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Instructions for authors

Please carefully read all instructions below before submitting a manuscript to MRS Energy & Sustainability. Manuscripts not prepared according to the journal’s specifications may be returned to the author and may experience significant delays in review and time to publication.

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically. Hard-copy submissions will not be accepted.

All contributions are reviewed by at least two referees to ensure both accuracy and relevance. The referees’ reports will provide a basis on whether the Editor accepts a paper. Revision may be required before final acceptance. Submitting authors should suggest the names and contact details (including e-mail address) of at least two, and up to four, potential referees for the paper.

Potential contributors should note and follow the guidelines set out below. 

Instructions - Manuscript Types

MRS Energy & Sustainability accepts four types of manuscript: Reviews, Original Research articles, Commentaries, and Perspectives.

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Instructions - Manuscript Submission Requirements

Follow the link below for detailed instructions for preparing a submitted manuscript.

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Instructions - Format

Information regarding style, references, tables, acknowledgments, rights and permissions, and proofs of articles for author corrections.

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Open Access (OA)

The MRS-Cambridge partnership employs a mission to work with the wider academic community to advance knowledge, education, learning and research. In line with this, MRS Energy & Sustainability will support both Green and Gold OA models.

MRS Energy & Sustainability is a hybrid subscription-based journal that offers authors the option of making their article OA from first instance of publishing. This Gold OA option offers authors a choice ensuring broad dissemination outside of the standard subscription model and allows authors to meet the requirements of their governments, institutions, funders or other parties.

Additionally, MRS Energy & Sustainability employs a Green OA policy that allows authors to deposit a copy of their accepted manuscripts in any non-commercial repository, immediately on acceptance. If they wish to deposit a copy of the published Version of Record, we ask that they respect a 12-month embargo from the date of first online publication.

MRS participates under Read-and-Publish (R&P) agreements made by Cambridge University Press. European authors (and U.S. authors from the University of California system) should check the current list of organizations to determine if their work should be published Open Access under such an agreement.


As a new journal, MRS Energy & Sustainability will actively pursue indexing in line with the standards set by the existing MRS publications, including MRS Bulletin, Journal of Materials Research, and MRS Communications. MRS Energy & Sustainability is currently indexed in the list below. Although in many instances, neither MRS nor Cambridge can control the rate or the timelines at which MRS Energy & Sustainability is accepted, our aim will be to have MRS Energy & Sustainability included in all relevant scientific indexes.

Emerging Sources Citation Index

For more information about MRS Energy & Sustainability, please contact [email protected]