Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 February 2011
Epilayers of LPE Cdo.24Hgo.76Te grown on (111)B CdTe and Cdi-xZnxTe substrates have been examined by defect etching and triple axis x-ray diffraction. Defect etching of bevelled layers has shown the threading dislocation density to fall with increasing distance from the heterointerface, for distances <6μm. In thicker regions however a constant ‘background’ dislocation density is observed. Background dislocation densities of ∼ 3 x 105cm-2 and 9 x 104cm-2 have been measured for layers grown on CdTe and Cdo.96Zn0.04Te respectively, this is compared with a substrate dislocation density of ∼ 3 x 104cm-2 measured in both types of substrates. The increase in the dislocation density within the epilayers compared with the corresponding substrate is discussed. An explanation is also given for the displacement of the peak dislocation density, from the interface to within the layer, observed in the Cd0.76Hg0.24Te / Cd0.96Zn0.04Te system.