The authors apologise for errors that appear in the molecular phylogenetic analyses of the ND1 locus. The ND1 sequences of Brachylaima mesostoma, NCBI Acc. Nos. KT074969 and KT074970, were accidentally replaced with incorrect ones, which resulted in a slightly longer branch of the species in Fig. 2B and related supplementary material Fig. S4, inclusion of incorrect sequences in Table S5, different maximum likelihood fits in Table S9, and incorrect estimates of interspecific variability between B. mesostoma and other tested Brachylaimidae in Table 3. Please find below the corrected materials. The conclusions of the study are not affected by this correction.
The interspecific variability between B. mesostoma and the other species, reported initially in Table 3, was as follows: L. paradoxum 1.350 ± 0.301, L. vogtianum 1.491 ± 0.327, L. subtilis 1.337 ± 0.287 base differences per site generated by averaging over all sequence pairs between groups (means ± S.E.). There was no intraspecific variability between the two analyzed B. mesostoma sequences.
We thank Miroslav Těšínský for expert technical assistance.