Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 July 2015
One of the most significant developments in literary studies over the last twenty years has been the postcolonial discourse that emerged with Edward Said's groundbreaking Orientalism, which has been enormously beneficial in heightening awareness of a set of Western assumptions that had gone virtually unquestioned for centuries.
One of Said's role models, whom he mentions in both Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism and discusses at greatest length in his essay “Secular Criticism,” is Erich Auerbach, the Jewish-German scholar who wrote the literary history Mimesis during his exile in Istanbul. Auerbach's own explanation of his situation in exile occurs at the very end of Mimesis: “I may also mention that the book was written during the war and at Istanbul, where the libraries are not equipped for European studies …. On the other hand, it is quite possible that the book owes its existence to just this lack of a rich and specialized library” (Auerbach 1953, p. 557).