Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
In the introduction it is pointed out that, although ciliary motion has been observed and noted in the mussel, independent locomotion communicated to the gill itself has not yet been studied, and it is pointed out that a sea-mussel when detached is capable of roaming about—can float and can sink.
note * page 193 Mncy. Brit., 9th ed., art. “Mollnsca.”
note † page 193 Animal Life, p. 186.
note ‡ page 193 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiv., 1844.Google Scholar
note * page 194 Art. “Cilia,” Todd and Bowman's Cydopmdia.
note * page 196 Bronn's Thierreichs, vol. iii. p. 415.
note * page 197 Zeitschr.f. Wiss. Zool., xliv., 1886.Google Scholar
note † page 197 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. viii., 1851.Google Scholar
note * page 198 Bronn's Theimichs, vol. iii. p. 4.