Candidates and Voters: Ideology, Valence, and Representation in US Elections
Walter J. Stone
Cambridge University Press
China’s Global Engagement: Cooperation, Competition, and Influence in the 21st Century
Jacques deLisle and Avery Goldstein, eds.
Brookings Institution Press
Comparative Public Management: Why National, Environmental, and Organizational Context Matters
Kenneth J. Meier, Amanda Rutherford, and Claudia N. Avellaneda, eds.
Georgetown University Press
Contemporary Anti-Muslim Politics: Aggressions and Exclusions
Kenneth Long
Lexington Books
A Defense of Rule: Origins of Political Thought in Greece and India
Stuart Gray
Oxford University Press
Dreaming in Dark Times: Six Exercises in Political Thought
Sharon Sliwinski
University of Minnesota Press
Environmental Governance Reconsidered: Challenges, Choices, and Opportunities (Second Edition)
Robert F. Durant, Daniel Fiorino, and
Rosemary O’Leary, eds.
The MIT Press
Framing the Farm Bill: Interests, Ideology, and Agricultural Act of 2014
Christopher Bosso
University Press of Kansas
Globalization and Change in Higher Education: The Political Economy of Policy Reform in Europe
Beverly Barrett
Palgrave Macmillan
Hard Target: Sanctions, Inducements, and the Case of North Korea
Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland
Stanford University Press
American Teacher: Adventures in the Classroom and Our Nation’s Capital
Douglas Graney
Mascot Books

From the Author: The book American Teacher: Adventures in the Classroom and Our Nation’s Capital chronicles my career as a social studies teacher. Starting in Connecticut and upstate New York, you will read the struggles of a young teacher learning his craft in different public and private, rural, suburban, and small town schools while also searching for meaning in America and American history. After arriving in northern Virginia, I immediately took advantage of nearby Washington, DC, for field trips, guest speakers, and accessing DC for the betterment of my students. The field trips would exceed 100 during my career as well as half as many guest speakers. Exploiting DC would ultimately lead to creating the largest intern placement program in the United States as my political science students invaded Capitol Hill (and other offices) every spring.
Douglas Graney is a National Board certified teacher at Herndon High School in Herndon, Virginia and has received numerous teacher-of-the-year awards. He and his class field trips are often featured in local newspapers.
Rousseau’s Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy: A New Introduction
Nelson Lund
Palgrave Macmillan

From the Publisher: This book reads Jean-Jacques Rousseau with a view toward deepening our understanding of many political issues alive today, including the place of women in society, the viability of traditional family structures, the role of religion and religious freedom in nations that are becoming ever more secular, and the proper conduct of American constitutional government. Rousseau has been among the most influential modern philosophers, and among the most misunderstood. The first great philosophic critic of the Enlightenment, he sought to revive political philosophy as it was practiced by Plato, and to make it useful in the modern world. His understanding of politics rests on deep and often prescient reflections about the nature of the human soul and the relationship between our animal origins and the achievements of civilization. This book demonstrates that the implications Rousseau drew from those reflections continue to deserve serious attention.
Nelson Lund is University Professor at George Mason University. He has published widely in political philosophy, jurisprudence, American constitutional law, civil rights, and bioethics.
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Citizenship In Question: Evidentiary Birthright and Statelessness
Benjamin N. Lawrance and Jacqueline Stevens, eds.
Duke University Press

From the Publisher: Citizenship is often assumed to be a clear-cut issue—either one has it or one does not. However, as the contributors to Citizenship in Question demonstrate, citizenship is not self-evident; it emerges from often obscure written records and is interpreted through ambiguous and dynamic laws. In case studies that analyze the legal barriers to citizenship rights in over 20 countries, the contributors explore how states use evidentiary requirements to create and police citizenship, often based on fictions of racial, ethnic, class, and religious differences. Whether examining the United States’ deportation of its own citizens, the selective use of DNA tests and secret results in Thailand, or laws that have stripped entire populations of citizenship, the contributors emphasize the political, psychological, and personal impact of citizenship policies. Citizenship in Question invites scholars to revisit long-standing political theories and debates about nationality, free movement, and immigration premised on the assumption of clear demarcations between citizens and noncitizens. This book is available open source here:
Benjamin N. Lawrance is Hon. Barber B. Conable Jr. Endowed Professor of International Studies and Professor of History and Anthropology at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Jacqueline Stevens is professor of political science and founding director of the Deportation Research Clinic in the Buffett Institute for Global Studies at Northwestern University.
Interpreting the Internet: Feminist and Queer Counterpublics in Latin America
Elisabeth Jay Friedman
University of California Press
Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition, Second Edition
Sherrie Baver, Angelo Falcón, and Gabriel Haslip-Viera, eds.
University of Notre Dame Press
Making Good Law or Good Policy? The Causes and Effects of State Supreme Court Judges’ Role Orientations
Raymond V. Carman, Jr.
The Political Economy of Trade Finance: Export Credit Agencies, the Paris Club, and the IMF
Pamela Blackmon
The Politics of Weapons Inspections: Assessing WMD Monitoring and Verification Regimes
Nathan E. Busch and Joseph F. Pilat
Stanford University Press
Transitions to Good Governance: Creating Virtuous Circles of Anticorruption
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Michael
Johnston, eds.
Edward Elger Publishing