Niacin is the term used to describe vitamers including nicotinamide (pyridine-3-carboxyamide; Fig. 1(a)), nicotinic acid (pyridine-3-carboxylic acid; Fig. 1(b)), and a variety of pyridine nucleotide structures, such as NAD (Fig. 1(c)) and NADP (Fig. 1(d))(Reference Kirkland, Rucker, Zempleni, Suttie and McCormick1). NAD is synthesised from nicotinic acid via the Preiss–Handler pathway(Reference Preiss and Handler2) or from nicotinamide via the Dietrich pathway(Reference Dietrich, Fuller, Yero and Martinez3). Niacin, through NAD, can also be formed from the essential amino acid tryptophan. When niacin is derived from tryptophan, approximately 1 mg of the vitamin is formed from 60 mg of the amino acid, although the efficiency of conversion is affected by factors such as tryptophan and niacin intake and the amino acid, carbohydrate, vitamin B6 and fat content of the diet(Reference Shibata, Mushiage, Kondo, Hayakawa and Tsuge4, Reference Shibata5). As NAD+, niacin is involved in a number of biochemical processes, including energy metabolism (redox reactions), protein modification by mono- and poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerases, and synthesis of intracellular Ca signalling molecules(Reference Kirkland, Rucker, Zempleni, Suttie and McCormick1).

Fig. 1 Chemical structures of niacin compounds: (a) nicotinamide; (b) nicotinic acid; (c) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+); (d) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+).
There is a long history of research concerning niacin status and brain function. Niacin deficiency in humans causes pellagra, which is characterised by sun-sensitivity and dementia. Neurological changes in pellagra patients begin peripherally, with signs such as muscle weakness, twitching and burning feelings in the extremities and altered gait(Reference Buniva and Carpenter6). Early psychological changes include depression and apprehension, but these progress to more severe changes, such as vertigo, loss of memory, deep depression, paranoia and delirium, hallucinations and violent behaviour(Reference Spies, Bean, Ashe and Carpenter7), similar to schizophrenia(Reference Hoffer8). While there are pathological changes in the spinal cord in advanced pellagra, there is a striking recovery of psychological function when insane pellagra patients are treated with nicotinic acid, with a disappearance of many symptoms in 1–2 d(Reference Spies, Bean, Ashe and Carpenter7). These observations suggest that a compound derived from niacin is involved in neural signalling pathways. The recent discovery that the intracellular Ca signalling molecule cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) is derived from NAD+ (Fig. 2)(Reference Lee, Walseth, Bratt, Hayes and Clapper9) suggests that cADPR might be the link between niacin status and behaviour. cADPR is involved in synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus(Reference Reyes-Harde, Potter, Galione and Stanton10, Reference Reyes-Harde, Empson, Potter, Galione and Stanton11), a region of the brain that regulates spatial learning(Reference Redish and Touretzky12). As NAD+ is derived from dietary niacin, cADPR levels might be expected to change with dietary niacin intake. The relationship between niacin, cADPR and hippocampal synaptic plasticity is the basis for the investigations described in the present review.

Fig. 2 Structure and origin of cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose.
Intracellular calcium
Modulation of intracellular Ca ion concentration is a universal mechanism by which extracellular signals are transduced into an intracellular response(Reference Berridge, Lipp and Bootman13). Ca levels inside the cell are controlled by both ion influx through channels in the plasma membrane and by release from intracellular stores, and Ca channels in plasma and organelle membranes open in response to extracellular signals in a spatial and temporally specific pattern to cause both local and global increases in intracellular ion concentration(Reference Carafoli, Santella, Branca and Brini14). Intracellular Ca stores in the cell include (1) the endoplasmic reticulum(Reference Meldolesi and Pozzan15), (2) the mitochondria(Reference Pozzan, Magalhaes and Rizzuto16–Reference Collins, Berridge, Lipp and Bootman18), (3) the nuclear envelope(Reference Malviya, Rogue and Vincendon19–Reference Gerasimenko, Gerasimenko, Tepikin and Petersen21), (4) the Golgi apparatus(Reference Pinton, Pozzan and Rizzuto22), (5) secretory granules(Reference Yoo23) and (6) endosomes(Reference Gerasimenko, Tepikin, Petersen and Gerasimenko24). There are two other intracellular Ca mobilising molecules in addition to cADPR: nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), which is formed from phosphorylated NAD(Reference Lee and Aarhus25), and d-myo-inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3)(Reference Streb, Irvine, Berridge and Schulz26). A summary of the characteristics of IP3, cADPR and NAADP is presented in Table 1(Reference Lee, Walseth, Bratt, Hayes and Clapper9, Reference Lee and Aarhus25, Reference Mikoshiba, Furuichi and Miyawaki27–Reference Aarhus, Graeff, Dickey, Walseth and Lee44). Multiplicity of Ca signalling pathways may serve several functions, including redundancy to ensure that Ca signalling occurs and variation in the spatial and temporal Ca response(Reference da Silva and Guse45). Other compounds such as lysophosphatidic acid(Reference Melendez and Allen46), sphingosine 1-phosphate(Reference Young and Nahorski47) and ADP-ribose(Reference Lee48) are also involved in intracellular Ca mobilisation, although these do not necessarily function as second messengers.
