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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 April 2011
Radiative Transfer (RT) is considered to be one of the four Grand Challenges in Computational Astrophysics aside of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, N-Body Problems in Astrophysics, and Relativistic Astrophysics. The high dimensionality (7D instead of 4D for MHD) and the underlying integro-differential transport equation have forced coders to implement approximative RT methods in order to fit spectra and images or to treat RT in their HD and MHD codes.
The central role of RT in star formation (SF) is based on several facts: a) The dense dusty gas in SF regions alters the radiation substantially making SF one of the most complex applications of RT. b) Radiation transports energy within the object and is therefore an essential part of any dynamical SF model. c) RT calculations tell us which of the processes/structures are visible at what wavelength by which telescope/instrument. Hence, RT is the central tool to analyze simulation results or to explore the scientific capabilities of planned instruments. d) With inverse RT, we can obtain the 1D-3D density and temperature structure from observations, completely decoupled from any (M)HD modeling (and the approximations made within).
In this review, we summarize the main difficulties and the currently used computational techniques to calculate the RT in SF regions. Recent applications of 3D continuum RT in molecular clouds and disks around young massive stars are discussed to illustrate the capabilities and limits of current RT modeling.