Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
A brief history of the measurement of diffusion of gases (excluding “effusion,” “transpiration,” and other processes from which data for the calculation of the diffusion coefficient may be obtained) is given.
A visual method of following the diffusion of a strongly coloured vapour (bromine) into colourless gases is described.
The diffusion coefficients calculated from the observed data are in good accordance with those obtained theoretically.
The authors desire to thank Miss Netta Macnaughton for valuable assistance in the experimental work.
page 337 note * Experiments and Observations on different Kinds of Air, 1777, iii, 301.
page 337 note † Phil. Mag., 1806, xxiv, 8.
page 337 note ‡ Mém. d'Arcueil, 1809, ii, 463.
page 337 note § Quart. Journal of Sci., 1817, iii, 354; 1819, vii, 106.
page 337 note ‖ Ibid., 1829, ii, 74; Phil. Mag., 1833, ii, 175, 269, 351; Brit. Assoc. Report, 1845, 28; Phil. Trans., 1846, iv, 573; 1849, ii, 349; 1863, 153, 385.
page 337 note ¶ Wien. Sitz., 1870, lxi, 367; lxii, 468.
page 338 note * Wien. Sitz., 1871, lxiii, 63; 1872, lxv, 323; 1873, lxviii, 385.
page 338 note † Ibid., 1870, lxii, 575.
page 338 note ‡ Ibid., 1870, lxii, 687.
page 338 note § Ann. d. Physik, 1884, xxiii, 203; 1885, xxvi, 105.
page 338 note ‖ Ibid., 1890, xli, 725.
page 338 note ¶ Ann. d. Physik, 1904, xiv, 801.
page 338 note ** Inaug. Diss. Halle, 1906.
page 338 note †† Ibid., 1907.
page 338 note ‡‡ Ann. d. Physik, 1909, xxix, 664.
page 338 note §§ Ann. Chim. Phys., 1826, (2), 32, 337.
page 342 note * Cf. Eucken, , Lehrbuch der chemischen Physik, p. 522.Google Scholar
page 342 note † Industrial and Engineering Chem., 1930, xxii, 1091.
page 342 note ‡ Dynamical Theory of Gases, 4th ed., chap. xiii.
page 343 note * Industrial and Engineering Chem., 1930, xxii, 1091.