Table 1 Characteristics of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3), cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR) and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP)

ER, endoplasmic reticulum; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; IP3R, IP3 receptor; RyR, ryanodine receptor; NAADPR, NAADP receptor; CICR, Ca-induced Ca release.
Ca signalling plays a crucial role in regulating many neuronal processes. As reviewed by Berridge(Reference Berridge49), N- and P/Q-type voltage-activated channels are localised in synaptic terminals, where they regulate neurotransmitter release by generating a local Ca transient which activates synaptotagmin and triggers exocytosis. L-type voltage-activated channels are found on the cell body and proximal dendrites and regulate gene transcription. Synaptic plasticity is thought to be mediated by Ca entry through both voltage- and receptor-operated channels, and by release from IP3 receptors and ryanodine receptors (RyR). As will be discussed later, modulation of intracellular Ca is required for both long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD), cellular mechanisms which are thought to contribute to learning and memory(Reference Franks and Sejnowski50). Similar to neurons, astrocytes also regulate intracellular function through generation of Ca signals; as well, they control the function of neighbouring neurons through global Ca transients(Reference Scemes51).
Cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose
cADPR has been found to mobilise intracellular Ca in numerous cell types, including protozoa, and those of plants, animals and man(Reference Guse52). cADPR mobilises Ca ions via Ca-induced Ca release, whereby the Ca2+-releasing mechanism is sensitised by the addition of Ca2+(Reference Galione, Lee and Busa53). cADPR synthesis is stimulated by cGMP(Reference Galione, White, Willmott, Turner, Potter and Watson54). cADPR also activates extracellular Ca influx(Reference Guse, Berg, da Silva, Potter and Mayr55, Reference Partida-Sánchez, Cockayne and Monard56). The function of cADPR has been investigated in a wide range of cell types, and a summary of the intracellular effects of cADPR is presented in Table 2 (summarised in part from Guse(Reference Guse52)). Table 2(Reference Gerasimenko, Gerasimenko, Tepikin and Petersen21, Reference Partida-Sánchez, Cockayne and Monard56–Reference Yusufi, Cheng, Thompson, Dousa, Warner, Walker and Grande92) shows that cADPR administration brings about a variety of changes in neurons, including neurotransmitter release.
Table 2 Intracellular effects of cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose

SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; CICR, Ca-induced Ca release.
The principal target of cADPR is the RyR(Reference Galione, Lee and Busa53). cADPR might bind directly to the RyR, or an additional binding protein might be required. The binding protein FKPB 12·6 has been found to act as a cADPR-binding protein in several cell types, including pancreatic islets(Reference Noguchi, Takasawa, Nata, Tohgo, Kato, Ikehata, Yonekura and Okamoto84) and smooth muscle cells(Reference Tang, Chen, Zou, Campbell and Li66, Reference Li, Tang, Valdivia, Zou and Campbell64). Binding of cADPR to a target protein might cause release of the protein from the RyR, allowing opening of the RyR Ca channel(Reference Guse93). The Ca-binding protein calmodulin is involved in cADPR-mediated Ca release from the RyR(Reference Lee, Aarhus, Graeff, Gurnack and Walseth94), and tyrosine phosphorylation of the RyR increases cADPR-mediated Ca release(Reference Guse, Tsygankov, Weber and Mayr95). RyR, which are primarily found on the endoplasmic reticulum/sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER/SR) membrane, are not evenly distributed throughout the cell and distribution patterns vary across cell types(Reference Guse93). In addition to the ER/SR, RyR are also found in mitochondria(Reference Beutner, Sharma, Giovannucci, Yule and Sheu96) and in the nuclear envelope(Reference Khoo and Chang97, Reference Adebanjo, Anandatheerthavarada and Koval98). Of the three RyR isoforms, cADPR has been shown to bind to type II and III(Reference Galione, White, Willmott, Turner, Potter and Watson54, Reference Schwarzmann, Kunerth, Weber, Mayr and Guse99). An alternative mechanism has been proposed for cADPR whereby cADPR promotes refilling of depleted Ca stores rather than acting on RyR to induce Ca release(Reference Lukyanenko, Gyorke, Wiesner and Gyorke100). The precise target of cADPR and any associated binding proteins is still not well understood.
The synthesis of cADPR is catalysed by the ADP-ribosyl cyclase family of enzymes. These include: CD38, a type II ectoenzyme that is also expressed intracellularly(Reference Lee, Graeff and Walseth39); BST-1, also known as CD157, a bone marrow stromal cell-surface antigen(Reference Itoh, Ishihara, Tomizawa, Tanaka, Kobune, Ishikawa, Kaisho and Hirano101); a soluble cyclase characterised from the ovotestes of the Aplysia mollusk and of dogs(Reference Lee, Graeff and Walseth39); a membrane-bound cyclase from canine spleen(Reference Kim, Jacobson and Jacobson102); a membrane-bound cyclase from mouse brain(Reference Ceni, Pochon, Villaz, Muller-Steffner, Schuber, Baratier, De Waard, Ronjat and Moutin103). The ADP-ribosyl cyclase enzymes are multifunctional, catalysing three reactions: (1) cyclisation of NAD+ (ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity), (2) hydrolysis of cADPR to ADP-ribose (cADPR hydrolase activity) and (3) hydrolysis of NAD+ to ADP-ribose (NAD+ hydrolase activity)(Reference Lee, Graeff and Walseth39). ADP-ribosyl cyclase enzymes also catalyse the exchange of nicotinamide and nicotinic acid to form NAADP(Reference Lee, Graeff and Walseth39).
