Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Purchase, H. Graham
Future role of veterinarians in animal production.
Avian Pathology,
Vol. 22,
Issue. 2,
Waddington, Keir
The Science of Cows: Tuberculosis, Research and the State in the United Kingdom, 1890–1914.
History of Science,
Vol. 39,
Issue. 3,
Cassier, Maurice
Producing, Controlling, and Stabilizing Pasteur's Anthrax Vaccine: Creating a New Industry and a Health Market.
Science in Context,
Vol. 21,
Issue. 2,
Liebersohn, Harry
Klimke, Martin
Dakowska, Dorota
Kott, Sandrine
McDaniel, W. Caleb
Brooking, Tom
Jeeves, Alan
Hübinette, Tobias
De Iulio, Simona
Aydin, Cemil
Minter, William
Eckert, Andreas
Adam, Thomas
Grewell, J. Bishop
Dosal, Paul J.
Longhurst, James
Klimke, Martin
Goedde, Petra
Buchanan, Tom
Moya, Jose C.
Herren, Madeleine
Kete, Kathleen
Griffiths, Tom
Verhoeven, Timothy
Lake, Marilyn
Shain, Milton
Longoni, Ana
Scrivano, Paolo
Scrivano, Paolo
Plotkin, Mariano Ben
Meierhenrich, Jens
Smith, Ron P.
Conway-Lanz, Sahr
Abdallah, Monia
Aydin, Cemil
Michel, Alain P.
Oxford, Connie
Lemarchand, Yannick
Longoni, Ana
Liu, Tessie P.
Hoad, Neville
Weinstein, Deena
Furner, Jonathan
Saunier, Pierre-Yves
Chester, Charles C.
Kloppenburg, Jack R.
Carruthers, Jane
Gautier, Arlette
Padurano, Dominique
Shep, Sydney J.
Walker, Kyle
Mellor, C. Michael
Colic-Peisker, Val
Fickers, Andreas
Thussu, Daya
Liogier, Raphaël
Cantor, David
Ng, Wing Chung
Cliver, Robert
Morris, Jonathan
O’Bryan, Scott
Bernardin, Stève
Grafos, Harrison
Grew, Raymond
Susina, Jan
Marshall, Dominique
Duara, Prasenjit
Hsu, Madeline
Hsu, Elisabeth
Lefebvre, Solange
Albion, Alexis K.
Schmidt, Oliver
Ward, Stephen
Disco, Cornelis
Schot, Johan
Lahiri-Choudhury, Deep Kanta
Lahiri-Choudhury, Deep Kanta
Dronkers, Jaap
Rosenberg, Jonathan
Moomaw, William
Gienow-Hecht, Jessica C. E.
Videlier, Philippe
Priestland, David
Van Daele, Jasmien
Fumian, Carlo
Tarcus, Horacio
Longoni, Ana
Kwak, Nancy H.
Scott-Smith, Giles
Robin, Libby
Knight, Peter
Furlough, Ellen
Gerth, Karl
Kuecker, Glen David
Lai, Walton Look
Verley, Patrick
Fitzgerald, Robert
Guirimand, Nicolas
Park, So Yang
Sougy, Nadège
McDevitt, Patrick F.
Xenakis, Sappho
Emsley, Clive
Caldwell, Melissa L.
Charle, Christophe
Verdeil, Eric
Feiertag, Olivier
Verley, Patrick
Raffinot, Marc
Raffinot, Marc
Park, Soyang
Verges, Françoise
Chalcraft, John T.
Galor, Oded
Julier, Guy
Saul, Samir
Sackley, Nicole
Vergès, Françoise
Walaszek, Adam
Lien, Marianne Elisabeth
Iriye, Akira
Johnson, Robert David
Gerlach, David
Kimura, Masato
Harzig, Christiane
Ashmore, Sonia
Guy, Kolleen
Robins, Philip
Quirke, Viviane
Pitner, Claire B.
