Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 February 2011
Electromigration tests have been performed on single-crystal Al lines which were predamaged by rows of submicrometer-depth indentations made using a nanoindentation device. Indentations were placed close to each other so that their plastic deformation zones overlapped. During subsequent electromigration testing at 280°C and I to 2 MA/cm2, no damage was observed in non-indented single-crystal lines, while the indented lines showed electromigrationinduced voids at the cathode-side ends of the indented areas, and hillocks at the anode-side ends. The voids grew and moved away from the indentations towards the cathode. Fhe electromigration damage morphology of the indented lines indicates that the mechanical damage generates a local fast diffusion path in the single-crystal lines, which is believed to be due to dislocation core diffusion. A minimum indentation row length was observed, below which no void formed. This electromigration behavior is found to be phenomenologically similar to that of polygranular clusters in near-bamboo lines.