Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Alarie, Alexandre
Drissen, Laurent
A multispectral analysis of the northeastern shell of IC 443.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 489,
Issue. 3,
Rousseau-Nepton, L
Martin, R P
Robert, C
Drissen, L
Amram, P
Prunet, S
Martin, T
Moumen, I
Adamo, A
Alarie, A
Barmby, P
Boselli, A
Bresolin, F
Bureau, M
Chemin, L
Fernandes, R C
Combes, F
Crowder, C
Della Bruna, L
Duarte Puertas, S
Egusa, F
Epinat, B
Ksoll, V F
Girard, M
Gómez Llanos, V
Gouliermis, D
Grasha, K
Higgs, C
Hlavacek-Larrondo, J
Ho, I-T
Iglesias-Páramo, J
Joncas, G
Kam, Z S
Karera, P
Kennicutt, R C
Klessen, R S
Lianou, S
Liu, L
Liu, Q
de Amorim, A Luiz
Lyman, J D
Martel, H
Mazzilli-Ciraulo, B
McLeod, A F
Melchior, A-L
Millan, I
Mollá, M
Momose, R
Morisset, C
Pan, H-A
Pati, A K
Pellerin, A
Pellegrini, E
Pérez, I
Petric, A
Plana, H
Rahner, D
Ruiz Lara, T
Sánchez-Menguiano, L
Spekkens, K
Stasińska, G
Takamiya, M
Vale Asari, N
Vílchez, J M
SIGNALS: I. Survey description.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 489,
Issue. 4,
Jiménez-Hernández, P
Arthur, S J
Toalá, J A
Dust in the Wolf–Rayet nebula M 1-67.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 497,
Issue. 4,