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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 1 Malloy, Treaties, etc. 590 (1910).
2 Claims conventions to which the United States has been party include conventions between the United States and Mexico, 1839, 1868 and 1923; Great Britain, 1853, 1871 and 1910; Venezuela, 1903; Panama, 1915, 1926 and 1932; Norway, 1921; and Germany, 1922.
3 32 Stat. 1779 (1901).
4 36 Stat. 2199 (1910).
5 5 U. S. Treaty Series, No. 665.
6 5 U.S. Treaty Series, No. 676, No. 678.
7 Article 45.
8 31 Stat. 877 (1901).
9 2 Malloy, Treaties, etc. 1692 (1910).
10 49 Stat. 149 (1935).
11 64 Stat. 12 (1950).
12 1954 Reorg. Plan No. 1, 19 Fed. Reg. 3985.
13 S. 1310, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. (1955).
14 Under pending Bill S. 1310, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. (1955), Sees. 217, 303 and 403, the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission would be directed to determine claims according to “applicable substantive law, including international law.”
15 Ralston, The Law and Procedure of International Tribunals, Sec. 61 (1926).
16 l Moore, International Arbitrations 321 (1898).
17 Decisions and Opinions 7-8.
18 Nielsen’s Report (1926) 203, 307, 313, 315, 321.
19 Norwegian Ship Arbitration (Norway v. U. S.), Scott, Hague Court Reports 39 (2d Ser., 1932); see also, Decision of the U. S.-Mexican General Claims Commission, George W. Cook (U. S. v. Mexico), Docket 663, Opinions of the Commissioners 318 (1927).
20 Dujay, Fannie P. (U. S. v. Mexico), Docket 267, Opinions of the Commissioners 180 (1929); Balston, op. cit. supra, note 15, sees. 141-161.Google Scholar
21 Hyde, International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied by the United States, sees. 281-285 (2d rev. ed., 1945).
22 E. F. W. Leichhardt (U. S. v. Mexico), 3 Moore, op. cit. supra, note 16, at 3133: The Brig Napier (Great Britain v. TJ. S.), ibid. 3154.
23 4 ibid. 3429 ff.; see also, Communication from Secretary Stimson to the Preparatory Committee of the Conference for Codification of International Law, May 22, 1929, 5 Hackworth, Digest of International Law 525 (1943).
24 5 U. S. Treaty Series, No. 678.
25 Hyde, op. cit. supra, note 21, sec. 275.
26 19 A. J. I. L. 612-630 (1925).
27 64 Stat. 12 (1950).
28 Secretary of State (Kellogg) to the American Agent (Anderson) before the American-Mexican Claims Commission (1923), June 18, 1925, 5 Hackworth, op. cit. supra, note 23, at 839.
29 46 Stat. 1005 (1930).
30 Mixed Claims Commission, U. S.-Germany, Rules of Procedure (as adopted Nov. 15, 1922, and amended.)
31 48 A.J.I.L. 296 (1954); see also Carlston, “International Arbitration Procedure,” 9 Arbitration Journal 83 (n.s. No. 2, 1954); Carlston, “Codification of International Arbitral Procedure,” 47 A.J.I.L. 203 (1953).
32 Shufeldt Claim (U. S. v. Guatemala), Dept. of State Arbitration Ser. 3 (1932) 851; Parker, William A. (U. S. v. Mexico) Docket 127, Opinions of the Commissioners 35 (1927).Google Scholar
33 Art. Ill, General Claims Convention, U. S.-Mexico (1923) (see also Rule VIII, Rules of Procedure as adopted Sept. 4, 1924).
34 Parker, William A. (U. S. v. Mexico), Docket 127, Opinions of the Commissioners 35 (1927).Google Scholar
35 3 Whiteman, Damages in International Law 2035, 2046 (1943).
36 29 Stat. 32 (1896).
37 Hearing before Committee on Claims on S. 3173, 76th Cong., 3d Sess. (1940).
38 56 Stat. 1058 (1942).
39 39 Art. VII (3), Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United States of America and Greece, signed at Athens, Aug. 3, 1951, T. I. A. S., No. 3057.