CD38 is the most highly investigated ADP-ribosyl cyclase enzyme, and for years it has generated discussion related to its ‘topological paradox’. This paradox questions how CD38, which has an active site facing the exterior of the cell, can regulate the synthesis of an intracellular signalling molecule(Reference De Flora, Guida, Franco and Zocchi104). BST-1 (CD157) shows a similar extracellular location(Reference Itoh, Ishihara, Tomizawa, Tanaka, Kobune, Ishikawa, Kaisho and Hirano101). As explanation, it has been demonstrated that cells possess connexin 43 hemichannels that allow passage of NAD+ from the inside to the outside of the cell(Reference Bruzzone, Guida, Zocchi, Franco and De Flora105). There is also bidirectional transport of cADPR through CD38 itself(Reference Franco, Guida, Bruzzone, Zocchi, Usai and De Flora106). Intracellular NAD+, which is found at micromolar concentrations (as compared with nanomolar concentrations extracellularly), can move down its concentration gradient through the connexon 43 channels to the ectocellular active site of CD38. CD38 can then catalyse the formation of cADPR, which passes through the central channel formed by the homodimeric structure of the protein(Reference De Flora, Zocchi, Guida, Franco and Bruzzone107). Alternatively, cADPR can pass into the cell through nucleoside transporters(Reference Guida, Bruzzone, Sturla, Franco, Zocchi and De Flora108). The process of nucleotide transport can occur via an autocrine mechanism, with the NAD+ and cADPR affecting the emitting cell, or a paracrine mechanism, with the nucleotides affecting cells in the vicinity of the emitting cell(Reference De Flora, Zocchi, Guida, Franco and Bruzzone107). For example, increasing extracellular cADPR increases proliferation in human haematopoietic cells(Reference Podestà, Zocchi and Pitto109) and in 3T3 fibroblasts(Reference Franco, Zocchi, Usai, Guida, Bruzzone, Costa and De Flora110). In the brain, astrocytes respond to extracellular cADPR by increasing intracellular Ca levels which in turn increase neurotransmitter release(Reference Verderio, Bruzzone, Zocchi, Fedele, Schenk, De Flora and Matteoli111), while in bovine tracheal smooth muscle cells, extracellular cADPR increases intracellular Ca and potentiates acetylcholine-induced contraction(Reference Franco, Bruzzone, Song, Guida, Zocchi, Walseth, Crimi, Usai, De Flora and Brusasco112). However, CD38 is also localised to intracellular membranes, including the nucleus and the endoplasmic reticulum(Reference Khoo and Chang97, Reference Adebanjo, Anandatheerthavarada and Koval98, Reference Sun, Adebanjo and Koval113–Reference Ceni, Pochon and Brun115), which suggests that this enzyme also has an intracellular site of action. And, as previously mentioned, other soluble and membrane-bound ADP-ribosyl cyclase enzymes have been identified, so there is evidence for both intracellular and extracellular cyclases, although much remains to be understood about their precise roles in cADPR synthesis. Both CD38-(Reference Ceni, Pochon and Brun115) and non-CD38(Reference Ceni, Muller-Steffner, Lund, Pochon, Schweitzer, De Waard, Schuber, Villaz and Moutin43, Reference Ceni, Pochon, Villaz, Muller-Steffner, Schuber, Baratier, De Waard, Ronjat and Moutin103)-dependent ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity has been found in the brain. Distribution of CD38 in both rat(Reference Yamada, Mizuguchi, Otsuka, Ikeda and Takahashi116) and human(Reference Mizuguchi, Otsuka, Sato, Ishii, Kon, Yamada, Nishina, Katada and Ikeda117) brain is widespread.
Cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose and hippocampal synaptic plasticity
LTP and LTD, which are long-lasting increases and decreases (respectively) in synaptic strength, are used experimentally to model learning and memory(Reference Malenka and Bear118). While there are various forms of LTD and LTP that differ in many respects, in all cases there is an increase in intracellular Ca levels. Induction of LTP requires a substantial rise in intracellular Ca, while a more moderate rise in intracellular Ca results in induction of LTD(Reference Franks and Sejnowski50). At least in N-methyl-d-aspartate acid receptor (NMDAR)-dependent forms, the signal cascade generated following LTP induction involves activation of Ca-dependent protein kinases such as Ca calmodulin kinase II(Reference Malinow, Schulman and Tsien119, Reference Silva, Wang, Paylor, Wehner, Stevens and Tonegawa120), while that generated following LTD induction involves activation of Ca-dependent phosphatases such as calcineurin(Reference Mulkey, Endo, Shenolikar and Malenka121, Reference Mulkey, Herron and Malenka122). With respect to Ca-release channels, RyR are particularly concentrated in the dendritic spines of the hippocampus, in contrast to IP3 receptors, which are concentrated in the dendritic shafts(Reference Sharp, McPherson, Dawson, Aoki, Campbell and Snyder41). The Ca in dendritic spines has been proposed as being especially important in synaptic plasticity(Reference Sabatini, Oertner and Svoboda123), so Ca released from RyR might be particularly essential for modulating hippocampal synaptic function.
