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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 May 2010
page 278 note * The Act of 1 Mary, stat, 2, cap. 4, enacted that all official acts of Lady Jane Grey from the 6th July should be void, but that acts and deeds of any other person dated in her reign should be construed as made in Mary's reign (Stat. of Realm, vol. 4, part 2, 204 ; Sir Harris Nicholas's Chronology of History, 334). As to the state papers of her reign, see Mr. Gough Nichols' note Queens Jane and Mary, Camd. Soc. (1850), pp. 106–9.
page 278 note † Parliamentary return.
page 278 note ‡ Drake's, Eboracum (London, 1736), 390Google Scholar.
page 278 note § Yorkshire County Families, by Foster, , London, 1874Google Scholar.
page 278 note ‖ Lel, Col., vol. 4, p. 25.
page 279 note * Drake, p. 278.
page 279 note † History of England., vol. 5., p. 47.
page 279 note ‡ Not the Merchant Taylor but the Earl of Southampton.
page 279 note § Letters and Papers, Foreign awl Domestic, Henry VIII., 1535, ix. 88.
page 280 note * I am indebted to Dr. Sharp for this extract from Roll 244 (91, 92).
page 280 note † 5 Richard II. ch. 2.
page 280 note ‡ E. H. i. 38. These initials will be used for The Early History of the Merchant Taylors' Company, London, 1888, which is in the library of the SocietyGoogle Scholar.
page 281 note * E. II. i. 224, notes.
page 281 note † Ib. ii. 43–4.
page 281 note ‡ Ib. ii. 9.
page 281 note § Ib. ii. 32–3.
page 281 note ‖ Ib. ii. 95, A. C. ii. 14. These initials will bo used for the Acts of Council, in three vols., recently published in the Rolls Series. In the indexes to these three volumes, see “Yorke.”
page 281 note ¶ As to the lord mayor's right of nominating the first or king's sheriff, see E. H. i. 18, and index.
page 281 note * E. H. ii. 60.
page 282 note * Lord Dunstanville's edition, 282.
page 282 note † E. H. ii. 340.
page 282 note ‡ A. C. i. 551.
page 282 note § He was described as Treasurer of the Mint in 1546, aud it is not improbable that he had been connected with the Mint at York. Letter from York referring to him. Wharton to Wriothesley, 1st Bee, 1546. See State Papers, v 574.
page 282 note ‖ Stow, Survey (Thom. 1842), p. 84.
page 282 note ¶ A. C. ii. 7.
page 283 note * Holinshed. iii. 350, and Stow, 455–7.
page 283 note † Stow, p. 472.
page 283 note ‡ The Government of London, see E. H. i. 11–32.
page 283 note § Riley's Memorials, p. 603, and Fitzwilliam's case, E. H. ii. 45–8.
page 283 note ‖ E. H. ii. 102.
page 283 note ¶ Ib. ii. 122.
page 283 note ** Ib. i. 33–59.
page 283 note †† Ib. i. 42.
page 284 note * Grey Friars Chronicles, p. 87, and Venetian State Papers, 482.
page 284 note † By deed of 30th March, 1521, he had established a charity still administered by the Mercers' Company.
page 284 note ‡ Cal. State Papers (Spanish), 1888, p. 552.
page 284 note § Chapuys' despatch to the Emperor Charles V., 27th April, 1533 (Span, Cal., vol. 4, part 2, p. 646).
page 284 note ‖ Vol. 6, p. 270.
page 285 note * As to this and his election, see E. H. i. 18–19.
page 285 note † Ib. ii. 120–127.
page 285 note ‡ The gibbets were set up at each city gate and at different parts of the city and suburbs. Forty-eight were hung (three in chains) and seven quartered. The gibbets erected in February were taken down in June, when preparing for Philip's arrival.
page 285 note § E. H. ii. 30 and 114.
page 285 note ‖ As to this transaction compare the facts as given in E. H. i. 140–9, 240–3, and 267–73, and in London Livery Companies Report, i. 15 and 40.
page 285 note ¶ E. H. ii. 242–3.
page 286 note * Acts and Monuments, vol. 6, p. 284.
page 286 note † A. C. ii. 342. Tytler, Edward and Mary, i. 249. Cal. of Ven. Papers for date, 585.
page 287 note * A. C. i. 330.
page 287 note † Military Forces of the Crown, i. 359.
page 287 note ‡ See Hayward's Life of Edward VI., Kennett, ii. 305–7.
page 287 note § M.S. Records of the Corporation of London.
page 287 note ‖ A. C. i. 333.
page 287 note ¶ Ib. ii. 333.
