Published online by Cambridge University Press: 07 January 2016
Due to the wide bandgap and other key materials properties of 4H-SiC, SiC MOSFETsoffer performance advantages over competing Si-based power devices. For example,SiC can more easily be used to fabricate MOSFETs with very high voltage ratings,and with lower switching losses. Silicon carbide power MOSFET development hasprogressed rapidly since the market release of Cree’s 1200V 4H-SiCpower MOSFET in 2011. This is due to continued advancements in SiC substratequality, epitaxial growth capabilities, and device processing. For example,high-quality epitaxial growth of thick, low-doped SiC has enabled thefabrication of SiC MOSFETs capable of blocking extremely high voltages (up to15kV); while dopant control for thin highly-doped epitaxial layers has helpedenable low on-resistance 900V SiC MOSFET production. Device design andprocessing improvements have resulted in lower MOSFET specific on-resistance foreach successive device generation. SiC MOSFETs have been shown to have a longdevice lifetime, based on the results of accelerated lifetime testing, such ashigh-temperature reverse-bias (HTRB) stress and time-dependent dielectricbreakdown (TDDB).