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The Effects of the Dissolution of Yugoslavia on the Minority Rights of Hungarian and Italian Minorities in the Post-Yugoslav States

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  20 November 2018

Matjaž Klemenčič
Department of History, Universities of Ljubljana and Maribor, [email protected]
Jernej Zupančič
Department of Geography, University of Ljubljana, [email protected]


Thousands of books have been written on Yugoslavia's dissolution and the wars that followed in the 1990s. Most of them, however, deal with relations among the main ethno-nations of Yugoslavia, i.e., Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Bosniaks (Muslims), Montenegrins, Macedonians and Albanians, and the effects on them of the dissolution and wars. Hungarians and Italians of Yugoslavia also suffered, and the wars affected their destiny; but these peoples have rarely been mentioned in the context of this history. It is the aim of this article to fill the gap.

Copyright © 2004 Association for the Study of Nationalities of Eastern Europe 

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