There is considerable evidence that cADPR is required for a form of LTD in hippocampal neurons, although the exact mechanism by which cADPR exerts this effect is unclear. Both NMDAR-dependent and metabotropic-glutamate-receptor-dependent forms of LTD are found in the hippocampus of juvenile rats(Reference Nicoll, Oliet and Malenka124), and there is evidence for Ca release from ryanodine-sensitive stores in both. Early studies found that administration of dantrolene, a ryanodine channel blocker, blocked LTD and enhanced LTP in NMDAR-dependent hippocampal LTD(Reference O'Mara, Rowan and Anwyl125), while Ca influx through low-voltage-activated Ca channels and release of Ca from ryanodine-sensitive Ca stores was linked to a form of NMDAR-independent hippocampal LTD(Reference Wang, Rowan and Anwyl126). Later studies suggested that hippocampal LTD induction required release of Ca from both pre- and postsynaptic stores, with a ryanodine-sensitive channel as the presynaptic store and probably IP3 as the postsynaptic store(Reference Reyes and Stanton127). Further investigation of the presynaptic role of RyR in hippocampal LTD determined that NMDAR-dependent LTD is followed by postsynaptic synthesis of NO and presynaptic activation of guanylyl cyclase, which probably enhances cADPR formation and the release of Ca from ryanodine-sensitive stores(Reference Reyes-Harde, Potter, Galione and Stanton10, Reference Reyes-Harde, Empson, Potter, Galione and Stanton11). cADPR was finally shown experimentally to be associated with this presynaptic form of LTD in Reyes-Harde et al. (Reference Reyes-Harde, Empson, Potter, Galione and Stanton11). Presynaptic modulation of LTD involves changes in neurotransmitter release, either through reductions in quantal size or frequency of transmission(Reference Nicoll, Oliet and Malenka124). It was recently shown that the NO/LTD cascade at the frog neuromuscular junction involves activation of calmodulin and the Ca-sensitive enzyme calcineurin(Reference Etherington and Everett128). The authors proposed that in this pathway, there is a long-lasting depression of transmitter release due to sustained activity of the NO signalling pathway following calcineurin-mediated dephosphorylation of NOS, which results in sustained NO production(Reference Etherington and Everett128). As previously discussed, both NMDAR-dependent and metabotropic-glutamate-receptor-dependent forms of LTD could involve modulation of the presynaptic neuron by a retrograde messenger, so these results are consistent with known LTD characteristics.
As just mentioned, release of Ca from ryanodine-sensitive stores was associated with depotentiation of previously established LTP in the rat dentate gyrus(Reference O'Mara, Rowan and Anwyl125). RyR have also been associated with the induction of the late form of LTP in the hippocampus in a process requiring NO, cGMP and cGMP protein-dependent kinase(Reference Lu, Kandel and Hawkins129). As cADPR synthesis is stimulated by cGMP(Reference Galione, White, Willmott, Turner, Potter and Watson54), it may also be involved in this cascade. RyR have been further implicated in weak LTP, as induced by a small conditioning stimulus, but not in the LTP that follows a moderate or strong conditioning protocol(Reference Raymond and Redman130). However, the evidence linking cADPR with LTP is not as clear as for LTD. In the only direct investigation of cADPR and LTP, administration of the cADPR antagonist 8-Br-cADPR had no effect on LTP induction(Reference Reyes-Harde, Empson, Potter, Galione and Stanton11) using an NMDAR-induction protocol. However, there are different types of LTP and several induction protocols that can be used, so this result is not conclusive. Investigations of type III RyR knockout mice, which might provide indirect evidence of the role of cADPR in LTP, have yielded conflicting results. In one study, RyR III knockout mice were found to exhibit decreased LTP in the CA1 region of the hippocampus and a decrease in α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor response, although this did not appear to be due to changes in receptor density(Reference Shimuta, Yoshikawa, Fukaya, Watanabe, Takeshima and Manabe131). In a second study, RyR III knockout mice were found to exhibit facilitated LTP in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, with a corresponding impairment of LTD(Reference Futatsugi, Kato, Ogura, Li, Nagata, Kuwajima, Tanaka, Itohara and Mikoshiba132). And in a third study, RyR III knockout mice showed no change in CA1 LTP(Reference Balschun, Wolfer, Bertocchini, Barone, Conti, Zuschratter, Missiaen, Lipp, Frey and Sorrentino133). Each of these studies used different LTP induction protocols and experimental conditions, which shows that it is difficult to compare LTP results across studies when the same procedures are not used. Also, different strains of mice were used in these experiments, so there may have been differences between knockout models as well.
Due to the importance of the hippocampus in spatial learning(Reference Redish and Touretzky12, Reference Morris, Garrud, Rawlins and O'Keefe134), altered hippocampal synaptic plasticity might be expected to affect this ability. Although there are no studies which directly link cADPR with spatial learning ability, two studies of the RyR III knockout mouse also looked at performance of these animals in the Morris water maze (MWM), which was introduced in 1981 as a tool to investigate spatial learning and memory in neurobehavioural research(Reference Morris135). As with LTP, these studies report different effects of RyR III gene deletion on behaviour. In Futatsugi et al. (Reference Futatsugi, Kato, Ogura, Li, Nagata, Kuwajima, Tanaka, Itohara and Mikoshiba132), knockout mice showed improved spatial learning ability as evidenced by greater spatial accuracy in a probe trial, while in Balschun et al. (Reference Balschun, Wolfer, Bertocchini, Barone, Conti, Zuschratter, Missiaen, Lipp, Frey and Sorrentino133), loss of RyR III had a negative effect on spatial learning ability, with animals showing reduced flexibility in relearning a new platform location. Although these results are not consistent, the studies also found that hippocampal neurons had different electrophysiological properties. The effect of RyR and cADPR on spatial learning ability is not clear at this time, although it has been shown that spatial learning increases the expression of RyR type II in the rat hippocampus(Reference Zhao, Meiri, Xu, Cavallaro, Quattrone, Zhang and Alkon136).
