Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 November 2008
Although they still differ considerably in their willingness to acknowledge it, specialists in the history of north-western Europe in the eleventh and twelfth centuries CE are increasingly treating it as that of the emergence of a new civilization in what had previously been a peripheral region of the Mediterranean-based civilization of the classical west, rather than as a continuation or revival of that civilization itself. In this light Europe, or Latin Christendom as it saw itself, offers a number of striking resemblances to the developments which Lieberman discusses. The most dynamic regions of the new Europe—north-western France, Flanders and lowland England, north-eastern Spain, northern Italy, southern Italy and Sicily—were all peripheral, though in various senses, both to the long-defunct classical civilization and its direct successors, the Byzantine and Abbasid Empires, and to the transitional and much more loosely based ninth-and tenth-century empires of the Franks and Saxons (Ottonians). To this one might add that by the end of the twelfth century the remaining rimlands of the Eurasian continent in a purely geographical sense—Scandinavia, including Iceland, and still more the southern coast of the Baltic and the areas dominated by the rivers which drained into it—were developing very rapidly indeed.
2 Outstanding general accounts include Goff, Jacques le, Medieval Civilization (1964, Engl. trans., Oxford, 1988);Google ScholarBarber, Malcolm, The Two Cities: Medieval Europe, 1050–1320 (London, 1992);Google ScholarFossier, Robert, Enfance de l'Europe, Xe—XIIe siècles: aspects économiques et sociaux (2 vols, Paris, 1982);Google ScholarPoly, J.-P. and Bournazel, E., La mutation féodale (Paris, 1980,Google Scholartrans. The Feudal Transformation, New York, 1991), all with excellent bibliographical information.Google Scholar
3 Lieberman, this volume.
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19 See the famous essay of Duby, G., ‘Youth in Aristocratic Society: Northwestern France in the Twelfth Century’, The Chivalrous Society (above, n. 17), pp. 112–22.Google Scholar
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21 For a masterly account which gives full weight to these social dimensions, Southern, R. W., Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe (Oxford, 1994).Google Scholar
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24 For everything connected with the church in this period, Morris, Colin, The Papal Monarchy: The Western Church from 1050–1250 (Oxford, 1989).Google Scholar
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27 Moore, R. I., The Origins of European Dissent (London, 1977), pp. 243–62.Google Scholar
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