Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2022
There ie an old (c. 1967) argument due to Dana Scott tnat is not as well known to philosophers and logicians as it ought to be. I shall cone back to it later.
The principle of matheaatlcal induction asserts that every number belongs to any class tnat contains zero and also contains tne successor of any member.
Can the principle of mathematical induction be proved? That is to say, is there a way to show tnat every numoer oelongs to any class, that, etc?
Like any other statement, the principle of mathematical induction can be derived from itself, in zero lines. This quick and easy derivation is not a proof of mathematical induction: it does not show that induction is true.
This paper replaces my remarks on Prof. Maddy's paper; it was written while I was on a fellowship for Independent Study and Research from the National Endowment for the Humanities. I am grateful to Scott Weinstein for helpful comments.