How many things by season season'd are.
To their right praise and true perfection!
Merchant of Venice, i, 107
In 1958 the American Political Science Association initiated the first of what were to be a number of awards for outstanding dissertations. In that year the Leonard D. White Memorial Award was established “… for the best doctoral dissertation within the general field of public administration.” This was followed, in turn, by the Edward S. Corwin Award (1973) “… for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of public law,” the Helen Dwight Reid Award (1965) “… for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of international relations,” and the E. E. Schattschneider Award (1971) “… for the best dissertation completed and accepted in the general field of American Government and Politics.” More recently, the Leo Strauss (1974), the William Anderson (1975), and the Gabriel A. Almond (1976) Awards have been established for the best dissertations in the fields of political philosophy, international relations and comparative politics, respectively.