In the original publication of Viteri et al (2021), an error occurred in Table 2. The corrected table is reproduced on the following page. In addition, a textual error occurred in the Results section. The corrected text is reproduced below:
* GHOW = great horned owl, SEOW = short-eared owl, LEOW = long-eared owl, RTH = red-tailed hawk,
SWH = Swainson's hawk
The standardized richness (SQS) for each site-predator cohort ranged from 0.93 to 5.93 and evenness (PIE) ranged from 0.30 to 0.79 (Table 2). The majority of samples were fairly even (PIE >0.5) for all cohorts, with the exception of three of the four Hayden Valley raptors: Swainson's hawk, short-eared owl, and long-eared owl (Table 2). Hayden Valley cohorts also had the lowest raw and standardized richness (Table 2). Pellets from ravens had the highest evenness and standardized richness across all study sites (Table 2).
The authors apologize for these errors.