Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
Tyuyamunite from Tyuya-Muyun
was established as a mineral species by K. A. Nenadkevich in 1912. It is closely allied to carnotite, differing from this in containing calcium in place of potassium, and also, according to W. F. Hillebrand, in the degree of hydration. On this account the mineral has been also known as calciocarnotite.
Page 287 note 1 In his German MS., from which the abridged translation here given was prepared, the author writes Tüjamunit.
Page 287 note 2
Nenadkevich, K. A., Le ‘tíujamunile’, une n ouvelle espèce minérale. (Russ.) Bull. Acad. Sei. St.-Pérsbourg, 1912, ser. 6, vol. 6 (pt. 2), pp. 945–946
Google Scholar. Title from the wrapper of the journal. In German abstracts (Chem. Zentr., 1918, vol. i, p. 326 ; Neues Jahrb. Min., 1914, vol. ii, p. 211 ; Zeits. Kryst. Min, 1915, vol. 55, p. 180) of this paper the name is spelt Tjujamunit and Tjuiamunit. The original Russian term was Still other forms of the name that have appeared in the literature are Tuyamunite, Tyuyamuyunite, and
Page 287 note 3 Hillebrand, W. F., Carnotite and tyuyamunite and their ores in Colorado and Utah. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1924, aer. 5, vol. 8, pp. 201–216 CrossRefGoogle Scholar. [Min. Abstr., vol. 2, p. 404.]
Page 287 note 4 Antipov, I. A., Gornyi Zhurnal, St. Petersburg, 1908, year 84, vol. iv, pp. 255–268 Google Scholar ; abstract in Neues Jahrb. Min., 1909, vol. ii, Ref. p. 38.
Page 288 note 1 D. I. Shcherbakov (= Stzerbakoff, ), Deposits of radioactive ores and minerals of Fergana. (Russ.) ‘K.E.P.S.’ [Commission for the investigation of the natural productive forces of Russia], Leningrad, 1924, no. 47, 59 pp., 2 figs.
Page 289 note 1 Aleksandrov, S. P., The Tyuya-Muyun radium expedition in 1922. (Russ.) Gornyi Zhurnal) Moscow, 1922, year 98, no. 10-12, pp. 415–416 Google Scholar ; and other notes in the same journal in 1923 and 1924.
Page 290 note 1 A. E. Fersman and D. I. Shcherbakov (= Stzerbakoff), The deposits of the radium-ore in the Fergana district : the report of the scientific expedition of 1924. (Russ.) Scientific-technical Dept. of the Supreme Couacil of National :Economyy, Moscow, 1925, no. 74, 86 pp. 4 figs.
A. E. Fersman, The Tyuya-Muyun radium mine (expedition of 1924). (Russ.) ‘Priroda’ [Nature], Leningrad, 1924, col. 57-88, 8 figs.
Page 290 note 2 Vernadsky, V. I., A new nickel-bearing mineral, kolovratito. (Russ.) Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Russie, 1922, pp. 37–38.Google Scholar
D. I. Shcherbakov, 1924, loc. cit., pp. 46-52.
Aleksandrov, S. P., Radium industry in Russia. (Russ.) Gornyi Zhurnal, Moscow, 1924, year 100, no. 1, p. 17 Google Scholar.
Page 292 note 1 H. E. Merwin in W. F. Hillebrand, lee. cit. [Min. Abstr., vol. 2, p. 404.]
Page 292 note 2 S. F. Glinka in I. A. Antipov, loc. cit.
Page 292 note 3 Crook, T. and Blake, G. S., Min. Mag., 1910, vol. 15, p. 174 CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
Page 292 note 4 Larsen, E. S., Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, 1921, no. 679, p. 52 Google Scholar.
Page 292 note 5 Values for the refractive indices are given by E. S. Larseu (loc. cit., p. 148) and H. E. Mevwin (loc. cit.).
Page 293 note 1 Chernik, G. P., Analyses of the urano-vanadie ores from tlle Tyuya-Muyun deposit in Fergana. (Russ.) Bull Acad. Sci. Bussie, 1922, sor. 6, vol. 16, pp. 505–514 Google Scholar.
Page 294 note 1 See, for example, Church, A. H., Min. Mag., 1877, vol. 1, p. 234 CrossRefGoogle Scholar ; Hallimond, A. F., Min. Mag., 1916, vol. 17, p. 826 CrossRefGoogle Scholar ; 1920, vol. 19, p. 48.