Kimura, Masato
Kimura, Masato
Montecinos, Verónica
Pierard, Richard
Lagendijk, Vincent
van der Vleuten, Erik
Mazumdar, Sucheta
Mitter, Rana
Diogo, Maria Paula
Cioc, Mark
Chester, Charles C.
Phillips, Howard
Tonkin, Humphrey
Matysik, Tracie
Zhou, Xun
Fait, Stefano
Georgakakis, Didier
Mangenot, Michel
Rowell, Jay
Ludlow, Piers
Kaiser, Wolfram
Mayrargue, Cédric
Colic-Peisker, Val
Aneesh, A.
Loyer, Emmanuelle
Rosendorf, Neal
Buettner, Elizabeth
Gabaccia, Donna
Sluga, Glenda
Ashmore, Sania
Pilcher, Jeffrey M.
Liogier, Raphaël
Péteri, György
Barlow, Tani
Brizuela, Natalia
Matthews, Jill
Hautcoeur, Pierre-Cyrille
Feiertag, Olivier
Feiertag, Olivier
Hautcoeur, Pierre-Cyrille
Hautcoeur, Pierre-Cyrille
Reid, Chris
Friedmann, Harriet
Douthit, Ana M.
Kastner, Justin J.
Nutsch, Abbey L.
Manning, Patrick
Langston, Nancy
Harland-Jacobs, Jessica L.
Altamirano, Carlos
Kibaroglu, Aysegül
Kibaroglu, Aysegul
Maynard, John
Murphy, Michelle
Rainelli, Michel
Schurman, Rachel
Levene, Mark
DeDonder, Sarah E.
Kastner, Justin J.
Nutsch, Abbey L.
Janssens, Ruud
Saunier, Pierre-Yves
Grewe, Bernd-Stefan
Janssens, Ruud
Payre, Renaud
Boardman, Margaret C.
Anderson, Erik D.
Hahamovitch, Cindy
Johnson, Robert David
Ostrower, Gary B.
Amrith, Sunil
Krotsch, Pedro
Robin, Ron
Tyrrell, Ian
Brizuela, Natalia
Fritzsche, Peter
Cassis, Youssef
Gayol, Sandra
Hoerder, Dirk
Buchanan, Tom
Bender, Thomas
Salter, Mark B.
Bannister, Kelly
Solomon, Maui
Sissons, Jeffrey
Verley, Patrick
Thussu, Daya
Thussu, Daya
Dossani, Rafiq
Higgins, Winton
Hallström, Kristina Tamm
Zimmermann, Eduardo
Löhr, Isabella
Siegrist, Hannes
DuBois, Ellen Carol
Wong, Laura Elizabeth
Kassim, Hussein
Houvenaghel, Guy
Lucassen, Leo
Zeiler, Thomas W.
Saunier, Pierre-Yves
Benthall, Jonathan
Mom, Gijs
Wagner, Anne Catherine
Liu, Lisong
DuBois, Ellen Carol
Park, Soyang
Strangelove, Michael
Strangelove, Michael
Saul, Samir
Berger, Françoise
Pinto, Paulo G.
Aydin, Cemil
Benthall, Jonathan
Sorba, Carlotta
Conrad, Sebastian
Von Eschen, Penny
Goedde, Petra
Jones, Dorothy V.
Baston, Laird M.
Wollons, Roberta
Raina, Dhruv
Pinto, Paulo G.
Schneider, Dorothee
Huberman, Michael
Tonkin, Humphrey
Dawley, Evan N.
Halpérin, Jean-Louis
Clavin, Patricia
Shinohara, Hatsue
Shinohara, Hatsue
Khater, Akram F.
Anders, Gerhard
Redner, Miklos
Halpérin, Jean-Louis
Goto-Jones, Christopher
Gorringe, Timothy
Shep, Sydney J.