Dietary niacin, brain cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose and spatial learning
We investigated the effect of dietary niacin on brain cADPR and MWM performance using three different models of niacin deficiency and one model of niacin supplementation(Reference Young, Jacobson and Kirkland137). In each, male weanling Long–Evans rats were used since performance of female rats in the water maze has also been show to vary across the oestrous cycle(Reference Warren and Juraska138) and tryptophan metabolism in females has been observed to change with hormonal variations(Reference Shibata and Kondo139). Long–Evans rats are the most commonly used rats in water maze experiments, and their ability to perform successfully has been well validated(Reference D'Hooge and De Deyn140). Although the use of weanling rats introduces some concerns about potential dietary effects on synaptogenesis and myelination, which are not complete until 60 d after birth(Reference Akiyama, Ichinose, Omori, Sakurai and Asou141), we have previously shown that young rats show a much greater sensitivity to niacin deficiency than older rats, possibly due to a reduced tryptophan → NAD+ conversion ability (JB Kirkland, unpublished results). The diets used in these experiments are modelled after AIN-93G (designed by the American Institute of Nutrition, formulated to meet gestation, lactation and growth requirements)(Reference Reeves, Nielsen and Fahey142), with 20 % casein replaced by 7 % casein and 6 % gelatin (Table 3). This represents a low level of protein, and tryptophan content is limiting in order to minimise tryptophan → NAD+ conversion. The micronutrient levels are as described for AIN-93G, with the exception of niacin content in deficient and high-dose diets. Nicotinamide was chosen as the supplemented form of niacin because the brain shows a preference for using nicotinamide in the synthesis of NAD+ over any other precursors, and there is an active mechanism for nicotinamide uptake into the brain, where it is distributed evenly(Reference Spector143). Pharmacological nicotinamide supplementation has been investigated as a treatment for type 1 diabetes in children, so the level of nicotinamide used was comparable with the human consumption of 1–3 g nicotinamide per d in the diabetes prevention trials(Reference Pozzilli, Browne and Kolb144).
Table 3 Composition of experimental diets (g/kg diet)

* Vitamin mix composition: sucrose, 97 543 mg/kg; vitamin B12, 1 mg/kg; vitamin E (dl-α-tocopheryl acetate), 20 000 mg/kg; biotin, 20 mg/kg; calcium pantothenate, 1600 mg/kg; folic acid, 200 mg/kg; vitamin K (phylloquinone), 50 mg/kg; pyridoxine HCl, 700 mg/kg; riboflavin, 600 mg/kg; thiamin HCl, 600 mg/kg; retinyl palmitate, 800 mg/kg; cholecalciferol, 2·5 mg/kg.
For all of our experiments, statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (version 12.0 for Windows; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The P value was set at ≤ 0·05. A trend was defined as a P value between 0·05 and 0·1. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–Wilk tests were used to evaluate normality. As the water maze data in each experiment showed an abnormal distribution on at least one experimental day, non-parametric tests were used to assess water maze performance. The Friedman test was performed to determine the within-subjects effect, and the Kruskal–Wallis test was performed to determine the between-subjects effect. The within-subjects factor was time (test day) and the between-subjects factor was diet. For probe trial analysis, one-way ANOVA were run comparing the number of platform crossings at each of the four possible platform locations. Two-tailed independent t tests were used to compare mean swim speeds and brain nucleotides. Data were not transformed before analysis.
In the first niacin-deficiency model, niacin-deficient rats were compared with pair-fed controls (n 8). Control rats were pair fed a diet containing 30 mg added nicotinic acid per kg diet throughout the duration of the experiment. This level is considered adequate to fully meet the needs of rats, and is found in AIN-93 formulations and most commercial rat chows. In the water maze, niacin-deficient rats showed superior spatial learning ability during acquisition on day 2 (P = 0·01), day 3 (P = 0·05), day 5 (P = 0·007) and day 6 (P = 0·001) out of 7 d of testing, and tended to do so on day 4 (P = 0·1) (Fig. 3(a)). There was also a trend (P = 0·09) for higher spatial accuracy in a probe test. Brain NAD+ was decreased by 42 % and brain cADPR by 36 % (Table 4). The pair-feeding model was used to control for differences in feed intake between niacin-deficient and control rats, since a deficiency of niacin, like most micronutrients, causes anorexia(Reference Kirkland, Rawling, Rucker, Zempleni, Suttie and McCormick145). In our experiments, niacin-deficient weanling rats usually consume between 5 and 8 g food per d over periods of up to 5 weeks(Reference Young, Jacobson and Kirkland137). In contrast, food intake of healthy rats should increase during the growth period, and normal levels can be more than twice that consumed during niacin deficiency(Reference Ahmed, Bedi, Warren and Kamel146). Both niacin-deficient and pair-fed rats are consequently significantly deprived of food, particularly in the later experimental weeks, and show a significantly reduced body weight when compared with normative rat growth charts.

