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Editors and Advisory Board
Senior Editors
Derek B. Booth

Derek B. Booth

[email protected]

University of Washington

Lewis A Owen

Lewis A. Owen

[email protected]

North Carolina State University

Nicholas Lancaster

Nicholas Lancaster

[email protected]

Desert Research Institute

Associate Editors
Lesleigh Anderson

Lesleigh Anderson

[email protected]

U.S. Geological Survey

Keywords: Paleolimnology, paleoclimatology, isotope geochemistry

Pat Bartlein

Pat Bartlein

[email protected]

University of Oregon

Keywords: Palaeoclimatology, Data Analysis and Visualisation, Environmental Modelling

Robert Booth

Robert Booth

[email protected]

Lehigh University

Keywords: Palaeoecology

Louisa Bradtmiller

Louisa Bradtmiller

[email protected]

Macalester College

Keywords: Palaeoceanography, paleoclimatology

Yurena Yanes

John Dodson

[email protected]

Institute of Earth Environments, Xi'an, China and University of Wollongong

Keywords: Palaeoecology, Human impact, Asia and Oceania

Jason Dortch

Jason Dortch

[email protected]

University of Kentucky

Keywords: Geomorphology, Geochronology, Glaciation

Mary Edwards

Mary Edwards

[email protected]

University of Southampton and University of Alaska

Keywords: Palaeoecology, biogeography

Tyler Faith

Tyler Faith

[email protected]

Natural History Museum of Utah

University of Utah

Keywords: Paleoecology, zooarchaeology, vertebrate paleontology

Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi

[email protected]

National University of Mexico and Instituto de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados Chicxulub

Keywords: Paleoclimates, geophysics, paleomagnetism

radu iovita

Radu Iovita 

[email protected]

New York University

Keywords: Paleolithic archaeology, geoarchaeology, human-environment interaction, hominin dispersals, Eurasia

Kathleen R. Johnson

Kathleen R. Johnson

[email protected]

University of California, Irvine

Keywords: Paleoclimate, geochemistry, speleothems

Terri Lacourse

Terri Lacourse

[email protected]

University of Victoria

Keywords: Paleoecology, palynology

Pete Langdon

Pete Langdon

[email protected]

University of Southampton

Keywords: Palaeolimnology, palaeoecology

Thomas Lowell

Thomas Lowell

[email protected]

University of Cincinnati

Keywords: Glacial geomorphology, glacial chronology

Curtis W. Marean

Curtis W. Marean

[email protected]

Arizona State University

Keywords: Human evolution or paleoanthropology, Africa, paleoecology

Barbara Mauz

Barbara Mauz

[email protected]

University of Liverpool and University of Salzburg

Keywords: Quaternary geology and stratigraphy, proxy records of sea-level change, Quaternary geochronology and luminescence dating technique

Jim O'Connor

Jim O'Connor

[email protected]

U.S. Geological Survey

Keywords: Quaternary Geology of western North America; Fluvial geomorphology

Wyatt Oswald

Wyatt Oswald

[email protected]

Emerson College

Keywords: Palynology, forestry, arctic environments

Yeong Bae Seong

Yeong Bae Seong

[email protected]

Korea University

Keywords: Cosmogenic dating, dryland, glacial landform

James Shulmeister

James (Jamie) Shulmeister

[email protected]

University of Canterbury, Christchurch

Keywords: Glacial geology, coastal geomorphology, paleoecology

EA photo

Ximena Villagran

[email protected]

Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, Universidade de São Paulo (MAE/USP)

Keywords: Geoarcharology; Micromorphology; South American archaeology; Human impact on ecosystems

Xiaoping Yang

Xiaoping Yang

[email protected]

Zhejiang University

Keywords: Dryland environments, global change and contemporary environmental issues, desertification

Editorial Board
Xiaoping Yang

Zhisheng An

[email protected]

Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Keywords: Quaternary geology, monsoon and global change, dust and aerosols

Gail Ashley

Gail Ashley

[email protected]

Rutgers University

Keywords: Paleoenvironments, paleohydrology of springs, wetlands and rivers, geoarchaeology

Julie Brigham-Grette

Julie Brigham-Grette

[email protected]

University of Massachusetts

Keywords: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, chronology of Arctic climate and sea level

Yurena Yanes

John Dodson

[email protected]

Institute of Earth Environments, Xi'an, China and University of Wollongong

Keywords: Palaeoecology, Human impact, Asia and Oceania

Yehouda Enzel

Yehouda Enzel

[email protected]

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Keywords: Desert geomorphology, palaeohydrology of lakes and streams

David Fink

David Fink

[email protected]

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

Keywords: AMS, Cosmogenic Nuclides, Radiocarbon, Antarctic Paleoclimate, Geochronology

Sheri Fritz

Sheri Fritz

[email protected]

University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Keywords: Paleoclimate, paleolimnology, diatom ecology of North and South America

Alan R. Gillespie

Alan R. Gillespie

[email protected]

University of Washington

Keywords: Glacial geology, paleoclimate, megaflooods, Central Asia

Lisa Graumlich

Lisa Graumlich

[email protected]

University of Washington

Keywords: paleoclimatology, paleoecology, climate change and mountain ecosystems

Vance T. Holliday

Vance T. Holliday

[email protected]

University of Arizona

Keywords: Geoarchaeology, North American Archaeology, Peopling of the New World, Soils, Late Quaternary Stratigraphy

Richard G. Klein

Richard G. Klein

[email protected]

Stanford University

Keywords: Human Origins, Quaternary Paleontology

Melanie Leng

Melanie Leng

[email protected]

British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham

Keywords: Stable isotope geochemistry, climate and environmental change

Yurena Yanes

Danial R. Muhs

[email protected]

US Geological Survey

Keywords: Quaternary Sea Level History, Eolian Stratigraphy, Soils, North America; Pacific, Atlantic, and Caribbean Islands

Colin V. Murray-Wallace

Colin V. Murray-Wallace

[email protected]

University of Wollongong

Keywords: Coastal evolution, neotectonism, geochronology, Quaternary sea-level changes

Jay Quade

Jay Quade

[email protected]

Department of Geosciences, Univeristy of Arizona

Keywords: geochemistry, paleoclimatology, Quaternary Geology

Ashok Kumar Singhvi

Ashok Kumar Singhvi

[email protected]

Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India

Keywords: Quarternary Geochronology, Geology, Palaeoclimates, Palaeoseismology

Maria Socorro Lozano-Garcia

Maria Socorro Lozano-Garcia

[email protected]

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Keywords: Tropical paleoecology, paleoclimatology and human impact on ecosystems

Cathy L. Whitlock

Cathy L. Whitlock

[email protected]

Montana State University

Keywords: Paleoecology and vegetation history: North and South America

Yurena Yanes

Yurena Yanes

[email protected]

University of Cincinnati

Keywords: Isotope geochemistry, paleoclimatology, Quaternary mollusks, taphonomy and paleoecology

Liping Zhou

Liping Zhou

[email protected]

Peking University

Keywords: Land-sea correlation, loess, geochronology, geomorphology, Central Asia, East Asia