Notice to Fellows and Members
Fellows and Members of the College are reminded of their rights in connection with the elections for the offices of Dean, Registrar, Treasurer, Editor and Librarian. All Honorary Officers are eligible for reelection.
The nominating meeting of the Council will be held on 26 April and the last date for receiving nominations will therefore be 24 May. The relevant Bye-laws and Regulations are printed below:
Extracts from the Bye-laws
Section XII - the other Honorary Officers
1. The Council shall, in accordance with the Regulations, make its nominations for the offices of Dean, Registrar, Treasurer, Editor and Librarian at the first meeting after the name of the President for the next ensuing College year has become known. Written nominations for the above Honorary Offices, accompanied in each case by the nominee’s written consent to stand for election, may also be lodged with the Registrar at such time as may be prescribed by the Regulations, provided that each such nomination is supported in writing by not less than twelve Members of the College who are not members of the Council.
2. The Dean, Registrar, Treasurer, Editor and Librarian shall be elected from amongst the Fellows, by the Members of the College, in each case in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Regulations.
Section XIV - the Registrar and Deputy Registrars
3. The Registrar shall hold office as such for a term of not more than five consecutive College years.
Extract from the Regulations
Section XII - election of the other Honorary Officers
1. The method of electing the Honorary Officers other than the President, the Vice-Presidents, Sub-Deans and Deputy Registrars shall be the same as that for electing the PresidentFootnote *, save that nominations from Members of the College who are not members of the Council shall be lodged with the Registrar between the first day of June in any calendar year and the date which is four clear weeks after that meeting of the Council which is the first held after the name of the President for the next ensuing College year has become known.
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