Fig. 3 (a) Cumulative error of niacin-deficient (–●–) and pair-fed (–○–) rats in the water maze. Rats were tested in three daily trials across 6 d with an inter-trial interval of 2 h. The results of the three daily trials were averaged to give a mean value for each day of testing. Values are means (n 8), with their standard errors represented by vertical bars. * Mean value was significantly different from that of the pair-fed rats (P ≤ 0·05). (b) Cumulative error of niacin-deficient (–●–; n 9) and partially feed-restricted (–○–; n 8) rats in the water maze. Rats were tested in three daily trials across 6 d with an inter-trial interval of 2 h. The results of the three daily trials were averaged to give a mean value for each day of testing. Values are means, with their standard errors represented by vertical bars. * Mean value was significantly different from that of the partially feed-restricted rats (P ≤ 0·05). (c) Cumulative error of niacin-deficient (–●–) and niacin-recovered (–○–) rats during reversal training in the water maze. Rats were tested in three daily trials across 4 d with an inter-trial interval of 2 h. The reversal training followed an initial acquisition phase in the water maze and 4 d of niacin refeeding. The results of the three daily trials were averaged to give a mean value for each day of testing. Values are means (n 9), with their standard errors represented by vertical bars. * Mean value was significantly different from that of the niacin-recovered rats (P ≤ 0·05). (d) Cumulative error of niacin-supplemented (–●–; n 18) and control (–○–; n 15) rats in the water maze. Rats were tested in three daily trials across 6 d with an inter-trial interval of 2 h. The results of the three daily trials were averaged to give a mean value for each day of testing. Values are means, with their standard errors represented by vertical bars. * Mean value was significantly different from that of the control rats (P ≤ 0·05). (e) Proximity averages to the platform during hidden platform testing by Cd38− / − (–●–) and wild-type (–○–) mice across 7 d of testing. Mice were tested in three daily trials across 6 d with an inter-trial interval of 2 h. The results of the three daily trials were averaged to give a mean value for each day of testing. Values are means (n 10), with their standard errors represented by vertical bars. * Mean value was significantly different from that of the wild-type rats (P ≤ 0·05). Fig. 3(a–d) were originally published in Young et al. (2007)(Reference Young, Jacobson and Kirkland137). Fig. 3(e) was originally published in Young et al. (2008)(Reference Young, Choleris, Lund and Kirkland149).
Table 4 Brain NAD+ and cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR) in rats with differing niacin intakes and in Cd38−/− mice (nmol/g tissue) (Mean values with their standard errors)

* Mean value was significantly different from that of rats in the comparative group (P ≤ 0·05).
In the second niacin-deficiency model, niacin-deficient rats were compared with partially feed-restricted controls (nine niacin-deficient rats and eight partially feed-restricted rats). Control rats were pair fed for the first 16 d of the experiment, and then fed ad libitum for 4 d before and during the entire period of water maze testing. In the water maze, we observed that niacin-deficient rats again showed superior performance on day 3 and day 4 (P < 0·05) of 6 d of testing, and tended to do so on day 6 (P = 0·08) (Fig. 3(b)), although the spatial accuracy of the two groups was comparable in a probe test. Brain NAD+ and cADPR were not measured. The food intake and body weight of the two groups diverged greatly once the control group was placed on ad libitum feeding. The goal of this feeding strategy was to reduce hunger during the period of behavioural testing, while minimising the developmental differences that would result between niacin-deficient rats and rats fed ad libitum throughout the entire experiment.
In the third niacin-deficiency model, currently niacin-deficient rats were compared with niacin-recovered rats (n 9). All rats were maintained on a niacin-deficient diet during the first phase of water maze testing, and then half were recovered from the deficiency through niacin refeeding during the second phase of water maze testing. Nicotinamide was used since it is the preferred substrate for NAD+ in most tissues, including the brain(Reference Jacobson, Dame, Pyrek and Jacobson147) and should therefore allow for a more rapid replenishment of niacin metabolites. The 4 d period of niacin refeeding before the second phase of water maze testing was designed to mimic the period of nutritional rehabilitation typically required for resolution of the symptoms of pellagrous dementia(Reference Kirkland, Rawling, Rucker, Zempleni, Suttie and McCormick145). During the first phase of water maze testing, when all rats were niacin deficient, a retrospective analysis of performance revealed no significant differences between the two groups. However, during the second phase of water maze testing, when the recovered rats were being refed niacin, there was a significant effect of diet on day 4 (P = 0·01) and a trend on day 2 (P = 0·09) (Fig. 3(c)), with comparable spatial accuracy in the probe test. It is important to note that during the second phase of testing, rats were no longer naive and had already undergone extensive water maze training, so the sensitivity of the test to detect subtle differences in spatial learning ability would be reduced. Brain NAD+ was decreased by 43 % and brain cADPR by 25 % (Table 4). This approach sought to determine the flexibility of learning and brain cADPR to niacin refeeding.