Abir-Am, Pnina Geraldine
Wilfert-Portal, Blaise
Wilfert-Portal, Blaise
Raffinot, Marc
Teo, Hsu-Ming
Campbell, Robert M.
Djelic, Marie-Laure
Mitter, Rana
Sachsenmaier, Dominic
Raj, Kapil
De Iulia, Simona
Sinke, Suzanne
Johnson, Robert David
Djelic, Marie-Laure
Parshall, Karen Hunger
Goedde, Petra
Ashworth, William J.
Benthall, Jonathan
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy
Rosendorf, Neal
Albion, Alexis K.
Pels, Peter
Galperin, Karina
Mitter, Rana
U, Eddy
Guyer, Jane I.
Anker, Peder
de Oleaga, Marisa González
de Oleaga, Marisa González
Monge, Fernando
Sibille, Christiane
Lafi, Nora
Maier, Charles S.
O’Bryan, Scott
Carruthers, Jane
Bankoff, Greg
Fritzsche, Peter
Urban, Scott
Liogier, Raphaël
Mazlish, Bruce
Thussu, Daya
Khazanov, Anatoly M.
Schmidt, Oliver
Davies, Thomas Richard
Manela, Erez
Gaiduk, Ilya V.
Adjarian, M. M.
Castro-Santos, Luiz A.
Dorsey, Kurk
Merrill, Karen
Steyn, Phia
Wamsley, Kevin
Rainelli, Michel
Rosenberg, Jonathan
Cohen, Yves
O’Brien, David
Saunier, Pierre-Yves
Anker, Peder
Benthall, Jonathan
Nehring, Holger
Nehring, Holger
Hotta, Eri
Chester, Lucy
Mgbeoji, Ikechi
Cohrs, Patrick
Manela, Erez
Fontaine, Laurence
von Eschen, Penny
Hough, Peter
Schurman, Rachel
Berghahn, Volker R.
Berghahn, Volker R.
Adam, Thomas
Tonkin, Humphrey
Deflem, Mathieu
Connelly, Matthew
Schroeder-Gudehus, Brigitte
Berger, Françoise
Duarte, Luiz Fernando Dias
Rodgers, Daniel T.
Mollier, Jean-Yves
Shavit, Yaacov
Ballantyne, Tony
Fickers, Andreas
Anastasiadou, Irene
Divall, Colin
Cohen, G. Daniel
Frey, Barbara A.
Hotta, Eri
Young, Elliott
Benthall, Jonathan
Petrella, Ivan
Oh, Irene
Pinto, Paulo G.
Castañeda-Tinoco, Ernesto
Manela, Erez
Shevory, Thomas
Shevory, Thomas
Galperin, Karina
Harp, Stephen L.
Goodman, David
van der Oye, David Schimmelpenninck
Manuel, Peter
Vogel, Jakob
Fitzgerald, Robert
Cartwright, Keith
Marshall, Dominique
Kroll, Gary
Brenni, Paolo
Nickles, David Paull
Ruozzi, Federico
Kloppenburg, Jack R.
Janssens, Ruud
Petit, Pascal
Cáceres, Carlos F.
Luibhéid, Eithne
Pinto, Paulo G.
Nasr, Joe
Murray, Joseph J.
Federico, Giovanni
Emmer, Pieter
Manela, Erez
Guilhot, Nicolas
Heilbron, Johan
Jeanpierre, Laurent
Cliver, Robert
Geyer, Michael
Guoqi, Xu
Gottlieb, Gabriele
Zanoni, Elizabeth
Nickles, David Paull
Miller, Michael B.
Conca, Ken
Longoni, Ana
Dovers, Stephen
Cassis, Youssef
Nehring, Holger
Kimura, Masato
Higgins, Winton
Hallström, Kristina Tamm
Seely, Bruce E.
Britton, John A.
DuBois, Ellen Carol
Yasutake, Rumi
Reeder, Linda
Hahn, Peter L.
