Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2011
Adequate techniques for the electrical characterization of SOI structures are reviewed and applied to reveal a coherent image of SIMOX material. Sheet resistance, low temperature Hall effect and photoconductivity measurements are analysed with respect to the processing conditions. Depth profiles are identified by spreading resistance, MOS-Hall devices and differential ellipsometry. After annealing at high temperature the activation of thermal donors, not new donors, is attenuated. The properties of front and buried interfaces are compared with each other and referred to implantation and annealing conditions. The measurements of the dynamic transconductance, charge pumping current and noise in MOSFET's are shown to provide easier and more relevant evaluation than conventional MOS capacitance techniques. The minority carrier generation is studied by separating the contributions of the volume, interfaces and sidewalk. Not only is the performance of transistors fabricated on SIMOX excellent, but additional gain is possible using the new concept of volume inversion.