Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 January 2009
V. Alan White and Gertrud Walton have published responses to my note on Einstein's simultaneity Gedankenexperiment, in which I present a version of the argument free of the flaws to be found in that given by Einstein. White thinks I go too far, that no reformulation is necessary; Walton, that I don't go far enough, and that i the inconsistencies in Einstein's exposition are ‘irreconcilable’. I r shall try to explain why I think both are mistaken.
1 ‘Relativity and Simultaneity Redux’, Philosophy, 68, 1993, 401–4;Google Scholar see alsoWhite's ‘Cohen on Einstein's Simultaneity Gedankenexperiment’, Philosophy, 66, 1991, 245.Google Scholar
2 ‘Cohen on Einstein on Simultaneity’, Philosophy, 70, 1995, 114–8.Google Scholar
3 ‘Simultaneity and Einstein's Gedankenexperiment’, Philosophy, 64, 1989, 391–6; see also myGoogle Scholar‘Einstein on Simultaneity’, Philosophy, 67, 1992, 543–8.Google Scholar