A PSA is pleased to recognize the recipients of campus-wide and departmental awards for teaching excellence during the 2010–11 academic year. Pi Sigma Alpha hosts these recipients each year at the Reception Honoring Teaching at the APSA Annual Meeting.

Dr. Lydia M. Andrade, University of the Incarnate Word, UIW Presidential Teaching Award

Dr. Lisa Aubrey, Arizona State University, Faculty of the Year Award from the Black and African Coalition and Outstanding Undergraduate Mentor Award

Dr. Rob Baker, Wittenberg University, Distinguished Teaching Award

Dr. J. Michael Bitzer, Catawba College, Swink Prize and Professorship

Dr. Michael Butler, Clark University, The 2010–2011 Outstanding Teacher Award

Dr. Daniel Corstange, University of Maryland, College Park, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences' Excellence in Teaching Award

Dr. Alexander Dawoody, Marywood University, Professor of the Year Award

Dr. Robert F. Durant, American University, American University Scholar-Teacher of the Year Award

Dr. Victoria A. Farrar-Myers, University of Texas Arlington, Inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Teachers

Dr. Lilly J. Goren, Carroll University, Benjamin F. Richason, Jr. Faculty Award

Dr. Kathleen M. Hale, Auburn University, College of Liberal Arts Community and Civic Engagement Award

Dr. Ron E. Hassner, University of California, Berkeley, UPSA's Distinguished Teaching Award

Dr. Kim Quaile Hill, Texas A&M University, The Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching

Professor Mark S. Hyde, Providence College, Joseph R. Accinno Teaching Award

Dr. Michael Infranco, Washington State University, Pi Sigma Alpha Outstanding Political Science Instructor

Dr. Nori Katagiri, Air War College, Air War College Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence

Dr. Kimi Lynn King, University of North Texas, University Distinguished Teaching Professor

Nina Kollars, The Ohio State University, College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award

Dr. Yanna Krupnikov, Indiana University Bloomington, Trustees Teaching Award

Dr. Mika LaVaque-Manty, University of Michigan, Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship

Dr. Lauren MacLean, Indiana University Bloomington, Trustees Teaching Award

Dr. Laurel A. Mayer, Sinclair Community College, NISOD Teaching Excellence Award

Dr. Paula McClain, Duke University, Graduate Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring and 2010 Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring

Professor K.C. Morrison, Mississippi State University, 2011 Mississippi Black Educator of the Year

Professor Richard G. Niemi, University of Rochester, William H. Riker University Award for Graduate Teaching

Dr. Robert Pahre, University of Illinois, Provost's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Dr. Barbara Patrick, Mississippi State University, 2011 Arts and Sciences Teaching Award

Dr. J. Mitchell Pickerill, Washington State University, Pi Sigma Alpha Outstanding Political Science Professor

Dr. Erik T. Rankin, Illinois State University, College of Arts and Sciences Excellence Award for Outstanding Teaching Award-AP for 2011

Dr. Raymond Rosenfeld, Eastern Michigan University, Alumni Association Teaching Excellence Award

Dr. Sara L. Rushing, Montana State University, College of Letters and Science Outstanding Teaching Award

Dr. Houman Sadri, University of Central Florida, UCF Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Award and UCF Teaching Incentive Program Award

Professor Arlene W. Saxonhouse, University of Michigan, Tronstein Prize

Dr. Jillian M. Schwedler, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University Distinguished Teaching Award

Professor John T. Scott, University of California, Davis, Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate and Professional Teaching

Dr. Daniel J. Sherman, University of Puget Sound, Dean's Teaching Award

Dr. Indira Sinha, College of Commerce, Glory of India Award, International Achievers' Award, Shiksha Ratna Puraskar and Indian Achievers' Award

Dr. Jason Sorens, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Lisa Hertel Outstanding Professor Award

Dr. Paul E. Sum, University of North Dakota, North Dakota Spirit Faculty Achievement Award

Dr. Brendon Swedlow, Northern Illinois University, Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award

Professor Sean Theriault, The University of Texas at Austin, Professor of the Year

