Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 July 2018
Yugawaralites from two localities in Japan consist of growth sectors with variable 2V values and extinction angles. The optical variations cannot be explained on chemical grounds because the mineral shows very little chemical variation but they can be explained on the basis of Al/Si ordering. The v{021} sectors (Pa setting) are composed of optically triclinic bands, and the k{110} sector consists of both triclinic bands and monoclinic homogeneous domains. An electrostatic charge of the Al/Si ordered structure is balanced along a two-dimensional atomic arrangement exposed on the side face of a growth step. If the Si tetrahedron is produced after the calcium ion, the Si ion will be replaced during growth by an Al ion due to the local effect of the calcium ions. When a side plane of growth steps of yugawaralite is not normal to the (010) glide plane, a symmetrical equivalence of two Si sites with respect to the Ca ion will be lost at the surface, and as a consequence ordering will occur and the symmetry of crystal will be reduced. The monoclinic, homogeneous sector might be produced on the very finely kinked surface. The space group of the triclinic sector will be P1, while that of the monoclinic sector will be Pc.