Rivoli, Pietra
Balme, Christopher
Oakes, Tim
Heiss, Hans
Wilson, Ara
Michel, Alain P.
Eck, Jean-François
Eck, Jean-François
Rivoli, Pietra
Sougy, Nadège
McShane, Clay
Sorà, Gustavo
Saunier, Pierre-Yves
Appert, Manuel
Montès, Christian
Greene, Julie
Eckert, Andreas
Sachsenmaier, Dominic
Saunier, Pierre-Yves
Ostrower, Gary B.
Ostrower, Gary B.
Maurel, Chloé
DuBois, Ellen Carol
Campbell, Robert M.
Lake, Marilyn
Ewen, Shane
Keelan, Jennifer
Miller, Edward G.
Cartwright, Keith
Weisbrode, Kenneth
Cavell, Richard
Jones, Dorothy V.
Urban, Scott
Patel, Kiran Klaus
Lahiri-Choudhury, Deep Kanta
Lake, Marilyn
Johnson, Val Marie
Mitman, Gregg
Pilcher, Jeffrey M.
DuBois, Ellen Carol
DuBois, Ellen Carol
Bonner, Philip
Hyslop, Jonathan
van der Walt, Lucien
Zeiler, Thomas W.
Carruthers, Jane
Johnson, Robert David
O’Brien, David
Mitchell, Tony
Iriye, Akira
Strauss, Sarah
Siegfried, Detlef
Wong, Aida Yuen
Sargent, Daniel
Makovsky, Michael
The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History.
Woods, Abigail
‘Partnership’ in Action: Contagious Abortion and the Governance of Livestock Disease in Britain, 1885–1921.
Vol. 47,
Issue. 2,
Smart, Alan
Smart, Josephine
(Im)mobilizing Technology: Slow Science, Food Safety, and Borders.
Vol. 18,
Issue. 6,
Woods, Abigail
A historical synopsis of farm animal disease and public policy in twentieth century Britain.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,
Vol. 366,
Issue. 1573,
Enticott, Gareth
Donaldson, Andrew
Lowe, Philip
Power, Megan
Proctor, Amy
Wilkinson, Katy
The changing role of veterinary expertise in the food chain.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,
Vol. 366,
Issue. 1573,
Atalić, B.
Emanuel Edward Klein’s role in the establishment of food preservation standards.
Public Health,
Vol. 125,
Issue. 7,
Woods, A.
The Lowe report and its echoes from history.
Veterinary Record,
Vol. 169,
Issue. 17,
Stark, J. F.
Bacteriology in the Service of Sanitation: The Factory Environment and the Regulation of Industrial Anthrax in Late-Victorian Britain.
Social History of Medicine,
Vol. 25,
Issue. 2,
The Economics of Reproduction: Horse-breeding in early colonial India, 1790–1840.
Modern Asian Studies,
Vol. 46,
Issue. 5,
‘Saving the lives of our dogs’: the development of canine distemper vaccine in interwar Britain.
The British Journal for the History of Science,
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Issue. 2,
Woods, Abigail
Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine.
Capua, Ilaria
Cattoli, Giovanni
One Health (r)Evolution: Learning from the Past to Build a New Future.
Vol. 10,
Issue. 12,
Veterinary Epidemiology.
Berdah, Delphine
Serum therapy against FMD and the development of the French veterinary profession in the 1930s.
Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies,
Vol. 102,
Issue. 2,
Riley, Sophie
The Commodification of Farm Animals.
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Vidal, Roberto M.
Velasco, Juliana
Carreño, Leandro J.
Torres, Juan P.
Benachi O., Manuel A.
Tovar-Rosero, Yenifer-Yadira
Oñate, Angel A.
O'Ryan, Miguel
Two centuries of vaccination: historical and conceptual approach and future perspectives.
Frontiers in Public Health,
Vol. 11,
Issue. ,