page 287 note ** As to this visit to Windsor, see Annals of Windsor, by Tigho and Davis, 1858, London (large copy), p. 159. For Somerset's proceedings at Hampton Court see Law's Hampton Court, i. 248.
page 288 note * Vol. iii. 1014–8.
page 288 note † A. C. ii. 337.
page 288 note ‡ A. C. ii. 337–42.
page 288 note § In the Society's Collection of Proclamations.
page 288 note ‖ MS. Records.
page 288 note ¶ Stow, p. COO. There is a proclamation in tlie Society's collection dated Oct. 10th, offering 100 crowns for any one discovering the authors of seditious and false bills issued to the citizens.
page 289 note * E. H. i. 329, note and index.
page 289 note † MS. Records of Corporation of London.
page 289 note ‡ See an instance, E. H. i. 251–2.
page 289 note § List given, E. H. i. 108–10.
page 290 note * A. C. ii. 343–4.
page 290 note † The names in the P.C. orders are not the same as these.
page 290 note ‡ Stow, p. 600.
page 290 note § All Mercers.
page 290 note ‖ The sheriffs were a Fishmonger and a Merchant Taylor.
page 291 note * Wriothesley's Chronicle (Camden Soc.) ii. 28.
page 291 note † A. C. ii. 383.
page 291 note ‡ Wriothesley's Chronicle (Camdon Soc.) ii. 33.
page 291 note § A. C. i. 383.
page 291 note ‖ Hatfield Papers, vol. i. p. 81.
page 291 note ¶ Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, vi. 57.
page 291 note ** Ruding, ii. 88.
page 292 note * Lowndes, p. 45 (1695), London.
page 292 note † April 10, 1551.
page 292 note ‡ Ruding, i. 102.
page 292 note § Literary Remains of King Edward VI., p. 295.
page 292 note ‖ Archacolorgia, xviii, 147.
page 292 note ¶ Literary Remains of King Edward VI., p. 307.
page 292 note ** Ib. p. 491.
page 293 note * Hawkins's, Silver Coins, 261 (London, 1841)Google Scholar.
page 293 note † See 1 Edw. VI. c. 15, sec. 6 ; 7 Edw. VI. c. 14, sec. 6.
page 293 note ‡ Memorials (Ed. 1822), ii. part 2, 227.
page 293 note § Cal. Dom. State Papers, on date.
page 294 note * Godwin's Life of Queen Mary (Ed. Kennett), ii. 329.
page 294 note † I gather that ho was present, as his signature is placed on the letters patent signed by the lord mayor. His letter is printed in the original letters, 1557–58 p. 272–4, published by the Parker Society. See also E. H. ii. 107.
page 294 note ‡ Stow, p. 612.
page 294 note § E. H. i, 137.
page 294 note ‖ P. 175.
page 295 note * It must be remembered that in early times this feasting was mostly at the personal charge of the guildsmen.
page 295 note † Wriothesley's Chronicle, (Camden Soc.) ii. 91, 92,
page 295 note ‡ E. H. ii. 107–9.
page 296 note * Wriothesley's Chronicle, (Camden Soc.) ii. 92.
page 296 note † Lingard, vol. 5, p. 284, note.
page 296 note ‡ Queens Jane and Mary, p. 27.
page 296 note § Worthies, i. 203.
page 296 note ‖ He lies in the church of St. Andrew Undershaft, whore other Merchant Taylors, as John Stow and Sir John, tho ancestor of Earl Craven, are buried, and he has this epitaph within tho altar rails :
‘Intomed in this monument here rests a worthy wight,
President, Alderman, sometyme Maior Sr Thomas Ofloy, Knight,
In Stratford borne, whose liberalness yt towne doth seme to know,
Such were tho benefits one them yt there he did bestowe.
A father grave, a consull wise, good connsell for to give,
For eighty-twoe yeares in good faime he semed here to live.
This knight in mariage wth one wyfe fifty-two yeares outspent,
Dame Jone her name intomed here ; three sonnes ye Lord them sent,
Of which it pleased God above by death to call for two,
Henry doth live, his father's heyr, God grant him well to do.
Of Merchant Taylors he was free, the Staple's chefest staye
His dealing not for whome the poor continually do pray.
Sir T. Offley.
Dame Jone.
page 297 note * Holinshed, iii. 1089.
page 297 note † Calendar of State Papers. Venetian, vi. part 2, 1054.
page 297 note ‡ Machyn's Diary (Camden Soc), 48.
page 297 note § Macpherson's Annals of Commerce, ii. 114.
page 297 note ‖ Memorials, ii., part 2, 76 and 520.
page 299 note * I am indebted to Mr. F. M. Fry, of Lincoln's Inn. for the particulars of the will, which has no seal and appears to be a copy.