate on that date: ‘Ma il 19 giugno 1512 [!] lettere [!] del Console … denunciano [!] nuovamente gravi dissesti ed (il 19 giugno 1512?) il Senato decide di eleggere altri due Proweditori i quali “habino libertà et auctorità de reveder et examinar tutti li conti de le spese facte per dicti do cotimi…” ‘
3 For assistance with a number of problems, I am indebted to Dr. Frank Platt of Converse College.