Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 February 2011
We have studied laser-CVD of W on GaAs by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Deposition of W is obtained by irradiating GaAs samples with a KrF excimer laser at normal incidence to the substrate, in a cell containing WF6 mixed with H2 and Ar. We have previously shown that WF6 and GaAs react at room temperature even without laser illumination. GaF3 formation and a loss of As were detected at the surface of the samples by XPS. At laser fluences of 50mJ/cm2, this reaction appears to be enhanced by laser heating of the substrate, but no metallic W is formed. At laser fluences of 67 mJ/cm2, metallic W begins to be deposited, through a pyrolytic dissociation reaction with the substrate.