Dr. Kenneth D. Wald, University of Florida, Teacher-Scholar Award

Dr. Mary Walsh, University of Canberra, Australia, Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence and the Unit Satisfaction Survey Recognition Award

Dr. Matt Weidenfeld, Washington State University, Pi Sigma Alpha Outstanding Political Science Professor

Dr. Jeanne Zaino, Iona College, 2011 Presidential Teaching Scholar, Iona College
Dr. Scott Abernathy, University of Minnesota, Morse-Alumni Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education
Dr. Benjamin O. Arah, Bowie State University, College of Arts and Science 2011 Extra-Miler Award and Outstanding Faculty Service to the Department
Dr. Matthew Beckmann, University of California, Irvine, Outstanding Faculty Mentoring Award
Professor Jeff Borg, Front Range Community College, Master Teacher
Craig Borowiak, Haverford College, The Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching
Bryan Buford, Auburn University, College of Liberal Arts Instructional Excellence Award
Dr. Christopher K. Butler, University of New Mexico, The University of New Mexico College of Arts and Sciences Award for Teaching Excellence
Dr. Rachael V. Cobb, Suffolk University, Outstanding College of Arts and Sciences Faculty of the Year
Juvenal J. Cortes, University of Southern California, Teaching Assistant Fellow
Dr. Michelle D. Deardorff, Jackson State University, Department of Political Science Trailblazer Award for Outstanding Faculty
Dr. Debra DeLaet, Drake University, Arts and Sciences Teacher of the Year
Dr. Todd A. Eisenstadt, American University, 2010 Teaching with Research Award
Dr. Mark Haas, Duquesne University, Omicron Delta Kappa Teacher of the Year Award–Honorable Mention
Tracy Harbin, St. John Fisher College, 2011 Academic Advising Award
Dr. Heather L. Hawn, University of South Carolina, Education Foundation Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award
Dr. Richard Holtzman, Bryant University, Student Senate Choice Award for Faculty Cooperation and Support
Dr. Marc Morjé Howard, Georgetown University, 2010–11 Lepgold Award
Wendy L. Johnston, SUNY Adirondack Community College, SUNY Adirondack 2011 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching-Junior Faculty
Dr. Joseph F. Jozwiak, Jr., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching Award
Dr. Allison F. Kingsley, University of Vermont, Undergraduate Teacher of the Year
Dr. Ari Kohen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award
Professor Robin Kolodny, Temple University, Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching
Dr. Jonathan Krasno, Binghamton University, SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching
Dr. Douglas L. Kriner, Boston University, Gitner Award for Distinguished Teaching
Dr. Isis I. Leslie, Texas Tech University, Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award
Dr. William Lowry, Washington University, Distinguished Faculty Award
Professor Jacques Mangala, Grand Valley State University, Pew Teaching Excellence Award
Dr. Melanie Manion, University of Wisconsin Madison, Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award
Dr. Sarah Marusek, University of Hawaii, Hilo, 2011 Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Dr. Jonathan Mercer, University of Washington, Distinguished Teaching Award
Dr. Robert G. Moser, University of Texas, Silver Spurs Teaching Fellowship Award
Dr. William Munro, Illinois Wesleyan University, Kemp Award for Teaching Excellence
Dr. Smita A. Rahman, DePauw University, Exemplary Teacher Award, 2010–2011
Dr. Laurie A. Rhodebeck, University of Louisville, Award for Instructional Development
Professor Caesar D. Sereseres, University of California, Irvine, Professor of the Year
Dr. Steve Snow, Wagner College, Award for Exceptional Performance in Area of Teaching
Professor Dorothy Solinger, University of California, Irvine, Outstanding Mentoring Award
Dr. Marek Steedman, University of Southern Mississippi, 2010 Humanities Teacher Award
Jerrold Waltman, Baylor University, Robert Reid Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching
Dr. Robert Webking, University of Texas at El Paso, University of Texas Regents Outstanding Teaching Award
Dr. David L. Weiden, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award
Dr. Krista E. Wiegand, Georgia Southern University, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Service
Dr. Bruce Wilson, University of Central Florida, Teaching Incentive Program Award