Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2022
Advocates and opponents of nuclear power agree that cold water reactors will not explode like atom boaba. Such a logical poaaibility is incompatible with our knowledge of the design of such plants and the physical principles regulating their operation.
No such knowledge rules out the possibility of a core meltdown. Estimates of the rate at which such meltdowns will occur range from one in a million years (so that the probability of a reactor running one year without a meltdown occurring is 0.999999) to one in a thousand years (so that the probability of no meltdown in one year of operation is 0.9990005). (These probabilities are computed on the assumption that the production of meltdowns is a poisson process.)
Some philosophers think the difference between the hypothesis about atomic explosions and the one about core meltdowns to be a matter of degree.