Albert Maydeu-Olivares called the meeting to order at 3:00 P.M. Twenty-seven members of the Society were present.
Albert asked for a motion to approve the 2013 Business Meeting minutes that were published in the March, 2013 issue of Psychometrika. Mark Wilson made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Brian Junker seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Luz Bay presented the report of the Membership Committee. She nominated 103 individuals for regular membership into the Society. A motion to accept these individuals for membership was passed.
Oiman Kwok
Minjeong Jeon
Jody Hoff
Eva Enefjord
Bryan Keller
Heng Li
Rongchun Zhu
Thomas Goettsche
Lynn Schofield
Ji Seung Yang
Cassandra Clough
Matthew Winter
Liu Haiyan
Pamela Matheny
Amy Frost
Tzu Chun Kuo
Yin Fu
Wei Xu
Allison Ames
Yuyu Fan
Jennifer Cooper
Kimberly Shinault
Bjorn Andersson
Sangbeak Ye
Rebecca Freund
Benjamin Shear
Wendy Smith
Barth Riley
William Samuels
Hugo Blasdel
Lele Khorramdel
Keith Wright
Kevin Kupzyk
Amy Storfer-Isser
Jacob Bishop
Joseph Betts
Elizabeth Williamson
Can Shao
Deborah Linares
Nicole Kaminski
Leanne Williamson
Han Lee
Jinah Choi
Sunil Lamsal
David King
Carlos Valazquez
Jason Zellmer
C. Opariuc-Dan
Yinghao Sun
Daphna Harel
Shenghai Dai
Lizbeth Benson
Andrew Hermann
Wang Ze
June Twomey
Sharon Sawyer
Fei Gu
Eunyoung Lim
Gongjun Xu
James Penny
Eiliana Rojas
Dhawn Mason
David Irribarra
Kevin Santos
Mark Lachowicz
Luciana Cancado
Leo DeBroeck
Brenden Bishop
Kelli Samonte
Jens Wiechers
Youn Seon Lim
Ashley Lawrence
Alice Brawley
J. Mason
Chelsea Muth
Wes Bonifay
Xin Xin
Deborah Borlam
Luan Eng Ng
Bryant Hutson
Jasmine Morrow
Likun Hou
Jeanuh We
Ellen Hamaker
Michelle Barrett
Yong Luo
Junhao Pan
Taehoon Kang
Yunxiao Chen
Soo Youn Lee
Derya Cakici
Ting Wang
Eunhee Keum
Eda Demirduzen
Mengyao Zhang
Meereem Kim
Kaylee Litson
Jared Harpole
Qian Cao
Melanie Gallo
Nicole Pashley
Alexandra Wesnousky
Geen Tomko
Luz gave the Treasurer’s report. She noted that the Society’s finances have increased over the last couple of years. She reported that the starting cash on hand as of January 1, 2013 was $515,337.71. As of June 30, 2014 we had $99,311.57 in total income and $58,071.20 in total disbursements and thus our current cash on hand is $556,578.08.
Editorial Council Report
Albert Maydeu-Olivares provided an update on the Executive Editor search, which has occurred with the untimely death of Roger Millsap. He thanked Brian Junker for assuming the role of interim editor. Submission deadline for candidates is August 8. The Editorial Council will provide a recommendation for editor to the Board of Trustees. Start date is optimally no later than January 1, 2015.
Albert Maydeu-Olivares will be stepping down as ARCS editor after the new editor is in place. He asked any individuals who are interested in this position to contact him. Brian Junker presented an interim editor report. He thanked Judy Pierren and the associate editors for assisting with the transition. Brian reported there are currently about four issues of articles accepted, but not yet published. Currently, an article spends about 130 days in editorial review. The overall acceptance rate has been very high over the past year, about 46 %. Editorial Council has a target of 36 % acceptance rate. In order to eliminate the backlog, there will be additional pages added to the journal.
Andries van der Ark discussed the proceedings publication for 2013 IMPS. There is a slight delay in the production of the proceedings, which will be published the end of 2014. Jeff Douglas will be added as a new 2014 Proceedings co-editor. At registration for IMPS 2014, submitters indicated interest in submitting a chapter. The response was overwhelming, and there may be a restriction of accepted chapters. The proposed publication date is shortly before the Beijing meeting.
Board of Trustees Report
Sophia Rabe-Hesketh introduced three new board members: Cees Glas, who assumed Sophia’s uncompleted term, and Anders Skrondal and Andries van der Ark, the newly elected board members. She introduced the new Early Career Award, which will be given in 2015 and invited members to submit nominations. Sophia reported that the Board of Trustees now holds regular teleconference meetings, and an in-person meeting mid-year. The new committees introduced last year are functioning well, and members of the society are invited to join them. Albert Maydeu-Olivares presented plaques to the outgoing board members, Irini Moustaki and Alina von Davier.
Election of the Secretary and Treasurer
Albert Maydeu-Olivares introduced the nominee for Secretary, Luz Bay. Dan Bolt was nominated for Treasurer (3 years). A motion was made and seconded to approve Luz as Secretary and Dan as Treasurer. Motion carried. It was noted that the next term of Secretary will be for 2 years. The purpose of this is to avoid the terms of both the secretary and treasurer ending the same year. Following Luz’s 2 year term, the secretary position will then assume its regular 3 year term.
IMPS 2014
Dan Bolt provided an update on IMPS 2014. 380 individuals have registered for conference and workshops, representing 26 different countries. One hundred and four people attended the workshops, with 16 people registering for the workshops only. It was noted also that in an effort to balance the speakers, 50 % of the Invited Speakers and State of the Art presenters were women.
IMPS 2015
Sophia Rabe-Hesketh provided a report on the 2015 meeting at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, July 12–17, 2015. She encouraged everyone to continue to visit the website for updated information. Currently the information on travel to Beijing and visa requirements is posted.
Future Meetings
Albert Maydeu-Olivares requested proposals for hosting future meetings. Individuals interested in hosting should contact a member of the Board of Trustees.
Albert announced the new President Elect, Terry Ackerman. He thanked Hua-Hua Chang for his service as Past President and presented him with a plaque. He then presented each of the Past Presidents in attendance with a plaque commemorating their service. Additional plaques will be sent to all past presidents.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. CT.