Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 2025
Since item values obtained by item analysis procedures are not always stable from one situation to another, it follows that selection of items for validity or difficulty is sometimes useless. An application of Chi Square to testing homogeneity of item values is made, in the case of the UL method, and illustrative data are presented. A method of applying sampling theory to Horst's maximizing function is outlined, as illustrative of author's observation that the results of item analysis by any of various methods may be similarly tested.
* Fisher, R. A. Statistical Methods for Research Workers. London, Oliver and Boyd, 1934. Pages 110-111.
* Horst, Paul, “Item Selection by Means of a Maximizing Function”, Psychametrika, 1936, 1, PP. 229-244.
* While this fact is very important in devising a test for significance, it is of little consequence in reference to the actual selection process as developed by Dr. Horst. Roughly speaking, he chooses large values of u and small values of v so that the effect of difficulty is nullified.
† For a method of testing the significance of a correlation coefficient, see R. A. Fisher, (op. cit.), page 179.