Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 March 2011
new Ti-5Ag and Ti-5Ag-35Sn (wt.%) alloys were designed and synthesized by threedimensionalprinting (3DP). The identification of an appropriate binder, densificationtechnique, and densification parameters for fabricating cranio-maxillo-facial prostheses wasundertaken using microscopic observations, x-ray diffraction tests, microhardness testing, linearshrinkage and wettability measurements. Moreover, electrochemical tests and surface analysiswere used to evaluate the corrosion resistance and passivation behavior of the materials ofinterest. Silver nitrate was found to be an appropriate inorganic reactive binder for atomizedtitanium powder. The optimal temperature for densification of as-printed parts using sinteringwas determined for Ti-Ag alloys. In addition, the type of infiltrant material and use ofhomogenization in liquid-Sn infiltration was explored for Ti-Ag-Sn alloys. While the Ti-Agalloy exhibited superior corrosion and mechanical behavior to the Ti-Ag-Sn alloy, the lattershowed better dimensional stability.