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Ed Grew at 80 – The Testimony of the Minerals
26 Sep 2024 to 31 Mar 2025
Ed Grew Photo

Throughout his remarkable career, Ed Grew has deciphered and shared the deep-time stories locked in rocks and minerals. In works of meticulous scholarship and deep insight, Ed has revealed the rich context and varied processes of mineral formation in Precambrian complexes in Greenland, the Aldan shield, southern India and Antarctica, as well as younger metamorphic suites in Tajikistan and western Europe. He is the world’s authority on the minerals of lithium, beryllium, and boron, including pioneering studies on their mineral  evolution and ecology. His work on the classification of minerals in the garnet and sapphirine supergroups are classic contributions. In short, Ed Grew’s influence on the mineralogical community has been lasting and profound.

This special issue in Mineralogical Magazine is in honour of Ed Grew’s long and distinguished career and welcomes a wide range of contributions that touch on the varied aspects of his research, including (but not limited to) complex pegmatites, the geology and mineralogy of Antarctica, metamorphic minerals, the minerals of rare elements, mineral evolution, and varied aspects of petrologic mineralogy.

Guest Editors:

Gerhard Franz, Robert Martin, Jesse Walters, Barbara Dutrow

Submissions are open now until February 2025, extended until end of March 2025. 

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