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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009
Most of the references given in these notes were provided by the author of the article on which this summary is based. Entries marked with an * have been verified and additional bibliographical data have been added where this seemed useful. The following abbreviations are used:
Trud. Inst. po Iz. Sev. = Trudy Institute po Izucheniyu Severa [Transactions of the Institute for the Study of the North] (Leningrad). Trud. Ark. Inst. = Trudy Arkticheskogo Instituta [Transactions of the Arctic Institute] (Leningrad). Prob. Ark. = Problemy Arktiki [Problems of the Arctic (Leningrad). Byull. Ark. Inst. = Byulleten Arkticheskogo Instituta [Bulletin of the Arctic Institute] (Leningrad).
1 Trud. Inst. po Iz. Sev., Tom 49, 1931, p. 4–98 [1929 expedition to Zemlya Frantsa-Iosifa]Google Scholar.*
1 Trud. Inst. po Is. Sev., Tom 50, 1931, by Berezkin, V. A.Google Scholar; Tom 45, 1929, p. 15–55, by V. Yu. Vize.*
3 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 1, 1933, p. 1–138, 151–73Google Scholar.*
4 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 6, 1933, p. 13–33Google Scholar.*
5 Called Materialy po prilivam arkticheskikh morey [Material on the tides of the arctic seas], and published as volumes of Trud. Ark. Inst. Seven volumes were published up to 1045; these include Tom 36, 52, 81, 119.*
6 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 175, 1941, by Kort, V. G.Google Scholar.
7 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 34, 1935, p. 7–30Google Scholar.*
8 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 42, 1936, p. 7–65Google Scholar.*
9 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 10, 1933, p. 39–87, 103–30Google Scholar.*
10 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 18, 1935, p. 5–84Google Scholar [north-west part of Kara Sea];* Tom 64, 1936, p. 43–170 [north part of Kara Sea];* Tom 83, 1937, p. 7–134 [Kara Sea].*
11 Arctica (Leningrad), Tom 5, 1937, p. 133–52Google Scholar.*
12 For instance, Maksimov, I. V.Atlas prilivo-otlivnykh i postoyannykh teeheniy v prolive Karskie Vorota [Atlas of tidal and constant currents in Proliv Karskie Vorota], Leningrad, 1937Google Scholar.*
13 Short accounts of. these expeditions are given in Byull. Ark. Inst., No. 10–11, 1936, p. 474–77 [1936 expedition]Google Scholar;* Prob. Ark., No. 1, 1938, p. 77–78 [1937 expedition]Google Scholar.*
14 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 183, 1944, by Timofeyev, V. T.Google Scholar.
15 Nauchnye reaul' taty robot ekspeditsii na “Chelyuskine”, Tom 1, Gidrografo-gidrologicheskie issledovaniya [Scientific results of the “Chelyuskin” expedition, Vol. 1, Hydrographic and hydrological investigations], 1938Google Scholar.
16 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 20, 1935, p. 47–52Google Scholar.* For other hydrological work done on this voyage, see p. 7–39, 58–55.*
17 Papers by Chirigin, N. M. and Berezkin, V. A. in Trudy pervoy vysokoshirotnoy ekspeditsii na “Sadko” v 1935 g. [Transactions of the first high latitude expedition in the “Sadko” in 1935]Google Scholar, Tom 1, No. 1, 1939.
18 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS (Moscow), Tom 19, No. 8, 1938, p. 569–80Google Scholar.*
19 Raboty ekspeditsii 1985 g. v severo-vostochnoy chasti Karskogo morya na l/p “Malygin” Gidrogrqficheskogo upravleniya Glavsevmorputi [Work of the 1935 expedition in the north-east part of the Kara Sea on the icebreaker “Malygin”, organised by the Hydrographic Administration of the Chief Administration of the Northern Sea Route], No. 2, 1938Google Scholar.
20 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 75, 1936, p. 1–46 [Pyasina, 1934–35]Google Scholar;* Tom 128, 1930, p. 5–26 [Pyasina, 1935–36];* Tom 105, 1038, p. 125–41 [Khatanga].*
21 Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 106, 1938, p. 1–53 [Anabar]Google Scholar;* Tom 105, 1938, p. 99–124 [Indigirka];* Tom 105, 1938, p. 183–241 [Kolyma].*
22 Prob. Ark., No. 1, 1938, p. 99–102 [Preliminary results]Google Scholar.*
23 Skachkov, B. I. Obshcheye sostoyanie izuchennosti rek arkticheskoy zony [General state of knowledge of rivers of the arctic zone]; Antonov, N. D., and Zaykov, B. D. O rechnom i teplovom stoke v arkticheskie morya [On warm river water running into arctic seas].
24 Prob. Ark. No. 1, 1943, p. 159–65 [Pyasina and lower Taymyr]Google Scholar;* Trud. Ark. Inst., Tom 105, 1938, p. 73–97 [Lena and Ebetem]Google Scholar;* Tom 106, 1938, p. 45–53 [Anabar].*
25 Berezkin, V. A.General'naya skhema techeniy v Severnom ledovitom okeane i sopredelnykh moryakh [General scheme of currents in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas], 1945Google Scholar. This information is also published in the new editions of the Soviet pilot books.