In the niacin-supplementation model, niacin-supplemented rats were compared with control rats (eighteen supplemented rats and fifteen control rats). Niacin-supplemented rats were fed a diet containing 4 g added nicotinamide/kg diet. The amount of food eaten daily during this period by each rat was determined and was correlated to body weight, allowing for an estimation of the average amount of food eaten daily per g body weight. The amount was initially determined at 0·15 g food/g body weight, and this value was used to calculate the amount of food provided on each day of the experimental period. This level of food provision was used throughout the experiment, as the daily residual food suggested that it allowed ad libitum, or nearly ad libitum, feeding to all animals. In the water maze, supplemented rats showed inferior spatial learning ability on day 3 (P = 0·04) of 6 d of testing (Fig. 3(d)). Brain NAD+ was increased by 38 % and brain cADPR by 14 % (Table 4).
The consistency of the finding of improved spatial learning ability in each niacin-deficiency model is striking. This, combined with the opposite observation following nicotinamide supplementation, is supportive of an inverse relationship between spatial learning ability and dietary niacin intake in very young rats. Although the link between dietary niacin, spatial learning ability and cADPR is correlational, dietary niacin might affect brain function through cADPR modulation. Like niacin, brain cADPR shows an inverse relationship with spatial learning ability, and while cADPR levels are quickly restored to normal following niacin refeeding, the cognitive benefits associated with the deficiency rapidly disappear.
CD38, brain cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose and spatial learning
We also investigated the effect of CD38 gene deletion on brain cADPR(Reference Young, Choleris, Lund and Kirkland148) and MWM performance(Reference Young, Choleris, Lund and Kirkland149). The Cd38− / − mouse was originally generated to study the role of CD38 in humoral immunity, and has subsequently been used in investigations of airway smooth muscle function(Reference Deshpande, White, Guedes, Milla, Walseth, Lund and Kannan150), glucose tolerance(Reference Kato, Yamamoto, Fujimura, Noguchi, Takasawa and Okamoto151), osteogenesis(Reference Sun, Iqbal and Dolgilevich152) and innate immunity(Reference Partida-Sánchez, Cockayne and Monard56, Reference Partida-Sanchez, Randall and Lund153). While the original study of the Cd38− / − mouse reported comparable behaviour between knockout and wild-type animals(Reference Cockayne, Muchamuel, Grimaldi, Muller-Steffner, Randall, Lund, Murray, Schuber and Howard154), there have been no comprehensive investigations of specific behavioural functions in this transgenic model. Cd38− / − mice were generated by gene targeting(Reference Cockayne, Muchamuel, Grimaldi, Muller-Steffner, Randall, Lund, Murray, Schuber and Howard154) and were backcrossed for twelve generations to C57BL/6J(Reference Partida-Sánchez, Cockayne and Monard56). This practice complies with the recommendation of the Banbury Conference that targeted mutations be maintained in congenic lines(155), although it is nonetheless likely that the knockouts carry alleles for genes that flank the mutation locus(Reference Crusio156). Backcrossing for twelve generations would reduce the length of the chromosome segment from the background genotype to about 16 cM, which when considered in relation to the mouse genome, would contain approximately 300 genes(Reference Gerlai157). So, the Cd38− / − mouse would contain more than 99 % C57BL/6J genes. When inbred mouse strains are evaluated in the MWM, C57BL/6 mice are often characterised as being the strain of choice, and their ability to learn the task has been validated experimentally(Reference Crawley, Belknap and Collins158).
We observed that brain cADPR was increased (P < 0·001) in the Cd38− / − mouse as compared with wild-type controls (n 15)(Reference Young, Choleris, Lund and Kirkland148) (Table 4). This is in contrast to Partida-Sánchez et al. (Reference Partida-Sánchez, Cockayne and Monard56) and Ceni et al. (Reference Ceni, Pochon, Villaz, Muller-Steffner, Schuber, Baratier, De Waard, Ronjat and Moutin103), who previously measured levels of cADPR in these tissues and found them to be non-significantly decreased. While our levels of brain cADPR are comparable with other published reports, the degree of variability in each group is reduced, which we believe is due to modifications that we have made to the fluorimetric cycling assay for cADPR. These modifications are shown to increase the recovery of cADPR, improve the functionality of the assay, and reduce between-subject variability(Reference Young and Kirkland159). In fact, we observed a significant reduction of brain cADPR despite a difference of only 16% between wild-type and knockout mice, in contrast to the 20% non-significant reduction observed by Partida-Sanchez et al. (Reference Partida-Sánchez, Cockayne and Monard56) and the 18% non-significant reduction observed in Ceni et al. (Reference Ceni, Pochon, Villaz, Muller-Steffner, Schuber, Baratier, De Waard, Ronjat and Moutin103). We also observed that levels of NAD+ in the brain were increased by 160%(Reference Young, Choleris, Lund and Kirkland148) (P < 0·001) (Table 4). CD38 is a multifunctional enzyme that functions as both a cyclase and a hydrolase enzyme, forming ADP-ribose from hydrolysis of NAD+ or cADPR. Since the ratio of cyclase:hydrolase activity is low(Reference Schuber and Lund160), the loss of NAD+ hydrolase activity might explain an increase in NAD+ of this magnitude, and the differential activity of this enzyme would result in a much greater effect on NAD+ increase than on cADPR reduction, which is what we observed.
