Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 October 2011
Begun in 2009, the Roman Peasant Project was designed to excavate the smallest sites found in field survey and to analyse the diet, economies, land use and landscapes of the Roman peasant. The Project's excavations at the site of Pievina are presented here, and suggest a more complex image of Roman peasant life in the late Republic and late antiquity than current assumptions would anticipate, including surplus production, a high degree of monetization and ties to urban markets.
Iniziato nel 2009, il ‘Roman Peasant Project’ ha lo scopo di scavare i più piccoli siti trovati in ricognizione e di analizzare la dieta, l'economia, l'uso del terreno e i paesaggi del contadino romano. In questa sede vengono presentati gli scavi del progetto sul sito di Pievina che suggeriscono un'immagine della vita del contadino romano tra il periodo tardo-repubblicano e quello tardo-antico più complessa di quanto le attuali interpretazioni abbiano anticipato, come il surplusproduttivo, un alto grado di monetarizzazione e legami con i mercati urbani.
Funding for this project was provided by Cornell University (Classics Department, Midas/Croesus Fund, Einaudi Center for International Studies and the Society for the Humanities). Emanuele Vaccaro's contribution was funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 236093. The team is grateful to Mr Stavros Tsoukas, to the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Toscana, to Stefano Campana (Director of LAP&T), to the anonymous readers at Papers of the British School at Rome, and to all the Cornell and Grosseto students who made the project possible.