Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 October 2013
These implements and flakes were collected during the past two years from the ploughed fields of Beer Head and the immediate vicinity.
The white cliffs at Beer Head, S.E. Devon, are the last of the Chalk Cliffs to westward on the South Coast, but cretaceous beds appear inland further west at Haldon and Bovey Tracy.
The cliff section shows greensand at the base, and chalk, with a thin capping of “clay with flints and chert,” above.
The highest point of the Head is 475 ft. O.D. Early in last century gun-flints were made on this site. Occasional flakes from this factory are met with and are easily distinguished by their dull surface. The fields in which the implements were found are near the coastguard station, and from about 200 to 600 yards from the cliffs.