Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 July 2016
Measurements reported in this paper were obtained with the 4.5 L and 3 L CO2 counters, details of which were given earlier (Radiocarbon, v. 11, p. 423). The automatic data recording system built in 1968 (Hänsel, 1968) is now operating for both counting apparatus. For each one the counts of the guard counters ring (A counts), the total counts of the C14 counter (B counts), the coincidences of central and guard ring counter (AB counts), and the anticoincidences (ĀB counts) are tape punched every 100th minute. By an ALGOL program, all counts are checked first for large disturbances. Secondly, equation B = AB + ĀB must hold (as an integral check for proper operation of logical circuitry and the data recording system) and finally statistical compatibility is examined before age and other data for the actual counting apparatus are computed. This detailed check of counting rates by computer has proved to be very efficient to yield reliable long-term measurements.