We also observed that like niacin-deficient rats, Cd38− / − mice show improved performance in the MWM as compared with wild-type controls (n 10). Cd38− / − mice had a significantly shorter latency to the hidden platform on day 5 (P = 0·05) of 7 d of testing, and there was a trend for a shorter latency on day 7 (P = 0·1). Analysis of the proximity average, which takes into account how close the animal comes to the platform(Reference Gallagher, Burwell and Burchinal161), confirmed that on day 5 Cd38− / − mice performed significantly better than wild-type mice (P = 0·001), while on day 7, there was a trend (P = 0·07) for better performance by the Cd38− / − mice (Fig. 3(e)). The mean proximity averages were lower for Cd38− / − mice from day 4 to day 7, demonstrating a consistent pattern for Cd38− / − mice to perform better than wild-type mice in the water maze on these days. In the probe trial, there was a trend (P = 0·07) for Cd38− / − mice to cross the target location more times than wild-type mice. Although the effect of CD38 gene deletion on water maze performance was less than seen in niacin deficiency, the results are nonetheless consistent with our previous observation of reduced brain cADPR and improved spatial learning ability in niacin-deficient rats. The magnitude of cADPR change was greater in the niacin-deficiency models than in Cd38− / − mice (25–35 v. 16 %), so when considered relative to this, these results suggest that although CD38 forms only a proportion of brain cADPR, its removal impacts on brain function by a similar mechanism as that of niacin deficiency. Unlike niacin-deficient rats, which have reduced brain NAD+(Reference Young, Jacobson and Kirkland137), the spatial learning effect in Cd38− / − mice is observed with increased brain NAD+.
This was a revealing observation, as it identified total cADPr, and/or CD38-catalytic activity (capable of cADPr or NAADP synthesis), as parameters that correlated with MWM performance across all models (niacin-deficient/control/pharmacological nicotinic acid diets in rats, Cd38− / − v. wild-type mice). Conversely, brain NAD+, and, by extension, the assumed activity of all other NAD+-dependent enzymes did not correlate with performance across all models.
The link between niacin and cADPR provides a fresh insight into the pathophysiology of pellagra, particularly with respect to pellagrous dementia, for which explanations based on redox reactions and energy metabolism did not adequately explain the aetiology of the clinical symptoms. Recovery of psychological function within days when insane pellagra patients are treated with niacin(Reference Spies, Bean, Ashe and Carpenter7) suggests that the dementia is caused by alterations in neural signalling pathways, rather than structural pathological changes. Altered Ca signalling due to changes in levels of cADPR could provide the missing link between the vitamin deficiency and the symptoms of the disease. Our findings of enhanced spatial learning in niacin-deficient rats and in Cd38− / − mice may be due to changes in the hippocampal synaptic plasticity, and there is some published evidence to support this hypothesis. In a knockout model, deletion of type III RyR improved spatial learning ability, impaired LTD, and facilitated LTP(Reference Takeshima, Ikemoto and Nishi162). Although cADPR was not directly implicated in this study, cADPR binds to RyR III(Reference Higashida, Hashii, Yokoyama, Hoshi, Chen, Egorova, Noda and Zhang163), so the effects of gene deletion may be due to reduced cADPR-induced Ca signalling, which would also be observed with niacin deficiency. However, in previous work, loss of RyR III had a negative effect on spatial learning ability, with animals showing reduced flexibility in relearning a new platform location(Reference Balschun, Wolfer, Bertocchini, Barone, Conti, Zuschratter, Missiaen, Lipp, Frey and Sorrentino133), so there are conflicting reports. Other studies have shown that animals which show facilitated LTD display impaired spatial learning(Reference Yang, Han, Cao, Li and Xu164, Reference Xiong, Yang, Cao, Wei, Liang, Yang and Xu165), so if LTD is indeed impaired by decreased cADPR, spatial learning might be expected to improve. Further studies are required to investigate precisely the effects of niacin and cADPR on hippocampal electrophysiology. We are currently exploring this avenue as well as investigating the effect of dietary niacin and water maze training on gene expression in the hippocampus.
Although the evidence linking cADPR, CD38 and spatial learning ability presented in the present review is correlational, consistency of the findings across several different models greatly strengthens this relationship. Further validation comes from the observation that changes in spatial learning ability vary proportionately with the degree of changes in brain cADPR concentration. Niacin-deficient rats show the greatest decrease in cADPR, and the greatest improvement in spatial learning ability, while Cd38− / − mice show a more modest decrease in cADPR, and a more modest improvement in spatial learning ability. Unlike in niacin-deficient rats, this occurred with an increase in brain NAD+, providing support for the causative role of cADPR in altered maze performance. In contrast, niacin-supplemented rats show a small increase in cADPR, and a small spatial learning impairment. These findings are supportive of an inverse relationship between spatial learning ability and dietary niacin intake in very young rats, although a direct link between cADPR and spatial learning ability is still missing. Clearly, brain cADPR and spatial learning ability are significantly affected by dietary niacin. Intake of this nutrient may therefore play a role in the molecular events regulating learning performance, and further investigations of niacin intake, CD38 and cADPR may help identify potential molecular targets for clinical intervention to enhance learning and prevent or reverse cognitive decline.
The present review was supported by funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant CA-43894. There are no conflicts of interest.
G. S. Y. was the primary author of the paper which was adapted from her PhD thesis. J B K. was G. S. Y.'s advisor.